1. Imo it's perfect, no queue is the best queue :D
    You can't ask people to stay if they don't like/ are not able to defeat current content without breaking a sweat, that's what Icecrown atm. It is what it is, but at the end of the day, lordaeron still has a massive amouth of people from god knows how many countries.
    Overtune of not, ulduar will eventually go down. Then, after a couple of month, I'm sure people you will be able to do ulduar 25- NM with pug group.

    I suggest we all appreciate ulduar for what it is atm, because theTrial of the Crusader isn't exactly the best raid . . .

  2. Main and only problem Lordaeron have is stupid af x1 rates, not everyone have time to play 8 hours a day, ppl cba to fukin lvl from 1-80 in 30+ days, it just takes too long, i dont fukin understand why the fuk would anyone want x1 experience rates, having honor/gold/etc x1 rates is perfect, but x1 on experience is just plain dumb on long run, you have 70% population that ain't even lvl 80, pvp on lordaeron is utter sh1t, Don't you realise leveling process in World of Warcraft have always been most hated aspect of game, that's why Blizzard speed up leveling process every damn expansion.

    incrasing exp rates to x2 would make Lordaeron flourish again guaranteed.

  3. It's all quite simple, people can't handle / don't want do deal with buffed bosses so they leave. What's strange here?
    If you started playing some game like CS:GO and joined a server where you would end every match with 0:20 would you stay? Ofc not, you'd go to easier one.
    Same here - people can't handle bosses so they leave.
    Other group are people who like to clear whole content while watching movie on 2nd screen, nothing wrong with that, they simply don't want to put effort in.

  4. they are leaving lordaeron just cause of hard raids + actually there are some noobs in this realm.but icecrown have better players with more exprience of raiding in all kind of pve and pve

  5. You have no clue what an ad hominem is, obviously, but that seems to be a fancy go-to reply when you don't have anything valid to say as a reply on the internet nowadays, so it's not surprising to see it being brought up when someone's experience in managing private servers is put in question as a reply to their claim that having 10000 players in a single server means "doing something wrong."

  6. You have no clue what an ad hominem is, obviously, but that seems to be a fancy go-to reply when you don't have anything valid to say as a reply on the internet nowadays, so it's not surprising to see it being brought up when someone's experience in managing private servers is put in question as a reply to their claim that having 10000 players in a single server means "doing something wrong."
    How is an attack on someone's character, addressing the fact that you believed they aren't qualified to have an opinion matter because of x not ad hominem?

    The fact that Molten and now Warmane has only been revered for it's population alone in lieu of poor scripts, incompetent management and inept staff should be reasoning enough to as why anyone with an inkling can address glaring flaws on a server, despite it being far from critical.

    Consider zyklon b.
    Edited: June 11, 2016

  7. Main and only problem Lordaeron have is stupid af x1 rates, not everyone have time to play 8 hours a day, ppl cba to fukin lvl from 1-80 in 30+ days, it just takes too long, i dont fukin understand why the fuk would anyone want x1 experience rates, having honor/gold/etc x1 rates is perfect, but x1 on experience is just plain dumb on long run, you have 70% population that ain't even lvl 80, pvp on lordaeron is utter sh1t, Don't you realise leveling process in World of Warcraft have always been most hated aspect of game, that's why Blizzard speed up leveling process every damn expansion.

    incrasing exp rates to x2 would make Lordaeron flourish again guaranteed.
    Are we talking about the same expansions in which Blizzard keeps losing subs?

    Yeah no thanks... I like my levelling at this pace. Feels natural.

  8. How is an attack on someone's character, addressing the fact that you believed they aren't qualified to have an opinion matter because of x not ad hominem?
    How is it an attack on someone's character when they believe they can make management claims without having any experience managing anything similar, to the point of success that is called "doing something wrong" that requires "getting **** together"? His claim has no validity unless he has experience in being able to do better in a scenario where one single "wrong" server has more population than other private servers put together.

  9. its funny how all those that think icecrown is so much better blabla keep posting in Lordaeron forums, meanwhile yo go to icecrown forums and there are 0 "OMG lordaeron is so much better , why is this so easy, staff blablal" posts. Obviously salty players that cant handle raids in current state but still are desperate to play here. ;p

  10. @obnoxious: Is it your server ? Do you code it ? Oh wait...you are just a mod on the forums.

    What I was saying is,lordaeron needs more players than icecrown.Why ? Because its 1x,because RDF is disabled,because its more than hardcore with everything boosted to hell.
    Also,to quote you "claim that having 10000 players in a single server means 'doing something wrong.' ". Since you don't get it let me draw a picture for you.

    Delete this post,ban me,I don't give a ****,cause I know that you do that when someone hits you right in the feels.Week ago I got a ban for "PROPAGANDA" ! My guild and I rofled at that ****.

  11. As it has been said, lots of players were playing here cause of new bugfree core (compare to RagWing).
    Now, when core is the same, they left cause no interested in x1 rates and overbuffed bosses.

    Lets be clear, Lordaeron will never be more populated than Icecream without havin some advantage bugwise - people do not want to waste time for x1 crap witht he same result at the end. These who want to make quest and feel the LorE, easy do that on Icecream.

    Open your own server, get more than 10000 players online, and only then start believing you can say what's to do something right or wrong in this context.
    Actually he is right, since this project is a buiseness project, Team should investigate reasons why realm lost population.
    Your answer reminds me one administrator of vanilla realm who said esxactly the same "If you don't like - leave", "Make your own server then", and now this server is lousy low online garbage no1 wants to play on.
    Edited: June 12, 2016

  12. @obnoxious: Is it your server ? Do you code it ? Oh wait...you are just a mod on the forums.

    What I was saying is,lordaeron needs more players than icecrown.Why ? Because its 1x,because RDF is disabled,because its more than hardcore with everything boosted to hell.
    Also,to quote you "claim that having 10000 players in a single server means 'doing something wrong.' ". Since you don't get it let me draw a picture for you.

    Delete this post,ban me,I don't give a ****,cause I know that you do that when someone hits you right in the feels.Week ago I got a ban for "PROPAGANDA" ! My guild and I rofled at that ****.
    Yeah population dropped on lordaeron. But where did those people go? most of them to another server on warmane. most people did not leave warmane.
    I cecrown did not have 10k+ pop before.

    Basicly Lordaeron ws the "new ****" here on warmane, less buggy, it was new and fresh. so it draw lots of people. it was ment to be more "hardcore and a 1x server, they where as they said themself avare that it would not be a server everyone would like. then they fixed icecrown with same script. made another good server so those that did not like lordaeron could play on. and a bunch left lordaeron in favor for icecrown. that was expected,

    Still lordaeron have close to 10k population. I cant see how that is a failure. they now have 2 high populated Wotlk servers, you will have to look hard to find another private server that have 2 Wotlk servers with both around 10k pop.

  13. Inb4 they release shadowmourne on marketplace for lordaeron and server dies completely just like old lordaeron if its not already dying :D

  14. As it has been said, lots of players were playing here cause of new bugfree core (compare to RagWing).
    Now, when core is the same, they left cause no interested in x1 rates and overbuffed bosses.

    Lets be clear, Lordaeron will never be more populated than Icecream without havin some advantage bugwise - people do not want to waste time for x1 crap witht he same result at the end. These who want to make quest and feel the LorE, easy do that on Icecream.
    No one interested in x1 and playing without Rdf and with overbuffed bosses? how come there is still often between 8-9k people on loraeron?

    Icecrown is great for those who want RDf and want faster, easier leveling, easier raids, and being able to buy gear for coins cheaper. basilcy faster and easier rewards without having to work to much. And that is fine, Nothing wrogng with that. Some like that some like it not, we are all different and have different taste

    And yeah i higly doubt Lordearon will be more popluated than icecrown. maybe sometimes like when Icc is released it might pop up past icecrown for a short while. but no over all it wont be more pop on lordaeron than icecrown.

    But does that make lordaeron bad? is it wrong to play there? what is all this complainign about. do you not like that others may enjoy things you dont?. Do you want them to change rates on Lordaeron? make it into a copy of icecrown? Does it bother you that people play on lordaeron?

    personally i do prefere Lordaeron but i am glad they fixed icecrown so there is an option, now people can chose the server they like best. why complain about that?

  15. As it has been said, lots of players were playing here cause of new bugfree core (compare to RagWing).
    Now, when core is the same, they left cause no interested in x1 rates and overbuffed bosses.
    core was the same before merge.... why do people make crazy stories up is beyond me.

    so according to you its because of the core updates. those happened well before the merge. so why dint players rush to those higher rated realms when they had the new core as you say they did? prolly bc you are talking out your rear. wear a butt plug when you make dumb comments like the one above and spare us your nonsense please.

    PS for those who forgot. back in molten days. lord had 1.5k at peak times. dw and rag had 7-8k. history will repeat itself again. remember after moltdown when they made a poll asking if we as a community wanted lord 1x back and the community said we said no? there is a reason for that.
    Edited: June 12, 2016

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