1. very true. BE THE CHANGE KASPII.

  2. I agree with Kaspii.
    Please, the Cata's bugs.

  3. Fix everything except mages,thanks. +1

  4. Cant we just name Neltharion to Lordaeron so we will get the updates ;D

  5. Fix everything, especially mages, thanks. +1

  6. Last update was last week. You just don't see that, because updates are without changelog. But Cata was updated more than you know....


    New 20+ quests for deepholm
    Fix for elevators ingame
    Fix for transport system
    Fix for pets
    Fix for third boss from Blackrockaverns
    Fixed cooking daily - Back to basics
    Uldaman dungeon added for level 40
    Pathfindign update
    Fixes for server stability, exploits etc
    Fix for mages
    Fix for soloing Alys in FL
    Massive fixes for End time
    Hour of twilight added
    Deadmines rescripted
    and more

    And you people still crying...
    This update was months ago.... Pets are still bugged, and only 1 new Deepholm quest worked after that update btw

  7. Also, soloing Alys isn't fixed. An hour ago I did 3 million dps on fire mage, compared to 700k two weeks ago - so ignite is even worse than it was. Pathing for Heroic Leap doesn't work. You can't leap out of the water. And when you take a better look at the bugtracker, the top priority issues and the above mentioned fixes are not in line. I don't see cooking or Alys soloing being top priority. Our voice isn't heard.

  8. Also, soloing Alys isn't fixed. An hour ago I did 3 million dps on fire mage, compared to 700k two weeks ago - so ignite is even worse than it was. Pathing for Heroic Leap doesn't work. You can't leap out of the water. And when you take a better look at the bugtracker, the top priority issues and the above mentioned fixes are not in line. I don't see cooking or Alys soloing being top priority. Our voice isn't heard.
    Soloing Alysrazor was never a bug or a exploit.

  9. Well 3 million dps doesn't sound right to me? Also, on Neltha, assassi rogues can solo Alyss too...

  10. Totally agree with this thread.
    Even a small updates would be better than nothing.

  11. Replying here for Tdotsavage, because he is currently banned at the forum.


    Enlarged chat:

  12. Well rated bgs werent something they had to script, they just enabled them, bugged as before..
    Oh well..
    Pray4update amirite

    Edit:Nab Kenny unready as always, tehehe.
    Edited: October 24, 2015

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