1. Is there any information about the quest fixes? (There are about 10+ quests in the bug tracker) Testing Outland quests and some quest chains are bugged.
    They are working on WotLK content atm, there are updates in this thread. Look at all the pages and u find them.

  2. They are working on WotLK content atm, there are updates in this thread. Look at all the pages and u find them.
    im not a programer but... isnt fixing from end to beginning is the best action? coz when u fix something up, other things getting bugged. or its that they prefer bugs at wotlk than at the starting point

  3. Nah, thats not matter, every zone have an associated script on the core; that script contains functions, the quests that are more complicated, are scripted and associtated to the function through the database.
    So you can split up the work, and start where you want. (In my opinion)

  4. I would love the smourne questline to work, sure its a VERY GOOD weapon, but also the quest line itself is pretty damn rewarding, after all the hard work to finally get it...

    Oh well, we'll see I suppose.

  5. I have a short question. Since RDF will be disabled, will PVP battlegrounds also require you to march to specific area?

  6. Hello,
    Im new to this Warmane and havent played wow for years now. I really like the idea of Lordaeron but I also do hope that I missunderstood one point...
    Dont know how to Quote but the First Pose does say " BUY ITEAMS BUY COINS". Does this mean that I can spent some Euros to skip like half of the game to fully Equip my character? I have also read the point "Have lower item level equiped first" but even than i could buy iteam level 256 for money and than 277 for money?
    Sorry for my bad english.

  7. Hello,
    Im new to this Warmane and havent played wow for years now. I really like the idea of Lordaeron but I also do hope that I missunderstood one point...
    Dont know how to Quote but the First Pose does say " BUY ITEAMS BUY COINS". Does this mean that I can spent some Euros to skip like half of the game to fully Equip my character? I have also read the point "Have lower item level equiped first" but even than i could buy iteam level 256 for money and than 277 for money?
    Sorry for my bad english.
    Nope...u have to buy the item 245 for example solace normal, and after u can buy the item 258 for example solace hero.
    for buy an item 277 u will have to buy the item 264 before.

  8. But at all I can buy Iteams for money? Sorry but this is a joke of a realm not a hardcore realm :D
    Or did I got you wrong?
    Edited: July 21, 2015

  9. But at all I can buy Iteams for money? Sorry but this is a joke of a realm not a hardcore realm :D
    Or did I got you wrong?
    well this is **** but what did u expect ... they need somehow gain some money ... u wont donate for nothing right ?? i hate the idea as much as much as u and thinking how it will make some ppl lead makes me sad to probably no be able to be realm first but its a private server and we cant really complain, deal with it or dont play (hardcore more than others servers - yes. but not really hardcore as the word hardcore) im from the shadowmourne times, and believe me - as long as u cant buy shadowmourne, it can be much better than what it was in the past (imagine bg full of shadowmourners like it was easy to get)

  10. Just restarted the realm with some updates to the vehicle system. While this update will make porting things easier it may also break some quests.
    There were other updates regarding several bosses in Ulduar (XT-002 Deconstructor, Kologarn) + some of the reported issues in Northrend got resolved
    Edited: July 21, 2015

  11. When u think to warmane u cant think like others private amateur server. U have to think to it like a mini-company that got a balance at the end of the month...with ppl that have been paid, servers that have been paid ecc. ecc....Every server have to mantein itself via donations, and they know that a simple tabard or mount or pet is enough for mantein a server.

  12. Well you could sell Mounts,Pets,cool looking **** or even Jobs to 450. All of this would be fine imo but selling gear for money??? Sorry but its just to easy and makes it so much less competetiv .Destroyed the Idea which nearly made me come back to wow after so many years.
    Nice Idea guys but this should be easy financeable by selling differnt things. Most of the biggest Games in the world are financed by their community buying irrelevant things and not buying anything giving you a lead in the competetiv situation.
    I think most of you will say i complain at things i shouldnt complain and a cant really express myself in english like I should do it here to point out what I mean.
    All in all this is like the coolest thing in private wow wotlk server "history" I read myself, maybe caus im not that much into it but its just a very cool idea and you guys already do have enough players in your community to make it a living wow server but the point of buying high gear for money instead of having to farm it and than be able to raid everything imidiatly is ****ed up.
    Well at all now i wont ignore my private life for this game again ;D

    - how much do you need to maintain the server? Most people here are adults and working I guess? I spent 50 euros out at friday with my friends having 8 hours of fun so why wouldnt we pay some euros to have houndret of hours fun. Well maybe not anyone thinks this way and i cant change anything .

    Again sorry for my really ****ed up english...
    Edited: July 21, 2015

  13. - how much do you need to maintain the server? Most people here are adults and working I guess? I spent 50 euros out at friday with my friends having 8 hours of fun so why wouldnt we pay some euros to have houndret of hours fun. Well maybe not anyone thinks this way and i cant change anything .

    Again sorry for my really ****ed up english...
    Some ppl prefere spend 30 euros for take an hangover saturday night, others spend those 30 euros for take 2 item on wow....are different point of view...

  14. U can buy only mounts, and pets for coins.
    really? it is specified in the opening thread that item of a higher lvl need the item of a lower lvl with an example -> conclusion - u can buy items
    i really hope u cant but im a pessimistic person by nature (and coz i played here alot to understand there is no changing for that) but i will still play it.

  15. Just restarted the realm with some updates to the vehicle system. While this update will make porting things easier it may also break some quests.
    There were other updates regarding several bosses in Ulduar (XT-002 Deconstructor, Kologarn) + some of the reported issues in Northrend got resolved
    Can you tell me what zone(s) in the world got damage with the update (I mean in terms of quests), is the vanilla content got damage for that?

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