1. atmosphere01's Avatar
    Auto attack bug is with most fears like psychic scream and intimidating shout. You have to recast your attack button or target something else and initiate the attack to get it working again.

  2. Auto attack bug is with most fears like psychic scream and intimidating shout. You have to recast your attack button or target something else and initiate the attack to get it working again.
    will test this out, thanks for info.

  3. reroll mage, hunter or rogue if u wanna have a chance with enha.
    tbh, only rogues are a pain in the ***, hunters can't do a thing versus wolves+spirit walk

  4. pozzij's Avatar
    tbh, only rogues are a pain in the ***, hunters can't do a thing versus wolves+spirit walk
    In my personal experience I find skilled hunters a lot harder to deal with than rogues. With the searing totem bug mechanism, it's a pain in the neck to make the searing actually hit the hunter instead of the pet. Plus they have a crazy burst, that can't be kited like with rogues. Spirit Wolves spirit walk is buggy, it should give you immunity to movement impairing effects, but it doesn't sometimes.
    I don't know actually, rogues aren't so much of a pain to me, I don't understand why other enha says that's impossible to beat one 1v1:D

  5. Hmm, I never noticed spirit walk being buggy... As for the searing totem, drop it close to the hunter, and it should keep attacking him. Rooting him with frozen power and coming close to him makes him unable to burst. Not saying rogues are impossible to beat, just that they're probably the hardest class for me to beat

  6. btw, did someone notice, that this shaman pulled 18.6k dps under Bloodlust buff ?

    that's uber high, needs nerfs. ajajajaja.

  7. as for the auto attack bug, it never happens to me.
    i use a simple macro and spam it usualy
    /cast stormstrike

  8. btw, did someone notice, that this shaman pulled 18.6k dps under Bloodlust buff ?

    that's uber high, needs nerfs. ajajajaja.
    I'm gonna make a screenshot of my 27k the next time I do Baleroc or Majordomo so they can QQ more :D

  9. wow 27k on domo. so strong.


  10. wow 27k on domo. so strong.

    I didn't say noone can pull more than me, but even 27k would make enha haters cry for days

  11. 4 MW ppm :(
    Let me guess other classes got tons of fixes, while enh shammys fixes are not even affecting the gameplay?

  12. 4 MW ppm :(
    Let me guess other classes got tons of fixes, while enh shammys fixes are not even affecting the gameplay?
    just forget about it. it won't be fixed for a next year.
    same goes for totem mechanics, procs & absorbs too.

    THIS is still listed as unconfirmed .... so there's nothing more to discuss.
    it's just extreme /facepalm, when you run around like an ***** in arena, without mana, since 95% priests will mana burn you, then pop shield. and... that's it, you're f*cking useless. same goes for paladins, and every class, which has any kind of absorb spells.

  13. It's all because none of the GMs plays an enh shaman. They don't give a f...i'm already considering moving to another server with my guild. Because my fav class will never be fixed it seems.

  14. It's all because none of the GMs plays an enh shaman. They don't give a f...i'm already considering moving to another server with my guild. Because my fav class will never be fixed it seems.
    lolno. you're wrong on this one ... but this is a totally different story.
    just live with it. nothing we can do about it, and hopes are useless.

  15. Then i can't find any other explanation, why Molten isn't fixing enh shamans. Seemed legit.

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