View Poll Results: Should we enable same-faction mercenary mode on our WoTLK realms?

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  • Yes!

    3,043 65.44%
  • No!

    1,607 34.56%

  1. not dope epic or anything like that at all hows that even a thing, and including more and more feature like this is hilarious instead to actully fix the server or wahtever the server crashes causes. completly stupid to think that will work and im a big pvper myself i see how the chats are wiht the crossrealms on the horde side are toxic, cancerous and just overall bad and not wanna make me play pvp more then a few hours. stupid idea thats it

  2. You are going way out of line here. Far away from blizz-like and into custom. Ask players if they want garrisons, warfronts and other features on burning crusade and they will say yes to all. YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!
    But then again you implemented transmog on WOTLK....still waiting on that button to turn it off, btw...
    This isn't a slippery slope, so that sort of fallacy is, well, a fallacy. The initiative to ask players about it came from us, as we are ready to offer it if a sizeable portion of players sees the benefits, and consider it to be in line with what we want to have in our servers. Regarding the whole "Blizz-like" thing... the most non-Blizz-like thing we have is the lack of a monthly fee, but I never see anyone complaining.

  3. As i mention above for me is a great idea and i can see the benefits of it but I can understund the people who are against of it.
    The bigger picture for me is that warmane is trying to make the game better and please the players and im more than happy about
    that because with the arrival of classic I'm worried the wotlk servers will loose a lot of playerbase after all good job for warmane who
    still care about the palyers and PVP such a thing who BLIZZARD stop doing that for a lot of years

  4. not dope epic or anything like that at all hows that even a thing, and including more and more feature like this is hilarious instead to actully fix the server or wahtever the server crashes causes. completly stupid to think that will work and im a big pvper myself i see how the chats are wiht the crossrealms on the horde side are toxic, cancerous and just overall bad and not wanna make me play pvp more then a few hours. stupid idea thats it
    The server crashes were due to an issue in the process of starting up the server. It was resolved quickly, we are checking for others and fixing it along the way. We do all of these things already and you can look at our sizable changelogs and see that we are not simply sitting on our behinds all day.

    This is an idea, offerred to the community, as the benefits are clear.

    We would appreciate if you stay on the topic though, we cannot address every single question about everything.

  5. I disagree with the idea behind this post, it aims to put a band-aid on a gaping wound. The real problem isn't that the queues are longer, but that pvp players won't choose to play as horde because of the unuseful racials and disadvantages the faction presents (in pvp). The problem lays with the overpowered nature of the alliance races in pvp during the wrath expansion, if you want to bring any sort of balance to pvp that's where the discussion needs to be headed, otherwise just don't do anything and just continue to wait a bit longer for a bg queue to pop.
    There are two points to be made here: first is that the server would no longer be blizzlike if we changed stuff around. To that i say that it wouldn't be blizzlike(at the time during wotlk) to make the changes you are arguing for here now with mercenary mode. The second is that the idea behind the factions was that horde should be better at pve and alliance better at pvp. To that i say go look right now at the ladders for pve and pvp, right now you'll notice that in pve alliane and horde are about equally represented on the pve ladder(at around 26-24 in favor of horde), while the pvp ladder is overwhelmingly alliance (at around 46-4 in favor of alliance); that's just the top 50, i'm willing to bet that top 100 is even worse for horde.
    To further clarify, i do not want to see alliance players in my team on horde. There's a general hatred between one and other, that's the nature of roleplaying games such as wow; you always remember that one guy's name who has been hunting you down the entire bg, i wouldn't want to see him on my team. You can't take that away and call it an improvement, i disagree.
    This is exactly what i meant. If you did roll alliance and play pvp, you had to consider longer waiting times in que for BG. If there is no be punishment for rolling alliance, more players will roll alliance PVP and nobody will play horde. Me, myself, Im horde and I do not aproove anything this!

  6. When does the transformation happen? When you enter the BG or queue? Does it revert back when you exit?

  7. When does the transformation happen? When you enter the BG or queue? Does it revert back when you exit?
    When you join the battleground. It reverts back when you exit.

  8. When you join the battleground. It reverts back when you exit.
    Is no transormation even being considered at all? I'd personally prefer to look like the race I've decided to roll regardless of what faction I'm currently playing on.

  9. Where do I vote for no? This is bad news.

  10. For someone who plays both horde and alliance, I prefer my alliance character to stay alliance when joining a battleground. I don't mind waiting 5-10 minutes in a queue, easily doable while I farm something or do a quest. Perhaps you can make this optional? Let those that want join as opposing faction, I for one don't want to do it.

    The culprit here is Blackrock, the queues became longer ever since they got added to the crossrealm battleground-server. Just go and look at their faction on the "information"-page. And like someone already mentioned, it's all due to the racial of humans. Of course a pure PvP realm being added to a crossrealm battlegrounds group will mean a lot more alliance.

  11. how will communication with the alliance players that "change" for that bg and the horde players will be handled? chat comms are really important on some if not all of the bgs.
    will that be enabled?
    how will toxic use of the chat will be handled if so (from both sides)?
    how will intentionally trolling the bg so that the changing faction win will be handled?
    will this also affect wintergrasp? (most likely no but hey, a " dumb" question is better than no question).

    i REALLY like the idea. as a really old molten player and having left wow a while ago, things like this make me consider returning. good job staff.

  12. +1 to this.

    actually making it optional would be a great idea. hardcore pvp players can go all in as much as as they want, effectively reducing the queue and faction players can simply do their bgs.

  13. +1000
    Best proposition ever made on Warmane.

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