1. i've asked to Finsternis and he said i coudl merge the creaturedisplayinfo and creaturemodeldata to a new mpq and add it after his patch......i think i need to learn how to merge .dbc files now =D

  2. ok, em, found this post about models.
    now question
    how different models provided here are from models here? http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=333456&page=2

  3. I dunno, never tried that models.
    I can only say the models in this thread are costantly updated by Finsternis and Finsternis models became also official warmane new models. I suggest to you to download and use models in this thread

  4. ok, i still get errors time to time. and not only in dalaran , but outside farming etc

  5. With? Patches or warmane's client?

  6. Can i get new druid form models(creature models) without mount models?

  7. Hey AlbertsR133, my crashing problem was solved by decreasing the "View Distance" (in video effects settings) a little. Have you tried this?

  8. have done it so many times and it never helped ;)

  9. Hello,
    I do not know if this has been reported > Sometimes the human head clips through helmets ( Mostly visable on Imperial plate helm and other helmets that use the same model) Is there a fix for this? Should i use the files from this forum?

    I use the Warmane wotlk client with updated models.


  10. have done it so many times and it never helped ;)
    How much ram do you have on your pc?
    It's advised to use the tool on <3gb

  11. How much ram do you have on your pc?
    It's advised to use the tool on <3gb
    12gb :D mby its too much? :D

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