1. July 7, 2017  
    Because it's annoying having our forums cluttered with posts by people that ignore simple logic. Pay 10 euro's or roll medhiv, problem solved now stop trying to change the world to suit you as an individual.
    Then ignore the threads and pay no mind.

  2. July 7, 2017  
    You know, we could explain to these newbies that the cap is there for a reason in the first place, then there are several threads around asking/demanding to raise it, completely ignoring the server itself with its possible stability issues, and looking at their personal life only. Then you will see always the same people replying...
    Well, it became pointless. Even after the same answers of "donate 10 bucks to skip queue" over and over again (I've notice that some players still think it's paying each month instead of being permanently). And then we have others who say that Warmane can raise Outland's and Icecrown's cap because... they just can, well that just does it, assuming anything they want without any reason.
    Oh well, what else to say, it's merely impossible to tell how insistent can you get...
    So yeah, good idea. I will also let these threads go, no one accepts our help, so I won't bother either.

    we need better afk system.
    This has been suggested several times, if you mean by reducing the allowed afk time. Also, accounts logged on the char list screen do count for the statistic, and that you can abuse it forever. I don't think there's a point, as they just can press a key every 10 minutes anyway, and everything would be pratically the same.
    Edited: July 7, 2017

  3. July 9, 2017  
    Seems like a pretty big problem, with very few if any solutions... They get bigger and better servers to allow the increase population cap, thus no Que's (Which costs money aka donations). Force Server splits or merges which most people dont like and dont really fix the problem at hand and it'd still cost money... Or the system they already have in place. Not much they can do about it I guess.

  4. July 9, 2017  
    was waiting 5 hours in que today. when there were like 50 ppl left the server crashed. i log in again and boom 1000 que. unplayable sundays every time

  5. July 9, 2017  
    They get bigger and better servers to allow the increase population cap, thus no Que's.
    Well, increasing the cap won't simply solve the queue issues, not only it won't be easy to keep the server stable but also the queue is more likely to decrease in a small amount. As soon as people realize it, lots might come back as they will get hopes to log in sooner. At least this happened with Lordaeron.

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