1. Why people contradict themselves,there is over 100 wars on the top,you need to be better then them as a warrior to get 2k5++ isn't?
    you get it or not ? there is no others class which can compete with warriors played with same gear and same skill,warriors >>>>> all other classes
    You are better war then the 100 warriors behind you in the ladder but you are not better player then others 3000 players playing different classes playing a combo which doesn't counter wars
    Unless you play fully counter warrior combo you can't really compete at high levels,that's why we are crying about wars.
    are you supposed to kill a healer as a warrior spamming your pve rotation without any hard switch or a good chain purging cc(never see this in the last 3-4 expansions) ? with no even single interrupt, it's enough to align your cd and procs ,trinket roots and one shot that thing no need to know even how to interrupts.
    (somebody fake cast you?just pick the bugued talent and try again (no cd) ,fake you again? he is already in execute range by magic or miracles )
    I just made a healer playing for almost one months with only healer + randoms (mages,ret,Shamans ) never passed 1700,the day i started to ask for hunters and wars i gained 400 rating in one day playing with backpedaling wars and hunters.

    Something is really wrong
    Edited: June 26, 2015

  2. Unless you play fully counter warrior combo you can't really compete at high levels,that's why we are crying about wars.
    are you supposed to kill a healer as a warrior spamming your pve rotation without any hard switch or a good chain purging cc(never see this in the last 3-4 expansions) ? with no even single interrupt, it's enough to align your cd and procs ,trinket roots and one shot that thing no need to know even how to interrupts.
    If you die against a warrior who is not even using interrupts, you or your gear are the problem.

    (somebody fake cast you?just pick the bugued talent and try again (no cd)
    The talent is not bugged, they just have not patched to 5.4.7 apparently, which was the patch they introduced the shared cooldown. And it's not like such patch issues only have positive effects on the class. Mortal Strike for example was buffed to 215% weapon damage (up from 175%) in 5.4.0 and that's still missing on warmane.

    ,fake you again? he is already in execute range by magic or miracles )
    I just made a healer playing for almost one months with only healer + randoms (mages,ret,Shamans ) never passed 1700,the day i started to ask for hunters and wars i gained 400 rating in one day playing with backpedaling wars and hunters.
    It's no secret that in Mop warriors are easier to perform with at a decent level than say mages. That doesn't say that mages are hard to play, in my eyes they're just as easy. But there are those players that are just horrible and those may perform better with a warrior.

    Something is really wrong[/QUOTE]

  3. Back to the title of this topic...
    The state of pvp... actually... a freakin big NO :D It's funny there is no real pve on the server and you NEED to do pvp either if you want or not for gearing up but the pvp on the server is maybe 40% working... pvp resi and power is a joke, they not even functioning, a lot.. a really lot of spells are totaly out of order... there is a few bg added just... cc mechanics are funny at least... so yeah... it's a big NO. :D

  4. Back to the title of this topic...
    The state of pvp... actually... a freakin big NO :D It's funny there is no real pve on the server and you NEED to do pvp either if you want or not for gearing up but the pvp on the server is maybe 40% working... pvp resi and power is a joke, they not even functioning, a lot.. a really lot of spells are totaly out of order... there is a few bg added just... cc mechanics are funny at least... so yeah... it's a big NO. :D
    Don't listen to this guy,it's like listening to a skinny or fat fitness trainer who just walks in the gym with no acomplishments and experience.

    5 out 10 classes need quite few serious fixes.
    General bugs like buff and proc stack need additional fixes.
    The server atm is pretty much progressing int o good direction,few months will do good.
    you can start to warm up in pvp for the next season. It's Mop,If you like it stay,if not,go away.
    Take care.
    Edited: June 29, 2015

  5. Current state of MoP PvP:
    Edited: June 30, 2015

  6. It's no secret that in Mop warriors are easier to perform with at a decent level than say mages. That doesn't say that mages are hard to play, in my eyes they're just as easy. But there are those players that are just horrible and those may perform better with a warrior.
    Umm, you realize this is a textbook definition of an oxymoron, right?

    First you say its not secret MoP warriors are easier to perform well with compared to mages.

    Then you say mages are not actually harder, and are just as easy? O.o

    Finally you conclude with "players that are just horrible and those may perform better with a warrior".

    So you admit that warriors are an easier class than mages or... I'm missing something? O.o

    You're welcome to give fire mage a try if you think all classes are like warriors. Hell even give frost mages a try if fire is too challenging. You'll notice the difference in the classes yourself.

  7. pvp on warmane = dead on every realm and version.

  8. Umm, you realize this is a textbook definition of an oxymoron, right?

    First you say its not secret MoP warriors are easier to perform well with compared to mages.

    Then you say mages are not actually harder, and are just as easy? O.o

    Finally you conclude with "players that are just horrible and those may perform better with a warrior".

    So you admit that warriors are an easier class than mages or... I'm missing something? O.o

    You're welcome to give fire mage a try if you think all classes are like warriors. Hell even give frost mages a try if fire is too challenging. You'll notice the difference in the classes yourself.
    It's not an oxymoron. My view is that all classes can be easily picked up within a couple of days to a week by any player of normal intellect. Nonetheless, I can't deny that just smashing your keyboard, popping all cooldowns and bladestorming around the map will work to a reasonable degree. Such tactics will not work for most other classes. So if someone is a horrible player he can just roll a warrior and enjoy some success while he would most likely fail with other classes. That's why you see so many bad mages, warlocks, etc completely failing while even the worst player can perform reasonably well with a warrior.

    Think of it in the so-called skill-floor term: you have a number line from -10 to +10 in terms of skill floor, 0 (or lower) being the level at which a player can pick up a class easily. IMO all classes are =< 0 . Let's say a warrior is -10 and a fire mage is 0. So the mage may be harder in relative terms. But in my eyes, it's still all easy in absolute terms.

    Also, I'm not talking about how difficult a class is to play at a higher level. That's mostly dependent on the player, placement, timing, etc.
    Edited: June 30, 2015

  9. Umm, you realize this is a textbook definition of an oxymoron, right?

    First you say its not secret MoP warriors are easier to perform well with compared to mages.

    Then you say mages are not actually harder, and are just as easy? O.o

    Finally you conclude with "players that are just horrible and those may perform better with a warrior".

    So you admit that warriors are an easier class than mages or... I'm missing something? O.o

    You're welcome to give fire mage a try if you think all classes are like warriors. Hell even give frost mages a try if fire is too challenging. You'll notice the difference in the classes yourself.

    Dude whenu gonna realize that class difficulty or number of keybinds are not determinating the rating or the power of the class in general lmao.frost is harder to perform but when you get the basics you can outplay the ware no matter if he is easier or not to perform.

    Once you learn to drive a car(automatic\manual) you can become more oriented, faster ...or stay slow and just bad...simple as that
    Edited: June 30, 2015

  10. Current state of MoP PvP:
    lol did anyone cry nerf for Outback? :D

  11. 331k in Twin Peaks? That can't be right. xD

  12. 331k in Twin Peaks? That can't be right. xD
    30% dmg buff & buff stack,pretty much possible.

  13. 30% dmg buff & buff stack,pretty much possible.
    Yeah I figured it was that, mainly mastery because it's still 130k higher than I ever hit on my warrior. Guess QQ-ing about warriors but not other classes is IN nowadays.

  14. Yeah I figured it was that, mainly mastery because it's still 130k higher than I ever hit on my warrior. Guess QQ-ing about warriors but not other classes is IN nowadays.
    Yep,they simple put all the blame on the warriors because it's the simplest thing to do,instead to blame their lack of skill and competitive spirit.

    I remember when they were bashing warriors because of the bladestorm,even though every player who knows the basics of its class can easily neutralizeit or escape from it .

    In addition to that,even now when dw is not bugged they still whine lmao,blaming pvp power and god knows what..:D

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