1. solutiion's Avatar
    thx for the guide

  2. DonBishop's Avatar
    I'm starting to think you should add TC as a mandatory talent. There are plenty of time where you're spamming mana costly heals with downtime to regain mana as well. The biggest pro with picking up TC is the fact that Druids won't have to drop Innervate on you and it also allows you to save Mana Tide Totem.

    Lets take Magmaw for example. The usual setup is two healers. One for the raid and one for the kiters. When Magmaw uses his "Mangle" ability on the tank, both healers are spamming their fast mana heavy heals (Shamans Healing Surge, Paladins and Priest Flash of Light, Resto Druid its Regrowth) on the tank. Depending on how fast the DPS can get the chains on Mag'Maw determines how much mana you're gonna waste. If they're fast than you may only see yourself dropping 5-6 HS on the tank. If they're slow well, kiss your mana goodbye.

    As we know when Magmaw's head is on the spike he takes 100% increased damage. This is when most raids blow their Heroism/Bloodlust/Timewarp/Ancient Hysteria. So you've got the haste to reduce the cast time of your LB which in turn means you can cast LB more often and he's also taking 100% increased damage. Now, I'm not going to sit here and calculate formulas, but depending on how fast you can tap the button you have Lightning Bolt hotkey'd to, you're looking at a lot of extra mana back, if not all.

    Shaman's are one of the few classes that have this ability and should take advantage of it. That's only one example, TC has several other uses through out Cataclysm that warrant it to be a mandatory talent.

  3. obelixmtg's Avatar
    It's funny how your example is the one fight where TC really shines, in most fights you dont really have the time to cast LB more than a couple times, at least in my experience. It is a good talent, but I think qualifying it as "optional" is pretty fair.

  4. DonBishop's Avatar
    It's funny how your example is the one fight where TC really shines, in most fights you dont really have the time to cast LB more than a couple times, at least in my experience. It is a good talent, but I think qualifying it as "optional" is pretty fair.
    The point is being able to save Innervate and Mana Tide totem for other people. I've been able to get off enough Lightning Bolts in other boss fights as well.

    And I may be wrong but Focused Insight does work on Healing Rain, at least it reduces the mana cost on the tooltip.

  5. with tc, you will need 18% hit rating to avoid misses. the mana return is already very low and gets alot worse with every miss. theres much better talents to choose over tc including ancestral resolve, focused insight or acuity. taking tc will sacrifice throughput for a small chance to return a very little mana.

    healing wave is already dirt cheap and while proccing resurgence(returns 2292 mana per healing wave crit with water shield up) will not only keep the heals going but will also keep your blue filling.

  6. I'm starting to think you should add TC as a mandatory talent. There are plenty of time where you're spamming mana costly heals with downtime to regain mana as well. The biggest pro with picking up TC is the fact that Druids won't have to drop Innervate on you and it also allows you to save Mana Tide Totem.

    Lets take Magmaw for example. (...)
    Like someone said before, you've taken the best possible fight that gives TC mandatory meaning. During other encounters, you'd rather not meet with this kind of transition phase, but to be honest, it depends on raid. Usually, I do have time to throw up few LB, just because my raid is not taking stupid damage. Otherwise, I'd be forced not to cast it.

    On the other hand, it's really good talent as a "emergency mana regenarator". Many people underestimate it, calling out a huge missing chance and you can forget to get 18% hit cap, 'cause it would be completely mindless. Even thought you can normally pop MTT 2 times per encounter, sometimes it could be not enough.

    And I may be wrong but Focused Insight does work on Healing Rain, at least it reduces the mana cost on the tooltip.
    It shouldn't be working then.

    healing wave is already dirt cheap and while proccing resurgence(returns 2292 mana per healing wave crit with water shield up) will not only keep the heals going but will also keep your blue filling.
    It's 1711 actually.

  7. It's 1711 actually.
    2292 mana returned for healing wave crits with rank 2 resurgence. says the tooltip. also if you miss a lb, thats mana lost, no mana returned, no damage done, no healing done, and a gcd wasted.

    at least with focused insight(which i don't use) procs even if it misses. resurgence is also much better because you can spam a cheap heal keeping health bars full and gain some extra mana on crits while proccing ancestral healing.

    i should add i'm speaking from a non-pug raid perspective where you don't have a ridiculous amount of healers carrying the raid. if you are pugging, you should focus even more on healing throughput. if your ooming, its almost always because someone is screwing up. maybe your spell selection, gear setup, players taking tons of unnecessary damage.

  8. 2292 mana returned for healing wave crits with rank 2 resurgence. says the tooltip. also if you miss a lb, thats mana lost, no mana returned, no damage done, no healing done, and a gcd wasted.

    Due to MSBT counter, you gain 1744 per tick (I messed up with 1711; I remembered that's 1,7k and two identical numbers so my bad inb4 :P). Maybe you missed that it's actually Improved Water Shield. Resurgence is working on sorta other mechanics.

  9. Adding things


    New updates are incoming. New content is not going to be released until February, so BiS list will be posted soon with tips for reforging and gemming. For now new undersection is released that solves trinkets' problem.

    More content is on the way!

    Edit: Sorry, but it will be little late, I'm too busy right now to get it working.

  10. emagunner's Avatar
    i've been reading some shaman forums and they recommend telluric currents.
    i see that it recovers 40% of damage dealt by lightning bolt, which costs 1450 mana, hits for 5k, and has 2.3 sec cast. and healers dont stack hit rating so.. whats the deal with this?
    i think i get more mana from spirit just by not casting than using a lightning bolt.

  11. i've been reading some shaman forums and they recommend telluric currents.
    i see that it recovers 40% of damage dealt by lightning bolt, which costs 1450 mana, hits for 5k, and has 2.3 sec cast. and healers dont stack hit rating so.. whats the deal with this?
    i think i get more mana from spirit just by not casting than using a lightning bolt.
    You are correct.
    If you are low on mana, do not use lightning bolts.
    The purpose of this talent Telluric Currents is so you can engage in offense and help dps if your party is not taking heavy damage and you have lots of mana. Basically, it is a very mana efficient offensive attack to use while you are healing.

    Every healer should help dps whenever possible. Dudu healer should use faerie fire x3 stacks, Priest healer should keep devouring plague up, Shammy healer should often hex, bind elemental, and cast lightning bolt, etc. By helping this way, you shorten the duration of the battle which makes it easier to heal. Just make sure you are using only offensive abilities that are mana efficient so it wont interfere with your healing job.

  12. Guide is nice, but would be cool if there would be some SS stats/battle to backup words, if you r saying they r best i suppose you find shaman very easy to play, show off then.

  13. Best guide ever imho - Thanks.

    Comprehensive yet succinct.

    If I was to be overly critical, I would only mention one *minor* error.

    7. Legs - Powerful Ghostly Spellthread - Enchanters
    This is actually a tailored item.

    On a brighter note, thanks for helping me get the most out of my Resto Sham and making what was once a daunting task more fun and easier to pull off.

    - Ari

  14. Thanoz's Avatar
    Mail Specialisation works??

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