1. Funny though, AT had such feature. Now, AT developers are here and yet pvp is almost as buggy as it was.

  2. come on what about some update? :( and the questions about the dungs... :( and i wanna know if when u say all the quest will work... some will auto complete? or when u say 99% it means 99% without auto complete?

  3. I'm genuinely excited by the news and eagerly await the release of this realm. However coin interactions on the realm shouldn't work at all - if people are impatient and wish to donate for gear deathwing will be the place for that. RDF feature not working? Good. Make people have to run to instances like the good ol' days. No legendary weapons available to be bought using coins? does this mean that those items would be attainable via legitimate methods?
    Also, will progressive releases - does that mean the continents or expansion based?, as Exodar shares maps with Quel'danas, Silvermoon, Ghostlands and Outland. Will that affect those zones or character creation as those factions? Which also bring up another point I hope there will be vigilant staff presence on the Server to prevent people who use a certain program of ill-repute to just fly from exodar to outland and quest there before its full release.

    Now I've contributed my two bits - If, at release anyone is looking to Party up for quests or dungeons I'll be Rolling a Shaman Named Nefandus.
    (unless someone steals my name - then get prepared for spam)

    Having read back through the previous Posts after writing this - I find it extremely irritating at people's impatience, sceptecism and general demeanor about this. If it works as Expected Warmane will have done something quite substantial in the realm of Private servers and Within the Trinity Core. My only satisfaction is that when the server is released all these impatient people and people who clearly have no experience of retail back in the day, will be whittled out quickly during the levelling progression.

    Anyone that fully understands the level of work Warmane is putting into the server and the Core (those who do, i dont have spell it out) know the limitations of the Trinity Core and considering Warmane are fixing things that were labelled 'Impossible for the Core to EVER emulate' Well. F**king done Warmane. I tip my hat off to you. I remember pushing gunship to the Git repo and the countless problems that arose and fixes/counterfixes and then RE-fixes i had to do.

    So, to all who don't appreciate the extent of work going into this server - and people who'll whine as say 'this doesn't work' or 'that doesnt work' Spare a moment to the poor suckers who's performing something that will revolutionise this server. Obviously there will be bugs/ and fixes that will have to be made due to them. WOTLK Retail players will remember that upon release it was fraught with bugs - that were succinctly fixed.

    So to end my Edit: Keep up the Good work Warmane. There are those out there who understand and appreciate the work being done.
    Edited: July 18, 2015 Reason: Reading through previous posts - didn't want to double post so added to my original post.

  4. I'm genuinely excited by the news and eagerly await the release of this realm. However coin interactions on the realm shouldn't work at all - if people are impatient and wish to donate for gear deathwing will be the place for that. RDF feature not working? Good. Make people have to run to instances like the good ol' days. No legendary weapons available to be bought using coins? does this mean that those items would be attainable via legitimate methods?
    Also, will progressive releases - does that mean the continents or expansion based?, as Exodar shares maps with Quel'danas, Silvermoon, Ghostlands and Outland. Will that affect those zones or character creation as those factions? Which also bring up another point I hope there will be vigilant staff presence on the Server to prevent people who use a certain program of ill-repute to just fly from exodar to outland and quest there before its full release.

    Now I've contributed my two bits - If, at release anyone is looking to Party up for quests or dungeons I'll be Rolling a Shaman Named Nefandus.
    (unless someone steals my name - then get prepared for spam)
    u forgot mention ur race, i wanna find some group to do dungs there, but i still dont know where i will go- probably human rogue but idk... ppl dont love him in pve :(

  5. u forgot mention ur race, i wanna find some group to do dungs there, but i still dont know where i will go- probably human rogue but idk... ppl dont love him in pve :(
    Alliance Shaman's can only be one race :D
    I'll be a Draenei Shaman Named Nefandus (and Will update my previous post to reflect this)
    and shoot - ive been posting on my alt account - DAGGARN IT!

  6. If you wish to release the content progessively (3.0->3.1->3.2->3.3) , then please don't forget to disadd the badges from the not yet released patches and npcs like the GNOME in Dalaran which trades you crafting goods. Otherwise Naxxramas would not be a challenge and very lame.

    Epic gems should not be available in wotlk release, too.

  7. After the 300 Second cooldown this Post will cause I shall be creating a thread for people who are willing to group - Maybe even guild.
    Please refer any interest there - keep this thead on topic :D Roll on Lordaeron!

  8. come on what about some update? :( and the questions about the dungs... :( and i wanna know if when u say all the quest will work... some will auto complete? or when u say 99% it means 99% without auto complete?
    99% means 99% which have relatively good scripts, That number is not actually related to the Loremaster progress of the zone, but how many of the quests in total work and are obtainable. If a quest is broken it is marked down and testing is continued as if it worked previously. Obviously, skipping quests is only done once there are no more quests which can be done without it
    Will all these quest, dungeon, and raid fixes be coming to all of the Lich King Realms?
    Yes, and not just the Wotlk realms, the current Lordaeron core is made for easy porting between expansions
    Please update the info in the first post, it hasn't been updated for more that a week now and i am login here every day hoping to see how the work progresses
    The first one perhaps not, but info is posted here in the comments too, sometimes the question is answered by other players or has been answered previously too
    Does this mean you guys will actually properly script the Pit of Saron? .
    Well yes, things will have to be re-scripted if it is going to be as close to retail as possible. The current revision of PoS which is on Lordaeron is already quite different from what was on DW and Rag, some corrections do need to be made
    8 days since the last update, why does this not surprise me.
    3 since i posted a short update, and the realm has been updated yesterday with some new fixes to the core

    As for the current focus of development
    - Core issues which affect vehicles and pets
    - Classes
    - Wotlk Instance data gathering and testing, mostly recording and sniffing stuff from retail and scripting it here. Ulduar and Naxx are currently being scripted

    The current focus in zone testing are the fixes on already reported issues in Northrend and how the core changes affected those. After that the focus will be on Outland and all of its zones

  9. 99% means 99% which have relatively good scripts, That number is not actually related to the Loremaster progress of the zone, but how many of the quests in total work and are obtainable. If a quest is broken it is marked down and testing is continued as if it worked previously. Obviously, skipping quests is only done once there are no more quests which can be done without it

    Yes, and not just the Wotlk realms, the current Lordaeron core is made for easy porting between expansions

    The first one perhaps not, but info is posted here in the comments too, sometimes the question is answered by other players or has been answered previously too

    Well yes, things will have to be re-scripted if it is going to be as close to retail as possible. The current revision of PoS which is on Lordaeron is already quite different from what was on DW and Rag, some corrections do need to be made

    3 since i posted a short update, and the realm has been updated yesterday with some new fixes to the core

    As for the current focus of development
    - Core issues which affect vehicles and pets
    - Classes
    - Wotlk Instance data gathering and testing, mostly recording and sniffing stuff from retail and scripting it here. Ulduar and Naxx are currently being scripted

    The current focus in zone testing are the fixes on already reported issues in Northrend and how the core changes affected those. After that the focus will be on Outland and all of its zones
    it's nice to know all of that, just a quick question, I am testing right now all I can the quests in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. I've found so far several issues with stealthing in some mobs, other mobs have missing spells/abilities and some bugged quests. Is there any chance to fix all that if I report all the issues I've found?

  10. it's nice to know all of that, just a quick question, I am testing right now all I can the quests in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. I've found so far several issues with stealthing in some mobs, other mobs have missing spells/abilities and some bugged quests. Is there any chance to fix all that if I report all the issues I've found?
    Yes, we will be re-visiting all zones anyway, having a heads up is always welcome

  11. Will you also fix the world events like Hallow's End, Pilgrim's Bounty etc. so that all the mounts and achievements (http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=2144 ) will be obtainable?
    It would be so awesome...

  12. Will you also fix the world events like Hallow's End, Pilgrim's Bounty etc. so that all the mounts and achievements (http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=2144 ) will be obtainable?
    It would be so awesome...
    After all normal lvling-quests are done im quite sure they will make it so that u can get the full achievements from events as well. "worlds most complete" kinda said it :D

  13. I would like to see the "Water Effect - Particle Graghics" added in Lordaeron from Cataclysm please!

  14. I would like to see the "Water Effect - Particle Graghics" added in Lordaeron from Cataclysm please!
    Thats client side, not server side, graphics have nothing to do with server. Maybe the game client can be modified to use the textures from cataclysm client like was done with characters models, but i doubt it.

  15. Thats client side, not server side, graphics have nothing to do with server. Maybe the game client can be modified to use the textures from cataclysm client like was done with characters models, but i doubt it.
    I was wondering this myself.

    Does anyone have any idea if this is even possible?

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