1. Is there any big differences between 5.4.2 and 5.4.8?

  2. First of all they must do something about the pve trinkets in pvp... for example i got 2 shotted from a rogue with 2 pve trinkets rest griev...they should think about some system that prohibits u to use a pve trinkets in bg/arenas !

  3. Warmane will not go to 5.4.8. This was confirmed back during the PTR stage. 5.4.2 was chosen as it had the best available core structure (something along those lines).
    NOT? best avaliable core why so bugged then one fixx destroy 5 other spells its like a circle one fixx 5 other bugs fixx the buggs 5 other buggs again ^^

  4. Can we know what is updated today warmane's staff?

  5. Is there any big differences between 5.4.2 and 5.4.8?
    Patch 5.4.7 is actually important because of new PvP gear, SOO, resilience changes etc... 5.4.8 had some minor stuff added.
    You can read more here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/129...otes-2-17-2014

    Deep Wounds tooltip actually shows half less damage since it doesn't take into account the hotfix that was done (100% more for arms spec). Rtrded numbers show when it's a killing blow and it doesn't actually deal that much damage. Still it hits harder than it should and buff stacking is only making it worse (go upvote it).

    Having a 14 second stun on top of crazy amount of CC warlock already is so gamebreaking it can't be described by words, and it actually ****ed up this season just like Second Wind and other bugs ****ed up the last one. On the topic of gamebreaking bugs why isn't anyone upvoting this: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/176. We won't have a decent arena season anytime soon if we just complain and do nothing to help/prioritize the things that need to be fixed asap. I won't even mention the abusers which I believe caused the change in arena system( being able to return to arena after a DC). Even when we get nice features like that people will do everything to exploit it.

  6. First of all they must do something about the pve trinkets in pvp... for example i got 2 shotted from a rogue with 2 pve trinkets rest griev...they should think about some system that prohibits u to use a pve trinkets in bg/arenas !

  7. Thats what the noobs doing they can't do **** w/o theese trinkets this is really stupid ! Seriosly i feel like an ***** when i play bgs or arenas ..

  8. I agree with all of you guys.
    they should pause the arena and fix crucial game breaking bugs starting with
    -Mesmerize,sap bugs (idk it it's fixed)
    -Priest absorb and heals
    -Buf stack/Proc stack (deepwounds and dots overscaling because of it)
    -eating/drinking in arena,healers go full mana in few sec,aswell as rogues (in arena met rogue 1v1 i had full hp and he had too,we eventually went 20% hp ,he vanished and after just 5 sec he came with full hp ><)

    After those bugs get fixed, we should be on 5.4.7 or 5.4.8.Since the MoP is most balanced at this stage.Also resiliance makes the game more competitive for all combos,but it makes fights last longer ofcourse.If you want balance ,you have to go 5.4.7.you can add Pve step by step,anwyas t70% of the server are PvP oriented players.

    If you want PvE take a brea and go WoD,then come back when they realese SoO etc.

  9. Patch 5.4.7 is actually important because of new PvP gear, SOO
    Wait, so that means there will be no Siege of Orgrimmar since someone said they won't go any further than 5.4.2?

  10. Wait, so that means there will be no Siege of Orgrimmar since someone said they won't go any further than 5.4.2?
    SoO was launched in 5.4, as such we will get it when devs have caught up with scripting.

    The difference between 5.4.2 and 5.4.8 are class changes, and of course the new arena season to prideful.

    I have no idea what Warmane plans to do when the time comes for a prideful season, but as it stands, if they do not update to 5.4.8, we will not get prideful gear. Nonetheless, this is a hurdle that is far in the distance, with faaaaar more important issues to be dealt with currently...

  11. SoO was launched in 5.4, as such we will get it when devs have caught up with scripting.

    The difference between 5.4.2 and 5.4.8 are class changes, and of course the new arena season to prideful.

    I have no idea what Warmane plans to do when the time comes for a prideful season, but as it stands, if they do not update to 5.4.8, we will not get prideful gear. Nonetheless, this is a hurdle that is far in the distance, with faaaaar more important issues to be dealt with currently...
    They can put prideful without 5.4.7 or 5.4.8 patch .

  12. They can put prideful without 5.4.7 or 5.4.8 patch .

    Actually the current Prideful gear in game files has wrong stats, so we would still need to download the 5.4.7 game files, and loading those "custom" game files would require them to hack the 5.4.2 executable to pass certain checks (they avoid this because Blizzard). So either that or the whole server upgrades to 5.4.7 which will naturally break some stuff and they'd need to update the opcodes as well.

    EDIT: Also it's custom content in a certain way :P

  13. Yeah if they didnt gave titles because of the bugs last season and "second wind drama" ,They should do the same with this crucial bug.In few days a invidual with such overpoered bug can playe more than 150+ games .Now think how much rating is that,and with bug mesmerize he most likely won 90% or even 100% of the games played.And that invidual will most likely get gladiator coz skilled /kappa
    OMG... Who gives a **** about Arena rating and titles. Seriously!!!

    LAG IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM, and than those server crashes. We should all be concerned aboyt that, not over possibility someone will use a bug to get Gladiator title - BIG DEAL!!!

    Of course that Lock and Rogue bugs are game braking, but u never cried for warriors, and they've been OP since beginning. First Blizzard made them OP, than Molten 5x more. U didn't qq than that there are noob warriors (and there are many) with 2.5+ rating, cause it was in your favor, so you wrote to us L2P. Now, when something fires back to you, now u cry more than anyone else.

    Don't get me wrong, I want that bug fixed just as you, but that bug is same importance as many other game braking talents and spells, and there are tons of them. None should be neglected. Warriors are still OP way to much, the only difference is that now they are not the only one.

    We all want the same - all class bugs to be fixed, but WE REALLY NEED LAG ISSUE SORTED OUT FIRST. That should be urgent, cause this is just disaster what we have right now.

  14. I agree with all of you guys.
    they should pause the arena and fix crucial game breaking bugs starting with
    -Mesmerize,sap bugs (idk it it's fixed)
    -Priest absorb and heals
    -Buf stack/Proc stack (deepwounds and dots overscaling because of it)
    -eating/drinking in arena,healers go full mana in few sec,aswell as rogues (in arena met rogue 1v1 i had full hp and he had too,we eventually went 20% hp ,he vanished and after just 5 sec he came with full hp ><)

    After those bugs get fixed, we should be on 5.4.7 or 5.4.8.Since the MoP is most balanced at this stage.Also resiliance makes the game more competitive for all combos,but it makes fights last longer ofcourse.If you want balance ,you have to go 5.4.7.you can add Pve step by step,anwyas t70% of the server are PvP oriented players.

    If you want PvE take a brea and go WoD,then come back when they realese SoO etc.
    ''Since the MoP is the most balanced at this stage'' Am i suppose to laugh out loud of how stupid that statement sounds like? Do you know how many bugs that affect classes positive/negative which makes classes underpowerd and overpowerd which creates inbalance and class flavor? Look at the amount of warriors for example! They only play that class cause it's the flavored class of bugs at the moment....

    ''anwyas t70% of the server are PvP oriented players.'', ''If you want PvE take a brea and go WoD,then come back when they realese SoO etc.'' Yeah right and you just made that up didn't you? To be honest i think pvp players make both PVE and PVP to be honest to not be bored and have some variation to be honest so to say that the only thing that people care about is PVP is wrong. PvE i would say is the most important aspect of the whole game since after all. There is no good reason to do PVP after you are geared unless you are an actual PVP guild who enjoys premades and what not but yeah... After the 4 bgs or so we have it becomes boring and arenas is just get gear get out... Who cares about the raiting at all? Classes are so broken + so many exploits and bugs you can use at your advantage so... I think class balance should be first and fixing the most important bugs and then Pve/PvP content but i wouldn't wanna say i am the one who decides that. It's just my opinion. A lot of PvE players care also about their content :)

  15. -Priest absorb and heals
    Edited: June 12, 2015

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