1. Just really curious how you can come up with such conclusions based on so little information o.o
    oh kay sure.

    But that doesnt answer my curiosity. like how specifically can he conclude a person's rank on a patch ages ago based off some negative bugs that was stated.
    I played retail - I know when someone is chatting rubbish about retail perhaps?

    I'm not disputing that Kemii might be a high rated / good DK here, but certainly not retail from evidence in posts above.

    In terms of playing vs dks - I played vs anotherx (once), and he did the most insane pressure. (I lost)
    Most dks seems to replicate this yet are trash.

    Bojanbbz, you can give my battletag out to him (I dont remember it meits)

  2. Pets default movement speed and attack speed is broken.
    Sadly no1 reported this on bugtracker yet,so we shouldnt expect a fix anytime soon rip.

  3. ye dk so strong, thats why there are so many on high rating Kappa

  4. pm for b.tag if you want to see his char i dont give out b.tags w/o permission
    I'm not asking for a b.tag, I'm asking for the character's name...

  5. No one complaining about rets anymore.
    Nerf Retris....

  6. I'm not asking for a b.tag, I'm asking for the character's name...
    sampetersxo name altho most ppl ask for b.tag to get evidence that its their chars
    Edited: March 24, 2016

  7. wtf are you even talking the only positive bug is the sac garg mechanic. The pet dmg is totally mitigatable, you cant leap and not stun properly.
    i unbinded focus leap and focus stun because it doesn't work. you need 3 gcd's to get off a pet stun and pet misses stun 30% of the time. ye positive bugs my ***.
    Well, you can make a macro that makes pet stun work everytime ;)

  8. changed.......
    Edited: March 28, 2016 Reason: hiding

  9. sampetersxo name altho most ppl ask for b.tag to get evidence that its their chars
    Don't need evidence just wanted to know if I knew the guy.

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