1. Simply, yes. These are among the most competitive players of the server, and should be perfectly aware of the function and purpose of the item. Doing that research is no hard task.
    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree here. I don't think it's on the players responsibility to check that everything he does responds to the state of the retail
    3.3.5 patch. Might be just me, but it's hard to find any credible source for small fixes such as this without going through a huge effort of reading every patches notes. I guess your intuition on items here might be better, knowing that you spent much more hours on this game than I did. I don't consider WoWhead comments trustworthy and I don't think they should be taken as such, as some people did in the other thread.

    It's not, however. I don't find that there's any need for imagination, when we have concluded what the factual matters are. Also, damage that is dealt to targets other than the boss also provide an advantage, whether great or minor - do not discount it, at least in this particular case.
    The factual matter from perspective of killing the boss lately is that the extra damage brought to anything but the boss itself is indeed useless, if not harmful in this particular case. You are free to disagree, but at current health and damage values the little damage on the adds doesn't reduce the length, damage, healing or any other parameter you'd like to use here. It is, of course, advantage per se when it provides more damage, but I wouldn't have counted the add damage out if I didn't honestly believe that it's irrelevant here. If the other two guilds that killed it were to disagree here, they'd lie.

    Do not forget, that these are my personal opinions, and I'm not one to ultimately judge what is illegitimate or legitimate.
    I didn't claim that, nor do I believe that you have an agenda in typing these, although maybe not completely unbiased. I know you've had your history with infamous and competition during Ulduar race and you're maybe the right person to talk about this stuff.

    It's very easy to go around looking for little stuff people do, that others call minmaxing, other abusing, depending on which side of the table you are on at that moment. I'm trying to set a framework -- it isn't the same to go around looking for stuff that brings advantage and includes many steps to recreate, as it is for the stuff you brought up. That's where I was aiming with the numbers; you can measure the advantage it brings in relation of whole raid's DPS or seconds, or how hard it is to recreate the stuff and whether it is intentional or not. I would like to say that the two last cases of drama-induced bans for exploiting were VERY different in that sense. Still, no justification for any behaviour that aims to gain advantage.

  2. Archetype is disbanding later today anyway... Thou shalt have thy throne.

  3. Omg i had to find an account just to post, this ekun is such a ****ing no life and never has anything constructive to add . Always cries and whines, cuz he isnt good enough to play with the big dogs and now keeps whining even when "he doesnt play for 6 months". Just stop posting no1 cares about your opinion on anything, you had one job and that was to update a stupid pve thread and u even fail to do that when u just need to CTRL+C CTRL+V MEMORIES after every boss..

    P.S. ofcourse everyone uses dragonbreath chilli or they bad players in my eyes


  4. hi ppl - still putting kill on bosses i see

  5. /bump and welcome new officer rumble gz


  6. xD qT

    all people welcome race,gender, height nor belly fat matters apply now

    She never engages in combat of any kind, nor does She allow it to occur in her presence. Though She never physically manifests in the world of mortals, when She involves herself in a violent situation She arrives invisibly and undetected using her dance of peace to calm the combatants until sunrise.


  7. So Archetype refugees now boost Memories lol... after all the roasting.sad
    keep goin stronk boyz

  8. Wickermidger didn't write that post you quoted WTF.

    Recruiting more ppl for the stepping-stone that is Archetype.

  9. Still recruiting several specs/classes to strengthen our core.

    Apply now if you want to earn your spot before ICC is released soon™

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