1. What file format are you using to upload? Wmv
    What is the size of the overall file? Rendering it again so no clue at this time
    What program to render are you using? Sony Vegas Pro 11

    2) Your file is corrupt.
    3) The file is too long to upload.

    And those two are possible.

  2. What file format are you using to upload? Wmv
    What is the size of the overall file? Rendering it again so no clue at this time
    What program to render are you using? Sony Vegas Pro 11

    2) Your file is corrupt.
    3) The file is too long to upload.

    And those two are possible.
    Try upload the smallest resolution first. If failed then something inside the file is corrupted or invalid.

  3. What file format are you using to upload? Wmv
    What is the size of the overall file? Rendering it again so no clue at this time
    What program to render are you using? Sony Vegas Pro 11

    2) Your file is corrupt.
    3) The file is too long to upload.

    And those two are possible.
    Update your program to Sony Vegas Pro 12, it's much better and smoother.
    Use MP4, and Google "Sony Vegas Pro 12 1080P Videos Tutorial" Or 720P if you prefer. MP4 looks prettier. :D

    It's probably more corrupt than too long, in my opinion unless you are uploading a 30 minute video.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5OcGMc3Rrs

    Totally forgot Bunniez also recorded our down. Thank you Bunniez.

    Our worst down to date but hey you finally get to see that they are legitimate.

  5. Again, community avoid reporting something that gives them an unfair advantage. Cheap. But I'll write down the names. Not to ban. Just to ignore when they complain about a bug that actually works against them. By the way, use the proper channels to report exploits, not in guild threads.

  6. Vinidiction's Avatar
    Guild rules is broken on your site fyi...

  7. Guild rules is broken on your site fyi...
    They work fine for me. if you double click it errors. Go to any of the other pages and click on Rules should work.

  8. Again, community avoid reporting something that gives them an unfair advantage. Cheap. But I'll write down the names. Not to ban. Just to ignore when they complain about a bug that actually works against them. By the way, use the proper channels to report exploits, not in guild threads.

    Eh? What exploit are you talking about lol

  9. Dugor's Avatar
    Sir when I applied to your website, there was an error stating that the feature was disabled. I cannot apply :(
    Or can I just apply here ? :)

  10. Guild is not active at this moment.

  11. <Nerd Raged> Is currently going Inactive. We would like to thank all of the members who worked hard to make the guild what it was. As of now we've decided to stop scheduling raids and close recruitment. Nowadays we just whore out our tanks :P

    -Nerd Rage Officers

  12. Dugor's Avatar
    when will the guild be active then?

  13. We are unsure when we will become active again. In the mean time we are continuing to lend our characters to be used in other raids. Sorry for any inconvenience this will cause.
    -Nerd Raged officers

  14. May 13, 2013  

  15. Bump for Gares trying to re-make the guild.

    Old members you are welcome back as usual, no apps required.

    We are in the midst of gathering what's left of the talent in Ragnaros to do some 25 mans.

    Apply if you are interested on :



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