1. Join me on DW STV world pvp around 00:00 CET every day. Im rogue 39lvl twink, pwning players for honors and make them cry.
    Horde faction.
    Cya there

  2. Mostly to piss people off,but those that farm low levels are usually HORRIBLE in PvP. (not all,but 98%).
    It's really fun when you have a main to get there and farm them and make them /cry QQ on your whisper chat.
    Keep that in mind =)

  3. "why grief people"
    Because I enjoy making people like you mad.
    Actually, no, that's not quite it. Because I enjoy ruining your fun, yes, that's a better way to put it. The salt is just a very, very nice bonus, something I can screencap for posterity and laugh at with my friends later.

    There's a certain economy to it too, you know. As much as I'd like to, I really don't have the time to personally ruin the game for each and every one of you. I find it very rewarding to seek out the best and most efficient ways to grief you people. Call it the cost:benefit ratio, or the effort:tears ratio. NPC ganking in particular is all about having the greatest impact on the most people for the least effort - That's why flightmasters are a common target, as well as multiple-quest NPCs in high-traffic areas like you'd see in Westfall or the Barrens.
    Edited: September 21, 2015

  4. "why grief people"
    Because I enjoy making people like you mad.
    Actually, no, that's not quite it. Because I enjoy ruining your fun, yes, that's a better way to put it. The salt is just a very, very nice bonus, something I can screencap for posterity and laugh at with my friends later.

    There's a certain economy to it too, you know. As much as I'd like to, I really don't have the time to personally ruin the game for each and every one of you. I find it very rewarding to seek out the best and most efficient ways to grief you people. Call it the cost:benefit ratio, or the effort:tears ratio. NPC ganking in particular is all about having the greatest impact on the most people for the least effort - That's why flightmasters are a common target, as well as multiple-quest NPCs in high-traffic areas like you'd see in Westfall or the Barrens.
    Everyone in the world <3 you right now!

  5. Some people play games to have fun.
    Some people play games to have fun with others.
    And then, some people play games to overcompensate and feel better about themselves, by any means necessary.

  6. I generally dont kill lowbies, I do have fun with them if i am in the mood... sap sap sap blind trololol (made macros to stop auto attacks and premed cheapshot kidneyshot them before the blind and then sap whore them again for luls :x (but i don't keep doing it over and over to the same guy and sometimes ill help them with kills afterwards killing stuff for them after they get the first hit :3)

    However I'll instantly (edit: no actually i tend to toy with them but I instantly decide they must be killed before I go xD) kill any lowbie who attacks me first or does /spit etc also if the horde in gadget are killing our lowbies i will kill theirs :x

    One time I went afk in some vanilla area and came back to see some lowbie hitting away at me, he had me down to 15k health :O So I rolled another joint went for a smoke, came back and 1 hit him when he had me at 1k health. Piss on his parade :D

    Such joy, much love.
    Edited: September 21, 2015

  7. Behold: the Great Wall of Buttblasting.

    Spoiler: Show
    Some guys have low self-esteem and by killing lower lvl players they think better of themselves (although they dont care if they can fight back).
    i think it can go back to as far as humanity can remember to point out a rough reasoning behind selfesteem as a whole for this matter
    Rage fueled he goes to low level zones to feel better.
    The only ones that kill lowbs have tiny tiny itzy bitzy peens. You could make a ton of money selling erectile disfunction meds here because there is a high number of them.
    You seem to think these guys are tough, or thugs, or even capable of causing harm IRL. Wrong. They are emmasculated little pathetic wimps. Incapable of getting a girl, possibly afraid to go outside lest they be bullied, cowering in their computer room trying desperately to find a venue by which they can lie to themselves (even if they do not believe it) that they are not the most pathetic worst disgusting wimps in the real world.
    If you're doing it to be a dick, it shows that you are a dick with a sad lonely life.
    Well you are over compensating for something? Perhaps unable to get girl friend? Its all related to peen in some way or another.
    you're a scrub who hides behind scrub sayings just because its a majority>minority situation.

    some people play games to overcompensate and feel better about themselves, by any means necessary.

    Djorto not included because I'd run out of space.

  8. Some people play games to have fun.
    Some people play games to have fun with others.
    And then, some people play games to overcompensate and feel better about themselves, by any means necessary.
    +1 - agreed.
    Too bad the 3rd group are terrible players, and terrible for the community. Seems their goal is to make everyone quit the server. Some people do not mind it, but over half wow players DO.

  9. Behold the person who could not add anything productive to this thread

    Spoiler: Show

    Behold: the Great Wall of Buttblasting.

  10. Behold the person who could not add anything productive to this thread

    Spoiler: Show

    Behold: the Great Wall of Buttblasting.

    Oh, I'm sorry. Well, don't let slackers like me get in the way of you becoming a productive member of the community. Let everyone hear your bowel roars and become enlightened with the knowledge that today kp9911, in this very potential-rich thread, was productive, unlike DamnOriginal.

  11. How is this thread still not locked by some mod, and said, its pvp server deal with it?

  12. How is this thread still not locked by some mod, and said, its pvp server deal with it?
    It's kp9911's productivity that is keeping it alive. You better appreciate.

  13. Those are some of my old screenshots so....I keep doing it but on ragnaros. umad¿?

  14. Some people just want to watch the world burn ;)

  15. it's kp9911's productivity that is keeping it alive. You better appreciate.
    wooooonnntttt yooouuuu bbbbeeeelllliiiieeevvvveeee iiiiitttttt!!!!!!!

    Oh and btw, the very fact that you decided to contribute your precious opinions to this thread and yes they are precious, so very very precious, you have inadvertently joined the I quote "Behold: the Great Wall of Buttblasting."

    Edited: September 24, 2015

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