1. Routing problem? WTF do you mean by routing problem? So many people at the same time suddenly got routing problems XD? Check your servers routing and VPN filters, cause requiring so many people to change IP's seems a bit ridicolous
    Imagine the connections between Warmane and our clients like a tree. Warmane is at the base of the tree. All of our clients are out at the very tip ends of all the branches and twigs. Put in a block in one of the larger branches and suddenly, all of the clients connecting to the base of the tree through that branch are no longer able to connect.

    Unfortunately, there's nothing we (Warmane) can do about a routing issue. However, they normally are resolved by their own maintenance crews in a timely manner (6-12 hours at most; as many as 48 hours in extreme situations).

  2. Can confirm - I connected to VPN and was able to get on Warmane. Disconnected the VPN and it drops and unable to log back in.

  3. so trying to get a new ip for myself will fix the issue?

  4. So i have to talk with my family and watch tv with them? i don't like the idea, fix this please :(

  5. Imagine the connections between Warmane and our clients like a tree. Warmane is at the base of the tree. All of our clients are out at the very tip ends of all the branches and twigs. Put in a block in one of the larger branches and suddenly, all of the clients connecting to the base of the tree through that branch are no longer able to connect.

    Unfortunately, there's nothing we (Warmane) can do about a routing issue. However, they normally are resolved by their own maintenance crews in a timely manner (6-12 hours at most; as many as 48 hours in extreme situations).
    thanks, Mercy

  6. I'am able to connect with a VPN from the Netherlands, USA seems to have issues or Warmane has issues reaching to the US.

  7. In US here, unable to connect at this time as well.

  8. this is why its best to have servers in north america

  9. It's actually a QWEST routing issue in the US. So, my buddy doesn't use Centurylink/Qwest ISP, he uses another and has no issues routing to 188... in Germany. Because I have that ISP, I have routing issues.

    Or, if your ISP uses there DNS/routing, you will have issues. I'm sure they will fix it sometime soon.


    As for having servers in NA? Umm as long as stupid *** US or where ever in NA they have their servers doesn't have some law that will prevent them from running this game, then OK. But I highly doubt they can legally run it in NA.

  10. I'm in france and impacted too actually :(

  11. Has anyone tried changing their DNS ? You can use googles or opendns, this may fix the routing issue

  12. Imagine the connections between Warmane and our clients like a tree. Warmane is at the base of the tree. All of our clients are out at the very tip ends of all the branches and twigs. Put in a block in one of the larger branches and suddenly, all of the clients connecting to the base of the tree through that branch are no longer able to connect.

    Unfortunately, there's nothing we (Warmane) can do about a routing issue. However, they normally are resolved by their own maintenance crews in a timely manner (6-12 hours at most; as many as 48 hours in extreme situations).
    BUT Warmane isn't the root of MY tree. =P HAHA! Thanks Mercy. Great explanation. :) And, ya. Major ISPs have routes fixed usually faster then you can report it and the report actually getting to their WAN team.



    That will not work. Your ISP will still route through its DNS. Only a VPN service will be a good work around. Anyway, I have other things to do so I'll try tomorrow.

  13. it looks like there is a Level3 outage affecting much of the United States and other areas right now.


    Yesterday it was AWS servers dying, not sure what's going on now

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