1. With all due respect, you didnt responded to this :

    "it's easy to sort out the level 1-5 alts pumping thousands of gold out from the level 30 players with 225+ tradeskills,"

    In my case I work 10-12 hours a day, and my time is little, I have spend the most I could leveling up my toon and my proffesion without selling anything (devs can check my logs to see if I have any suspicious gold flow). So basically what you are telling the comunity is that because of an error of the server (not from me) I have lost all the time I spent leveling up skinning, instead of downgrading it to what the current bracket is for my toon level? Its really a bad move and totally unfair.

    I ask again with all the good intention, please give me back my time, I wasn't abusing a bug to damage server economy. One thing is doing something that you dont know you arent supposed to do (without hurting anyone) and another is abusing an exploit for personal gain(on that part, we agree)

  2. With all due respect, you didnt responded to this :

    "it's easy to sort out the level 1-5 alts pumping thousands of gold out from the level 30 players with 225+ tradeskills,"
    Yes, I did. I also already answered about the other part too.

  3. Ok, I'm recognizing that this couldn't be done individually, so there is always the slim possibility of the one-in-a-million case of someone total, completely, without reservations, truly wholly oblivious that something was wrong, someone so green to the game that it never ever occurred to them that maybe it was too good to be true, they never realized so over time and never heard any comment about it at all.

    For such extreme outlier cases it sucks, but unfortunately bugs are still par for the course in private servers, their existence is something anyone playing in one is implied to understand and accept. Most can get fixed and sometimes the fix won't be painless, but there's no objective way to separate who was so clueless to neither know better nor wonder if that was working right. OOFMAN's sarcastic post pretty much sums it up: suddenly everyone was an exception and didn't know; for someone who would abuse a bug, lying about it is nothing.

    Now what?
    one in a million case of someone total , completely , without reservations , truly wholly oblivious etc etc.. holy **** theres no way you actually believe that the chance of not knowing there is a level cap in professions is that low , especially when there is no indication of that at all. if only warmane spent the same amount of time coding the game as much as theyve spent coding your self defense mechanism

  4. Yes, I did. I also already answered about the other part too.
    thanks for showing what really Warmane cares about. Thanks a lot

  5. one in a million case of someone total , completely , without reservations , truly wholly oblivious etc etc.. holy **** theres no way you actually believe that the chance of not knowing there is a level cap in professions is that low , especially when there is no indication of that at all. if only warmane spent the same amount of time coding the game as much as theyve spent coding your self defense mechanism
    +1 - soon we are out of the actual beta-test.
    We'll see if players can enter BWL without attunement and only enter BWL inside a cleared UBRS. Not far from how MC was the first 3 weeks of the server release :D

    MC-Realm-first titles and loot received by exploiting bugged code should be rewoked just as this instance with professions.

    Who doesn't love people with double-standards?
    Edited: January 16, 2024

  6. Absolutely agree with Caalanuaa and Zalaran. I also suggested returning a certain skill to 30 levels (+-4 levels). At least part of the profession. I also feel sorry for the time I spent on my profession. But it seems the Warmain administration doesn’t care about ordinary players. Destroy - not build (c)

  7. I think some type of fix would be nice, what are the chances i could just get a few stacks of linen, wool, and silk cloth mailed to me so i can get my tailoring to the 200 ish it was at? I was exploiting a bug and i just dont want to go farm all that linen and wool since im only level 28? Is there a proper place to request this because my tickets they keep telling me to refer to this forum.

  8. They should ban you and all abusers 1 week for every CD you exploited on alts. Crafted 3 bars on 3 alts, 9 bars in total, that whould be 9 weeks ban.

  9. My 3 characters are lvl 20+, because I initially thought I had to lvl them up to 35 before I could get artisan professions. During the levling I found out it wasn't needed, so why bother level?
    I didn't know it was a bug. I thought it was a warmane feature as so many other things in this server that doesn't align with how Vanilla WoW was.

  10. You knew how it was supposed to work, saw it was different, but didn't think of making sure? Why? Because it was advantageous?
    What if instead you found out you had to level to 50, would you just have shrugged and assumed it was "a Warmane feature" as well? Or maybe it being disadvantageous would get a different reaction?

  11. You guys are still complaining about this?

  12. Why would I do something that I don't have to do?

    If you had the opportunity to receive 10000$ by either work 1 hour or 100 hours which option would you choose?

    Im done discussing. I hope you learned something from this.

  13. If you had the opportunity to receive 10000$ by either work 1 hour or 100 hours which option would you choose?
    Like any adult with common sense, I'd first want to know what was that one hour of work about, because even a child could tell it's too good to be true.

  14. Like any adult with common sense, I'd first want to know what was that one hour of work about, because even a child could tell it's too good to be true.
    do you only reply to messages that are convenient to you

  15. They should ban you and all abusers 1 week for every CD you exploited on alts. Crafted 3 bars on 3 alts, 9 bars in total, that whould be 9 weeks ban.
    and they should make you president

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