1. I was wondering this myself.

    Does anyone have any idea if this is even possible?
    Most likely, but that would come waaaay later. Would be nice tho :)

  2. I would like to see the "Water Effect - Particle Graghics" added in Lordaeron from Cataclysm please!
    And i would like to see the graphics from Crysis 3 added to the game combined with the GTA V physics engine... ehm guys please be more serious with your suggestions here warmane are not creating a new game they are making an already created game to work as it was designed

  3. And i would like to see the graphics from Crysis 3 added to the game combined with the GTA V physics engine... ehm guys please be more serious with your suggestions here warmane are not creating a new game they are making an already created game to work as it was designed
    UPDATE: We're working on Blood Elf and Draenei models, 2 known client crashes, new water visuals. Updated client will be available as we progress.
    new water visuals.

  4. Ok ok they are going to change graphics apparently, so its my bad but i hope this doesn't delay the server launch too much

  5. Its been a while since i left warmane (some time before molten had that huge crash and became warmane) and im kinda excited to this new lordareon progressive realm.

    Now, one thing that i believe the dev should care more is about performance. I dont know if this "water visuals" helps to increase the FPS, so if it does thats great, but they should really be more concerned about broken quests, classes, items, dungeon and so. I've got to admit the new models did helps and thats why im back, but lets make first the realm really more blizz like, after that we can care more with "little details" (plz dont think im saying this is nonsense. maybe it makes a huge increase of performance, i dont know).

    anyway, im playing and so far its great. i hope that lordareon becomes an awsome realm :)

  6. Its been a while since i left warmane (some time before molten had that huge crash and became warmane) and im kinda excited to this new lordareon progressive realm.

    Now, one thing that i believe the dev should care more is about performance. I dont know if this "water visuals" helps to increase the FPS, so if it does thats great, but they should really be more concerned about broken quests, classes, items, dungeon and so. I've got to admit the new models did helps and thats why im back, but lets make first the realm really more blizz like, after that we can care more with "little details" (plz dont think im saying this is nonsense. maybe it makes a huge increase of performance, i dont know).

    anyway, im playing and so far its great. i hope that lordareon becomes an awsome realm :)
    Actually its the other way around, it wont increase performance, it will reduce it. And yes, graphics shouldnt be main focus, and having even a short time delay on launch just because the "better looking client" is not ready is bad. very bad, more you wait, the more ppl lose intrest.
    I only hope that the low lever dungeon / northrend wont be exactly how they are now in current state, the current scripts are horrible, not even close on how blitz was, i hope they will REALLY script them this time, the proper way.
    And a suggestion, the
    - Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor release at launch
    - Outland release 1 month after launch
    - Northrend release 2 months after launch
    - Death Knight release 2 months after launch
    should really be confirmed, its an excelent ideea, even more, i think they should extend the period for each expansion by 1-2 extra months, i cant see ppl fully enjoy/conquer outland in 1 month, or the level 60 raids. Yes, it may sound like a bummer not have WotLK content for the first 6-9 months, but look on the bright side, you get to relive the incredible experience of the old days, and new players that never had the chance, will get it.

    Edit: .. or they could make 2 extra servers, one vanilla, other burning crusade, there still hope :D.
    Edited: July 19, 2015

  7. i think some people are a little confused here... the Blood Elf and Draenei models and the water particle stuff, etc are only being fixed for those who downloaded WoD mods for wotlk, people with normal wotlk cllient will stay with same graphics/models. (sorry for bad english huehuehue)

  8. i think some people are a little confused here... the Blood Elf and Draenei models and the water particle stuff, etc are only being fixed for those who downloaded WoD mods for wotlk, people with normal wotlk cllient will stay with same graphics/models. (sorry for bad english huehuehue)
    im not sure about that... when i entered the test server, the graphics (as well as faces hair and facial hair) are from wod or pandaria... not sure about that, the attacking pose too (played just till lvl 3 but it looks different than what i remember from wotlk times)

  9. im not sure about that... when i entered the test server, the graphics (as well as faces hair and facial hair) are from wod or pandaria... not sure about that, the attacking pose too (played just till lvl 3 but it looks different than what i remember from wotlk times)
    You must have downloaded the new client, not the old client (there are 2 different client downloads that warmane offers).

    One of them is the old WOTLK client.
    The other is the WOTLK client with updated models. However, the only difference is 1 file. This file can be downloaded and put in your old WOTLK client and it magically becomes the new WOTLK client... SO really, there isn't a new client, it's just 1 file.

    It's called Patch-J or something like that (I forget what patch version the file is on) but that is the file gives you the new models and animations.

    So in a nutshell, refer to what PedroBelim said.

    Quick Edit: Probably don't need to say this, but it's also client side graphics so you can stay with the old WOTLK graphics and I can use the new updated ones.

  10. So far ive understood that this WotLK expansion with the new models is different from the old one. My question is: will it increase the graphic performance or decrease it? im playing it with the new models and the same notebook and so far (lv 13) i believe its somewhat better. Can anyone answer me with that?

  11. So far ive understood that this WotLK expansion with the new models is different from the old one. My question is: will it increase the graphic performance or decrease it? im playing it with the new models and the same notebook and so far (lv 13) i believe its somewhat better. Can anyone answer me with that?
    It will decrease, it's made for people who don't have any fps problems to enjoy a better view, if you have low fps in any part of the game it's better to stay with the old look

  12. Thanks for answering. In that case, ill be downloading the original one.

  13. Actually its the other way around, it wont increase performance, it will reduce it. And yes, graphics shouldnt be main focus, and having even a short time delay on launch just because the "better looking client" is not ready is bad. very bad, more you wait, the more ppl lose intrest.
    I only hope that the low lever dungeon / northrend wont be exactly how they are now in current state, the current scripts are horrible, not even close on how blitz was, i hope they will REALLY script them this time, the proper way.
    And a suggestion, the
    should really be confirmed, its an excelent ideea, even more, i think they should extend the period for each expansion by 1-2 extra months, i cant see ppl fully enjoy/conquer outland in 1 month, or the level 60 raids. Yes, it may sound like a bummer not have WotLK content for the first 6-9 months, but look on the bright side, you get to relive the incredible experience of the old days, and new players that never had the chance, will get it.

    Edit: .. or they could make 2 extra servers, one vanilla, other burning crusade, there still hope :D.
    Its all great, but in terms of vanilla content, we cannot live the experience to kill Onyxia and doing the old Naxxramas, because that both raids took a revamp (I think is the correct term) on wotlk :/

  14. Its all great, but in terms of vanilla content, we cannot live the experience to kill Onyxia and doing the old Naxxramas, because that both raids took a revamp (I think is the correct term) on wotlk :/
    I can live with that, and so can most ppl. But we would have MC, AQ and BWL to play with for a while at lvl 60.

    I just hope they will prolong the release of TBC and WotLK longer than 1 month each. 3-4 months would be perfect so that the casual players has a shot at getting their main to max lvl. It will take time for those that are used to x5 or x10-realms to even figure out that they have to go to several zones within their lvl-range instead of skipping half the content of the game xD

  15. I can live with that, and so can most ppl. But we would have MC, AQ and BWL to play with for a while at lvl 60.

    I just hope they will prolong the release of TBC and WotLK longer than 1 month each. 3-4 months would be perfect so that the casual players has a shot at getting their main to max lvl. It will take time for those that are used to x5 or x10-realms to even figure out that they have to go to several zones within their lvl-range instead of skipping half the content of the game xD
    Yes, that's true, I would like to prelong even further, like the first year would be only vanilla and TBC then Wotlk in the next year (6 months for each expansion). But it would be great if they at least could downgrade the level of the onyxia lair and give a portal to naxxramas in the eastern plaguelands, increasing the max number to 40 in that raids and decreasing by some numbers the damage of the trash and the bosses of that same raids xD but I know that is alot of work and it won't happen, probably.

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