1. Wotlk is just more balanced than Cata.
    Cata has certain classes like for example rog or affli lock which are just significant stronger than other classes like ele shami or warrior.
    On wotlk pretty much everything is viable. Even classes like enhance or moonkin which are considered as "weaker" are cappable to be in the top 10 of a arena bracket.
    I think Cata is more balanced than Wotlk. I'm agree with others players than Cata have so many CC's and the most unbalanced PvE items (Gurthalaks, nok...), but in Wotlk a well used Warrior destroy everything, and Warlocks are the stronger casters.
    Not to mention that in arenas Warriors + Holy pala are unstoppable.

    In other way, cata is more fun than Wotlk, where all casters are static turrets and some classes are 3 buttons.
    Edited: November 2, 2015

  2. JessMynce almost every post of you at warmane forum is some personal drama and 99% of the time complete offtopic.pls have some self-control and restrict yourself from spaming stuff that people who start the thread dont care at all.
    you need some really hard grip to reality dude( that count for 3-4 other people at this forum) who think proving that they are right or wrong at warmane forum is life and dead situation.
    I absolutely agree.
    Who the f*** even knows this guys and cares about what they achieved in a computer game?
    Stop this childish battle. It just make u look like 14 years old raging computer nerds who are comparing their e-penis size.

  3. WOTLK battleground / arena system is too old and not balanced because you can use brust and 1 shot combo which dont req skills example Arms Warr + H pala
    If you think warr/hpal is a burst setup then you probably wanna fix your inet connection. It ain't burst, it's you lagging out for 5 minutes.

    Also, the rest of this thread is beyond hilarious in multiple ways.

  4. in Wotlk a well used Warrior destroy everything, and Warlocks are the stronger casters.
    Not to mention that in arenas Warriors + Holy pala are unstoppable.
    The highest rated 2s team on Blackrock is currently FDK+Hpala.
    The highest rated 3s team is Beastcleave.

    This shows how balanced PvP on Wotlk is.
    Enhance shami, Frost DK and BM hunter are all classes which aren't considered as OP and still they are cappable to be rank one in Arena.

    Cata pvp isn't that balanced. When u play Frost DK on Cata u are just weaker than a Unholy DK in arena.
    When u play ele shami u are just weaker than a enhance shami in arena.
    When u play destro lock u are just weaker than a affli lock in arena.
    Cata forces u to play specific classes and specs if u want to achieve something.

  5. The highest rated 2s team on Blackrock is currently FDK+Hpala.
    The highest rated 3s team is Beastcleave.

    This shows how balanced PvP on Wotlk is.
    Enhance shami, Frost DK and BM hunter are all classes which aren't considered as OP and still they are cappable to be rank one in Arena.

    Cata pvp isn't that balanced. When u play Frost DK on Cata u are just weaker than a Unholy DK in arena.
    When u play ele shami u are just weaker than a enhance shami in arena.
    When u play destro lock u are just weaker than a affli lock in arena.
    Cata forces u to play specific classes and specs if u want to achieve something.
    there was so much more freedom in WOTLK not only in class/spec part,stats itself was way more fun to mess with.for example armor pen aggility stacking ret paladin was good.healers sometimes can use cloth even if they are mail or plate users.in cata they force you to stick on your own armor because of the stats buff you get if all parts are same.

  6. I absolutely agree.
    Who the f*** even knows this guys and cares about what they achieved in a computer game?
    Stop this childish battle. It just make u look like 14 years old raging computer nerds who are comparing their e-penis size.
    I agree with that, but why nobody attacked Kemii who started everything, nobody even told her to shut up, and intstead you tell me to shut up, when I defended myself? Answer me? I am the only person who actually gives reasons, and I get attacked for replying to the bull**** of Kemii instead having the causer of the drama attacked. People are really really stupid creatures - this is how it all started today (my post and Kemii's reply):

    Originally Posted by JesyMynce
    Cata PvP is 100% better, because it is more dynamic, and MOP's pvp is 100% better than Cata because it is even more dynamic.

    Kemii: You should stick to PvE, because you clearly dont understand PvP if you think in ANY shape or form that MOP PvP is "better". But this is coming from the girl who thinks shes skilled, stay clicking stay clueless.
    Originally Posted by JesyMynce
    One of the most OP classes in all expansions are shamans, and on second place hunters. Shamans and Hunters always have alternatives of being op, while other classes prevail only for a certain patch and then they might return to their previous state.

    Kemii: I just noticed this... Confirms what I said above... Clueless.
    I guess that you would have said nothing. But I know why I replied. Because before Kemii got banned she did the very same thing. And now she is on her period again. All I can say is that Kemii is one very skilled bloodsucker, nothing else, that's why she'll never cross my level. Bloodsuckers stay bellow my feet and get stomped once in a while, that's why it burns so much and I see it, because it is hard to get out of the bloodsucker zone.
    And I find it funny, that the only thing I should do is type one sentence about PvP to make her rage at me, and it rhymes too. :P
    Edited: November 2, 2015

  7. I guess that you would have said nothing. But I know why I replied. Because before Kemii got banned she did the very same thing. And now she is on her period again. All I can say is that Kemii is one very skilled bloodsucker, nothing else, that's why she'll never cross my level. Bloodsuckers stay bellow my feet.
    It's not my fault you havent entered high mmr arenas to notice that Shamans are only viable to an extent and its mostly Resto Shamans/Aff Locks you will see.
    As for hunters they are no where near as OP as some classes....

    But hey your a mage, FOTM in every expansion, sad you will never be able to take it to it's full potential though.
    Edited: November 2, 2015

  8. It's not my fault you havent entered high mmr arenas to notice that Shamans are only viable to an extent and its mostly Resto Shamans/Aff Locks you will see.
    As for hunters they are no where near as OP as some classes....

    But hey your a mage, FOTM in every expansion, sad you will never be able to take it to it's full potential though.
    I wasn't even speaking about arenas. I told you million of times in this thread that I've been speaking in general about both PRIVATE and RETAIL, not about shamans and hunters in arena, but about classes in PvP on both sides (blizzard and private) in general, which includes hunters and shamans on top. Especially in retail, shamans are the most unshackable class, because there is no expansion and patch where there was not at least one build type of shaman OP, and I gave the example with warlocks, the most striking example in general for WoW, about how warlocks got nerfed, and their example here on Warmane, when they were even weaker and much stronger than supposed.

    You see, you didn't even understood what I said, and you attacked me about it instead ask me. That's your problem Kemii. You misunderstood, take the wrong decision, attack and then get replied in return for not understanding the situation, and in the end I look like I've done the wrong thing, because you twist things in such a way along the convers.. That was the problem before, too, and this is the problem now again. Why can't you leave aside the damn 'PRO' slogan and speak face to face with somebody without mentioning their skills and experiences? Tell me, why? Why?
    A simple question with a simple answer...and if there is a little bit of a something called soul in you, you'll be able to answer at least once normally.
    Edited: November 2, 2015

  9. I wasn't even speaking about arenas. I told you million of times in thisn thread that I've been speaking in general about both PRIVATE and RETAIL, not about shamans and hunters in arena, but about classes in general, which includes hunters and shamans.
    You see, you didn't even understood what I said, and you attacked me about it instead ask me. That's your problem Kemii. You misunderstood, take the wrong decision, attack and then get replied in return for not understanding the situation.
    Even in casual BGs wher clickers seem to think they are gods at *cough* ANY spec is viable... Its how well said class is played.
    Arcane is freaking terrible as a spec in pvp, but give it to Aio and he will destroy everyone and everything.

    Elemental Shamans are terrible squishy but if you let one free cast in a BG it's GG for the shaman, he's destroyed half your team... Same with Shadow Priests.

    Even in a PvE situation... There is a lot better specs than Shaman or Hunter... Arms Warrior, Fire Mage, Ret Paladin, Rogue (cata).. just off the top of my head.
    Edited: November 2, 2015

  10. I absolutely agree.
    Who the f*** even knows this guys and cares about what they achieved in a computer game?
    Stop this childish battle. It just make u look like 14 years old raging computer nerds who are comparing their e-penis size.
    yes its sad and annoying that 9 of 10 threads on warmane turn into some personal forum flame war and we are forced to read 2 pages of nonsense.

  11. Even in casual BGs wher clickers seem to think they are gods at *cough* ANY spec is viable... Its how well said class is played.
    Arcane is freaking terrible as a spec in pvp, but give it to Aio and he will destroy everyone and everything.

    Elemental Shamans are terrible squishy but if you let one free cast in a BG it's GG for the shaman, he's destroyed half your team... Same with Shadow Priests.

    Even in a PvE situation... There is a lot better specs than Shaman or Hunter... Arms Warrior, Fire Mage, Ret Paladin, Rogue (cata).. just off the top of my head.
    Yup and that's the other thing I've tried to sum up, because I saw people comparing retail with private, and I kinda can't sit and compare them, because there is difference. Things work diffrently in some degree.
    For example retail will be a much harder ground for clickers to accomodate. Also clicking with a melee class is much harder than with a ranged class, because most melee classes have stances and abilities which really work awesomely only with macros.

    So indeed, it depends who handles the specific class. It is as much as bug sensistive, as player sensitive, so to say. So yes I agree 100% with that, because that's how it is.
    But there are always exceptions.

    When I started playing MoP, I thought that this was the end of clicking, because things are built in such a way that they push you to using macros. It is not that I can't macro my spells. I can, for 5 min I can do it. And regarded the first sentence - it is true again, because eventually everybody finds the person who will operate on him in pvp. You might be skilled, but one day you find the person who can overcome you.
    I've lost many duels, too. I don't see shame in it, because I play the game for fun. I don't know why such threads always end in arguments. I wish they don't. Because everybody speaks out his opinion calmly, everybody says they play for fun, but in the end we choke each other about long gone things. I want to see a thread here where people will understand each other, instead take out the worse out of each other.

    There is nothing else I could say. I'd be glad if people see the results out of such situations and take an example for themselves what must not be done, what you must try not to turn into. And in no way think egotistically only about your own good will, but to also try help others overcome their issues.
    One day you might meet a person in need out on the street, who looks awful for example, and asks you for money, will you give some amount of coin or look at the person scared, because you have never known or predicted that such a person exists, and instead help, shooo that person away, or simply run away.

    It is a choice, it is a matter of will, how you'll react and what decision you'd take. I play the expansion I feel most comfortable playing, play in a way I feel most comfortable, as well, the same way each one of us has a different preference. Instead chewing our preferences we can just accept them.
    Edited: November 2, 2015

  12. I remember reading an article once where it spoke about how we have all been taught that opinions can never be wrong, and you should always share your opinion. The article made an excellent point as to why this is wrong, because far too many people enjoy sharing an opinion as a fact and get angry when they are questioned.

    This is an excellent example. We have someone here who hasn't competed at an mmr above 1500 telling us which classes are OP, and which expansions is better.

    Jesy, I'm sorry to say, but you're opinion is wrong. LK was by far the most balanced expansion in terms of classes/specs that were competitive. The reason I can say this with such conviction, is because I've played every iteration of this game since Vanilla, and have played arenas since TBC. I won't lie, I rarely play arenas on MoP, but in the games I do get to play, its enough to see the lack of variation in competitive specs/comps.

    Furthermore, LK PvP was by far the hardest as well. If you make a single mistake, you die immediately. Wrong position? Dead. Wrong defensive? Dead. Wrong CC? Dead again. It was very unforgiving and required the type of concentration that frustrated most players. So Blizzard went ahead and made the game easier and easier. That isn't to say that the top players playing right now are any worse. They are all still amazing players, but the game is certainly not what it used to be, and the reaction times, communication, and overall knowledge needed to perform well is far less now in MoP than it was in LK.

    I still like the fact Blizzard removed the PvE gear aspect from PvP, but its too bad they destroyed everything else when they did so...

  13. Yup and that's the other thing I've tried to sum up, because I saw people comparing retail with private, and I kinda can't sit and compare them, because there is difference. Things work diffrently in some degree.
    For example retail will be a much harder ground for clickers to accomodate. Also clicking with a melee class is much harder than with a ranged class, because most melee classes have stances and abilities which really work awesomely only with macros.

    So indeed, it depends who handles the specific class. It is as much as bug sensistive, as player sensitive, so to say. So yes I agree 100% with that, because that's how it is.
    But there are always exceptions.

    When I started playing MoP, I thought that this was the end of clicking, because things are built in such a way that they push you to using macros. It is not that I can't macro my spells. I can, for 5 min I can do it. And regarded the first sentence - it is true again, because eventually everybody finds the person who will operate on him in pvp. You might be skilled, but one day you find the person who can overcome you.
    I've lost many duels, too. I don't see shame in it, because I play the game for fun. I don't know why such threads always end in arguments. I wish they don't. Because everybody speaks out his opinion calmly, until somebody decides to clash. I want to see a thread here where people will understand each other, instead take out the worse out of each other.
    Well why dont you sit with me one night, I've played a mage for a few years, mostly MOP as frost in pvp, and I can get you sorted out and make it a hell of a lot easier. That's if you're willing to accept, I will help you.

    Dueling helps you overcome issues you have with certain classes and also gives you the ability to learn and improve through repeated mistakes. I still to this day suck at killing warlocks and rogues, but rogues are my hard counter class so I kinda just accept I'll never kill one.

  14. I think Cata is more balanced than Wotlk. I'm agree with others players than Cata have so many CC's and the most unbalanced PvE items (Gurthalaks, nok...), but in Wotlk a well used Warrior destroy everything, and Warlocks are the stronger casters.
    Not to mention that in arenas Warriors + Holy pala are unstoppable.

    In other way, cata is more fun than Wotlk, where all casters are static turrets and some classes are 3 buttons.
    Warriors do not destroy everything at all. At least not on 3vs3, where the almighty LSx comp dominates. And even if holy/arms and disci/arms are really strong comps in 2vs2 there are many counters which can aim for rank1.

  15. There is no better way to be convincing with people who haven't touched other expansions and still wonder which one of them is better. If you don't try it you'll never know for your own self. I never liked the cliche human beings who like talking about how old expansions 'feel' better when they have never touched MoP or Draenor for example.
    I make opinions on experiences, not opinions based on a dry cliche.
    Complaining about the fact people answer to her arguments personally while she claims to be the only one who has ever played more than one expansion.

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