1. They said this week we will get Twin Consorts, maybe Lei Shen, buffstacking and Vengance fixed, nothing yet...
    well buffstacking has been more or less fixed :)

  2. why everytime when i'm winning bg's server crash? why? :/

  3. buff stacking is not fixed at all! For example: if you cast Dark Intent before Power Word: Fortitude, they stacks, but if you cast PW: Fortitude before than DI, they won't stacks... this is not a fix guys, but i hope that devs will do something to correct these mistakes ^^

  4. well buffstacking has been more or less fixed :)
    It has not been fixed. They tried to fix it and failed.

  5. When I just see in which state MoP is, I wanna cry.

  6. It has not been fixed. They tried to fix it and failed.
    Buff stacking was mistakenly applied in the last update with unfinished code (that has been improved since then). Ultimately it was decided that some buff stacking was better than none at all, so it was kept.

  7. Buff stacking was mistakenly applied in the last update with unfinished code (that has been improved since then). Ultimately it was decided that some buff stacking was better than none at all, so it was kept.
    Great news!

    I have a request of the dev team if possible. Can you please take a look at thread and if possible please respond.

    We understand you are busy, but listening to what the community not just wants, but rather NEEDS, would be nice :/

    Thanks again for your time!

  8. Buff stacking was mistakenly applied in the last update with unfinished code (that has been improved since then). Ultimately it was decided that some buff stacking was better than none at all, so it was kept.
    Sorry to say that but I can not belive those words.
    This feels more like "oh hey we at least updated something so they shut their mouths"

    I hope this is not getting a trend to deliver half finished and mostly broken fixes like the ones recently applied.
    Furthermore we haven't received an update for more than a month now. And no those NPC fixes and Glyph fixes do not count as a measureable update.
    You are aware that we have one raid which is somewhat properly scripted. Shoutouts to Spark and Yami here.
    The rest of the content is in a state which should make the responsible developers feel bad all the way.

    Wake the **** up. Thank you!

  9. Sorry to say that but I can not belive those words.
    This feels more like "oh hey we at least updated something so they shut their mouths"

    I hope this is not getting a trend to deliver half finished and mostly broken fixes like the ones recently applied.
    Furthermore we haven't received an update for more than a month now. And no those NPC fixes and Glyph fixes do not count as a measureable update.
    You are aware that we have one raid which is somewhat properly scripted. Shoutouts to Spark and Yami here.
    The rest of the content is in a state which should make the responsible developers feel bad all the way.

    Wake the **** up. Thank you!
    To be honest should not expect that much really... Most focus is on WOTLK and they said that themselves... Most of the man power is on WOTLK but development is gonna still be on cata/mop but much more less to the extent that it was in the past

  10. To be honest should not expect that much really... Most focus is on WOTLK and they said that themselves... Most of the man power is on WOTLK but development is gonna still be on cata/mop but much more less to the extent that it was in the past
    This is bull****.
    I understand that the focus is on WOTLK at the moment.
    Nevertheless this is no reason to letdown other xpacks like Mists of Pandaria at the moment. I am poiting to MoP since it is in a terrible condition. Catacylsm has almost all end game content available. It has been said that there still will be development for other expansions. Yet the current development process is not worth mentioning.

    WOTLK is the most complete open source available and emulated xpack out there. There are a lot of WOTLK private servers which are in a very good condition. I know Warmane has its reason to open a 3rd WOTLK realm and even paying 3rd parties to advertise this server...

    Afaik there are not that many MoP xpack running pservers out there. Warmane has the population. Why not try to stand out and keep development up to a point where people do not loose interest in playing here? As I said. Throne of Thunder is in a very very good condition. Build on that. Deliver content in a satisfying interval.
    Edited: August 15, 2015

  11. This is bull****.
    I understand that the focus is on WOTLK at the moment.
    Nevertheless this is no reason to letdown other xpacks like Mists of Pandaria at the moment. I am poiting to MoP since it is in a terrible condition. Catacylsm has almost all end game content available. It has been said that there still will be development for other expansions. Yet the current development process is not worth mentioning.

    WOTLK is the most complete open source available and emulated xpack out there. There are a lot of WOTLK private servers which are in a very good condition. I know Warmane has its reason to open a 3rd WOTLK realm and even paying 3rd parties to advertise this server...

    Afaik there are not that many MoP xpack running pservers out there. Warmane has the population. Why not try to stand out and keep development up to a point where people do not loose interest in playing here? As I said. Throne of Thunder is in a very very good condition. Build on that. Deliver content in a satisfying interval.
    Well it's the harsh truth i mean we have had always a expansion that had it's main focus... First it was wrath then it was cata and now it was mop and now it's wotlk again (due to 2 years without major development). They also said that wrath is the most popular and brings the most revenue (which is dontations).. Not sure if we should call that revenue but i'll let that slide... Well not really but their dev team ain't that big as far as i'm aware so... I know that theres aprox 4-5 devs on lord, 1-2 devs on cata and 2-3 devs on mop... I'm not sure specific but that's the one i have on top of my head... To be honest cata has it's issues as well but there is actually raids to do (Firelands, DS, BOT, BWD, TOTFW). Really there is 3rd parties to advertise the server? I never seen those ads anywhere but that's a new one for me at least... Yeah mop is really rare in that sense... Well i suppose warmane does not have the development team to manage both wrath and mop at the same time as in scripting quality or it's simply too hard to script it (which i don't know if that's true or not but hey i am not a dev so i don't know). Well it's in decent condition.. Some things are missing/bugged/not scripted and there are other things which makes it easier (buff stacking, overscaling, double blood lust and a wide vriaty of other things). To be honest i don't know what to say rather then to be patient and wait for updates...

  12. People has spoken, We want WOD!
    Lol you funny troll :)

  13. Come on warmane, give us something already!

  14. Need ... new.... content... dying.

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