1. Enjoy your masturbation. It's allowed, not against the rules, and you have every right to play.
    What is it with you and masturbation? Could you maybe use a different thing other than something like that here.

  2. All this cause there is some people you can't gank/kill/pvp against... there's a lot of people on this server, go find the ones you can kill, and don't interact w/ boxers, you're not in our league. Just a little piece of advice... when you say others have to compensate... speaks that you just cannot do something, and it translates to most people your just jealous of the people who can.

    Go ahead, cry some more, call me names and prove just how much an adult you are again.
    If i can run 20 char Mbox, doesn't mean i will do that. What the actual f*** makes you think all who are against Mboxing, can't do that...
    It's not about Horde or Alliance. It's not about win or lose. IT'S ABOUT THE GAME. 20 char Mboxer at BG's, you are not playing the game, you are playing people. Very selfish, you ignore your own faction players.

  3. What is it with you and masturbation? Could you maybe use a different thing other than something like that here.
    Very very descriptive synonym for mboxing, when used appropriately.
    Personally i'm not too much against 5 Mbox players, but 20 charachter BG's time waste...

  4. =Duubadaaba;2734628]Very selfish, you ignore your own faction players.
    The horde faction players do enjoy playing together with multiboxers tho.

  5. The horde faction players do enjoy playing together with multiboxers tho.
    With 3% Wintergrasp winrate they surely do.
    Cause multiboxers help em to enter voa at least once per week.

    Also playing with multiboxers and playing against multiboxers is absolutely different thing.
    I saw horde battleground chat when they've met Mbxa and have been teleported to the nearest graveyard.
    It was far from positive, kek.

    What is it with you and masturbation? Could you maybe use a different thing other than something like that here.
    His example is perfect.
    Having sex with a woman is standart thing. Player not able to find woman (read=garbage as single window player) tend to masturbate (read=multiboxing).
    Edited: September 29, 2016

  6. With 3% Wintergrasp winrate they surely do.
    Cause multiboxers help em to enter voa at least once per week.
    So what's the problem then? According to you the alliance wins 97% of the time, can't you even allow the horde to win a few games a week?
    It's good that there's horde multiboxers helping out, it balances things out.

  7. So what's the problem then?
    You and Lordaeron multiboxer Penergie are the best examples that Multiboxing and logic never come together.

    I do not care about winning or losing, I want interesting challenging games.
    Playing against multiboxers is boring because your faction pug can not counter them in most games.
    Playing with multiboxers is boring because opposite faction pug can not counter them in most games.

    Even deep losing pug vs premade game is more entertaining than multiboxing garbage.

    It's good that there's horde multiboxers helping out, it balances things out.
    Edited: September 29, 2016

  8. Just this give this man a medal,his posts are so empowering!hes QQ over game.purely epic.Id throw you in gulag,you and all alike for spamming nonsense on forums and crying all the time.Need a tissue?I betcha you are one hell of a cryer in real life,mommy give this,mommy give that.
    Who the F cares about tantrums on forums.Go steam some vent in gym and hit the sack.And then go back to play a game,**** man,people take this wow too seriously i think.Writing nonsense on forums all the time.I want challenge,i want bla bla,all i hear i want bla bla and bla.But you suck in pvp,u multibox,bla bla,more bla bla,you never reached 1.5k bla bla,you cant do pve alone bla bla.

    Just a lot of tantrum kids that aint goin outside,no wonder world is **** faced,i betcha in next 15,20 years kids gonna be degenarate no matter the techs here 4 help.This is solid proof.

  9. Multiboxing kiddo who's begged for arena boost for his lousy toons will never understand what does challnge means in this game.
    Keep compensating, Warmane allows that.
    Edited: September 29, 2016

  10. And thats only thing you can do reply without any sense.Get Gladiator forum title we can talk then.Oh wait,you cant.Oh too lowbie then.Maybe in next life.

  11. It's good that there's horde multiboxers helping out, it balances things out.
    Balance? What exactly?
    If it's to balance win ratio of WG, then it means boxers do have the power to change the entire outcome, thing that every multobexer player denies.
    If it's to balance a single WG, I'd say it totally unbalances, if pug vs prem is unbalanced already then imagine vs 2 or 3 BiS 25 boxers thing that has been happening quite often. Then the funniest thing is that you and your friends have been acusing alliance to have lack of skill/coordination like if it's "mandatory" to clean up all your messes. Now pls kill me now...

  12. Multiboxing is most impactful in unlimited areas like open world or wintergrasp.

    The downside of multiboxing is the mobility. Its harder to maneuver 10+ characters than one alone. But the ways the player profits have nothing to do with mmorpg gameplay. You can tell a group of normal players to "coordinate better", but how could anyone switch focus as fast as a multiboxer. Its simply inhuman and only doable by people using thrid party programs. No group of individuals on earth would instantly hit you with 20 frostshocks in one second in a regular basis. Healers have a chance to heal players up in a fight between individual players, but the focus-power of third-party programs just deletes players one by one and makes healing nearly useless. Therefore multiboxers usually win group-battles and not because of personal skill.

    The reason blizzard doesnt ban multiboxers up until today is the money they make and better statistics about "active players". There never werent that many multiboxers because of the costs. If it was free to play, like on warmane, Im am like 99% positive Blizzard wouldnt allow multiboxig (with programs) anymore (1% left because Blizzard did a lot of crap in history, showing they have no clue about some stuff).

    Another reason why its so impactful is that player-numbers are a big factor in open world/wintergrasp. If 4 multiboxers come to wintergrasp with 20+ characters neach and the other side just cant mobilize 100 idividual players, they will lose wintergrasp by high chance - just because of these 4 players.

    Its a small group of players making pvp for the whole rest of the pvp-community much less enjoyable. The only reasons for multiboxing are more donation money, higher player numbers, self interest (staff member multiboxing) and not pissing off like 10 people (multiboxers), at the cost of the enjoyment of pvp for everyone else.

  13. Balance? What exactly?
    There are some players who do not care about methods of winning, they just need wins only to feel comfortable.
    Reminds me horde siautation on Ragnarosback in the time past when cheaters were a common thing.
    Every horde mong was happy with flying demolisher in SOTA just because they wanted free 25 arena points.

    And thats only thing you can do reply without any sense.
    The fact you do not see any sense does not mean there is no any sense, probably you are just too multiboxer to see that sense. (:

  14. Enjoy your masturbation. It's allowed, not against the rules, and you have every right to play.
    LOL, this made me laugh, and in your case I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you......

    If i can run 20 char Mbox, doesn't mean i will do that. What the actual f*** makes you think all who are against Mboxing, can't do that...
    Reread my post....., In your angered hurry to reply, and get "I'll show this boxer a thing or two, they'll regret posting here, cause i have a snappy comeback and insult"
    It feels you missed most of what was said...

    tip: read a bit more slow, and try to comprehend....

    It's not about Horde or Alliance. It's not about win or lose. IT'S ABOUT THE GAME. 20 char Mboxer at BG's, you are not playing the game, you are playing people. Very selfish, you ignore your own faction players.
    2, 5, or 25 it doesn't matter, Mboxing, is Mboxing, and YOU don't make the rules. You crying only serves to make me laugh. Other boxers may try to be polite about your whining... I don't care if you do, fact is, you KNOW NOTHING about me, other than the fact I multibox. So you trying to insult me on that fact alone.... is all you can do, so thrown your temper tantrum some more, lets see those witty come backs, cause honestly I enjoy laughing.

    Very very descriptive synonym for mboxing, when used appropriately.
    Well the thing is we all use the synonyms we know, and it would seem your vocabulary is limited to this one, but who am I to judge, do your thing man lol.

    The fact you do not see any sense does not mean there is no any sense, probably you are just too multiboxer to see that sense. (:
    Your english translator doesn't seem to work well, fix that please so you don't come off sounding like a robot, wouldn't want people thinking your one of us, as you put it.
    Edited: September 29, 2016

  15. you KNOW NOTHING about me, other than the fact I multibox.
    The fact of multiboxing says a lot itself.
    Have never seen realy good players do multibox cause no reason for that.
    They have nothing to compensate (:

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