View Poll Results: Should the difficulty of Naxx be increased?

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  • No, leave it as it was in WotLK

    178 38.36%
  • Yes, increase the damage and HP of the bosses

    69 14.87%
  • Yes, add mechanics of old Naxx to the WotLK version

    217 46.77%
  1. I'd be elated if these buffs and additions to Naxx could later be imported over to Ragnaros/Deathwing as perhaps another difficulty mode in addition to the existing normal and heroic ones. Such a feature would maintain the blizz-like vision developers have as the default for WotLK servers, but allow an option to spruce things up for the players who are up for a challenge. One of the setbacks of a truly Blizz-like server that's eternally WotLK is that the content becomes old and players become jaded - that much is inevitable. Optional "custom" features, such as the ones suggested here, work to counter-act that.

  2. Oh. My. God. Yami, if this is to be true this... this... leaves me speechless. Although im Sure WOTLK Naxxramas will be a smack in the face to Warmane players, finally having to deal with correct mechanics and being at gear level. But to not only do that but increase the difficulty of it to rival the Naxx 40 From Vanilla :') Very Few remember that instance, and those who say they do - probably lies. I welcome the changes to relive raids that actually required skill checks (Patchwerk Being Renowned as the ''official' skillcheck of Naxx. All I ask if the changes are to be implemened is that they are weighted correctly (as Naxx would be performed at level and gear requirements) and that mechanics work as expected (i dont fancy an 8 sec stun every second) - otherwise I'm totally up for it. Will make the Undying and Immortal Achieves SO MUCH HARDER MUHAHAA! but seriously, I look forward to it.

  3. Please don't speak if you don't know what are you talking about. Those changes we're supposed to be on retail and was on beta but they gave up on this. Naxx is super nerfed on WotLK anyway so little challenge won't hurt anyone.
    Naxxramas 40 man at one point the Pinnacle of Vanilla raiding it was statistically said that only 20% of retail players got to even raid in this dung (a minute amount got a full clear - after extending raidlocks endlessly).
    Now why did 20% of players get to go to Naxx? because nax was released in 1.1 and the final patch for vanilla was 1.2 it was only around for a short amount of time before The Burning Legion under dominion of Kil'jaeden came to invade azeroth (TBC exoansion). Making Naxx 40 borderline redundant. As the gear jump from Old Naxx Gear To any TBC green item was scaled differently Naxx 40 fell into disregard although with the release of The Burning Crusade, finishing this instance still required 25-30 well-equipped level 70 players. At patch 3.0 the developers at Blizzard decided that Naxxramas was too big a job and a achievement of complexity that they were going to relocate it from the Eastern Plaguelands to Dragonblight to progress the storyline of the Lich King and Kel'Thuzad's working relationship (the old entry ziggurat is still in eastern plagulands (although under the map) and inside the Stratholme instance. To compensate for both story progression and the change from 40 to 10/25 man Blizz redesigned the mechanics to scale accordingly (in my personal opinion they Nerfed it too far probably to shift focus onto the (then) New Ulduar Raid.

    If warmane can recapture the instances initial diffiiculty I will be pleased. Coupled with a rescripted Ulduar im practically frothing with excitement.

  4. Naxxramas 40 man at one point the Pinnacle of Vanilla raiding it was statistically said that only 20% of retail players got to even raid in this dung (a minute amount got a full clear - after extending raidlocks endlessly).
    Now why did 20% of players get to go to Naxx? because nax was released in 1.1 and the final patch for vanilla was 1.2 it was only around for a short amount of time before The Burning Legion under dominion of Kil'jaeden came to invade azeroth (TBC exoansion). Making Naxx 40 borderline redundant. As the gear jump from Old Naxx Gear To any TBC green item was scaled differently Naxx 40 fell into disregard although with the release of The Burning Crusade, finishing this instance still required 25-30 well-equipped level 70 players. At patch 3.0 the developers at Blizzard decided that Naxxramas was too big a job and a achievement of complexity that they were going to relocate it from the Eastern Plaguelands to Dragonblight to progress the storyline of the Lich King and Kel'Thuzad's working relationship (the old entry ziggurat is still in eastern plagulands (although under the map) and inside the Stratholme instance. To compensate for both story progression and the change from 40 to 10/25 man Blizz redesigned the mechanics to scale accordingly (in my personal opinion they Nerfed it too far probably to shift focus onto the (then) New Ulduar Raid.

    If warmane can recapture the instances initial diffiiculty I will be pleased. Coupled with a rescripted Ulduar im practically frothing with excitement.

    My guild only made it to AQ 40/ BWL before TBC came out, and I remember the horrified stories about how much frost resistance you must have unbuffed to even think about Naxx, not to mention the insane rep grind with arget dawn/Scarlet crusade.

    I do however think that the wotlk Naxx is fine as it is, mainly because the gear that drops there isnt rewarding enough (if you're gonna make naxx harder, then you should also make the drops better), and because most players (i'd dare say 90% of the players) doesnt have a clue about the tactics of Naxx, and generally just wins cause of their overwhelming gearscore that pretty much makes Spank-n-Tank possible on most bosses. However even with a raid of 5k gs people, wipes still occure quite a lot.

    If you make Naxx a "must" for players to complete, instead of a achievment run which it is today, then I fear wotlk will have too many endgame instances, it can sometimes be hard enough to find raids for TOC, Onyx, ICC, RS for a lot of people. People who has achieved the GS to do FoS & PoS, or even RDF HC will never look back for Naxx, thus it will be increasingly harder for newcomers to find people who will even bother with completing that challenging Naxx.

    Summary: I vote No. Keep Naxx as it is, and if you should make it harder / make it Vanilla, then do the gear drops slighty better as well.

  5. People need to remember that we are going to play 3.3.5a not 3.0.3 so the classes are much stronger and we will deal a lot more damage. Naxx was already a joke in the first patch and was cleared by almost every guild in the firsts month. When the devs make the decision of how your going to script naxx, will you check the Votes seperatly cus so far a lot more people want harder naxxramas but just in a different way. 107 players wants harder naxx and 71 wants it to be ****.

  6. My guild only made it to AQ 40/ BWL before TBC came out, and I remember the horrified stories about how much frost resistance you must have unbuffed to even think about Naxx, not to mention the insane rep grind with arget dawn/Scarlet crusade.

    I do however think that the wotlk Naxx is fine as it is, mainly because the gear that drops there isnt rewarding enough (if you're gonna make naxx harder, then you should also make the drops better), and because most players (i'd dare say 90% of the players) doesnt have a clue about the tactics of Naxx, and generally just wins cause of their overwhelming gearscore that pretty much makes Spank-n-Tank possible on most bosses. However even with a raid of 5k gs people, wipes still occure quite a lot.

    If you make Naxx a "must" for players to complete, instead of a achievment run which it is today, then I fear wotlk will have too many endgame instances, it can sometimes be hard enough to find raids for TOC, Onyx, ICC, RS for a lot of people. People who has achieved the GS to do FoS & PoS, or even RDF HC will never look back for Naxx, thus it will be increasingly harder for newcomers to find people who will even bother with completing that challenging Naxx.

    Summary: I vote No. Keep Naxx as it is, and if you should make it harder / make it Vanilla, then do the gear drops slighty better as well.
    To be honest it will take ''years'' for them to release POS/FOS/HOR and ICC so your argument is not holding up! Naxx should be buffed and harder! Those who don't like it or can't compete with the raids difficulty needs to improve their game play or just don't bother at all! I want both the HP boost and script additions to make it actually hard!

    Off-topic: Did they decide to close the poll and disable the option to see who is voting on it? People can use multiple accounts to vote for easier content! I hope the staff decide to make it harder!

  7. People need to remember that we are going to play 3.3.5a not 3.0.3 so the classes are much stronger and we will deal a lot more damage. Naxx was already a joke in the first patch and was cleared by almost every guild in the firsts month. When the devs make the decision of how your going to script naxx, will you check the Votes seperatly cus so far a lot more people want harder naxxramas but just in a different way. 107 players wants harder naxx and 71 wants it to be ****.
    I love you :D

  8. Add mechanics as if it was lauched (Wotlk 3.0.2). No fakken 3.3.5a nerf. HARDCORE! :D

  9. Add mechanics as if it was lauched (Wotlk 3.0.2). No fakken 3.3.5a nerf. HARDCORE! :D
    +1 to this.

  10. Naxx at WotLK launch was still easy compared to the original one, but it was a challenge nonetheless. I voted for adding the old scripts because I love challenges and this way only the best people with the best coordination and best raid leaders would do it. True blizzlike meant competition and this would surely spice up things.

  11. Naxx at WotLK launch was still easy compared to the original one, but it was a challenge nonetheless. I voted for adding the old scripts because I love challenges and this way only the best people with the best coordination and best raid leaders would do it. True blizzlike meant competition and this would surely spice up things.
    YeSYES YES! the people that have voted for the nerfed **** just want free loot so they can sit in Dalaran and do nothing until Ulduar is released

  12. To be honest they should just do what the community wants! Harder content! Pretty sure it's time to close the poll and start scripting the old mechanics into wotlk naxx :)

  13. I was the GM of a raiding guild in late BC and then early Wrath (color me surprised my entire guild burnt out on Naxx 2...). I was also an officer in said guild when we were raiding it in 1.11.

    So definitely buff it. Don't add back in taunt immunity mechanics, because while they are amazingly good to promote coordination, for better or worse the class design by Wrath became so manic and frenzied that aggro stopped mattering. Putting that back in would be jarring.

    But things like the 3s void zone, tank MC, and frostbolt oneshots on KT; Loatheb being a dps race requiring good spore usage; Gothik having the gauntlet; Noths curse wiping the raid; Maexxna having a legit healing debuff and an actual legit number of players webbed; and Feugen and Stalagg not being complete pushovers would be nice as a start.

    Thing is once you release ToC and later ICC the design of WotLK made Naxx and Ulduar irrelevant. You can have a good progression curve up through Ulduar but releasing ToC will ruin it, so at that point you need to revert Naxx to its gimped 3.3 state so people even run it anymore for vanity titles.

  14. I was the GM of a raiding guild in late BC and then early Wrath (color me surprised my entire guild burnt out on Naxx 2...). I was also an officer in said guild when we were raiding it in 1.11.

    So definitely buff it. Don't add back in taunt immunity mechanics, because while they are amazingly good to promote coordination, for better or worse the class design by Wrath became so manic and frenzied that aggro stopped mattering. Putting that back in would be jarring.

    But things like the 3s void zone, tank MC, and frostbolt oneshots on KT; Loatheb being a dps race requiring good spore usage; Gothik having the gauntlet; Noths curse wiping the raid; Maexxna having a legit healing debuff and an actual legit number of players webbed; and Feugen and Stalagg not being complete pushovers would be nice as a start.

    Thing is once you release ToC and later ICC the design of WotLK made Naxx and Ulduar irrelevant. You can have a good progression curve up through Ulduar but releasing ToC will ruin it, so at that point you need to revert Naxx to its gimped 3.3 state so people even run it anymore for vanity titles.
    Yeah pretty much agreeing with this guy said :D

  15. Here we go again.... blizzlike hello?
    You will have vanilla naxx so you can play it.
    Also this is custom content.

    ''To clarify, we are talking about the lvl 80 version of the raid, the classic version will not be available''

    I thought you will release content progresively?
    Edited: August 16, 2015

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