1. Rip jijiquake
    rip bot mayler
    rip bot perfeito
    rip inda sapatao
    rip nao sei jogar esse mapa
    rip Green Hunter
    rip accelerate multi glad 3k

  2. I might not have been part of it for long but it was by far one of my best WoW experiences so i owe you much grattitude.

    RIP Proud
    Respect to Jiji and everyone else involved .

    Regards Opti

  3. Whaaaaat??
    Tell me if its not real?

  4. @Winki, that decision would be the best choice you will make in awhile. Been there, done that, theres nothing else left.

  5. w0w i thought 'proud' will be best guild after the merge .
    anyway gl hf guys i hope you'll back soon guys.

  6. Hi. After postponing it for a while, we've finally decided to go inactive. <Proud> will not be raiding anymore and it is unlikely we're coming back (even if they ever merge realms or change cores). For quite some time Inda and I have been bored of the game and accomplishing pretty much everything there is to, it became a pointless routine to log everyday and play the same few classes/roles in the same raids. We thought that maybe with the merge and core replacement things would get interesting but these changes are clearly not happening soon enough, and with the recent lack of activity (a bunch of people not playing anymore/leaving due to different reasons) it's just not worth the effort of recruiting/teaching/farming again, things I had the excitement for back when we made the guild.

    As for myself, the enjoyment of playing this game was long-lost and only a couple of things still held me into it. I'm really burned-out and on top of that having personal irl issues just makes it harder to put any effort in games - much less the ones you're constantly dealing with people who you might not please everytime.

    I'd like to thank everyone who played with us and helped out in each raid, specially the people that stayed here until this day.
    damn, good luck

  7. "I am Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger. I am the Teeth in the Darkness, the Talons in the Night. Mine is Strength... and Lust... and Power! I AM BEOWULF!"

  8. Bye and all the best! It was fun while it lasted.


  9. Jijipe best leader molten
    Good playing with u and Proud guys
    Thanks bro

  10. rip in pce
    jiji still bad
    bad gild goes out badly ok
    go raid some irl u nubs! cyu!

  11. rip in pce
    jiji still bad
    bad gild goes out badly ok
    go raid some irl u nubs! cyu!
    ill raid ur fukin ****ry noob full blyat

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