1. to saghha
    poor you. time is going on. get over it. if u like to walk go play vanilla garbage but wotlk not walking expansion. giant problem is players like you. walking to dungeon? nobody want to walk, all continue questing and ppl leave group. all thx for few nerds who love walking.... make a poll for rdf.
    Lol you lose! Ya see, I share the same hardcore vision that Warmane has and that's that there is not Auto-grouping, instantly being ported to the dungeon and back tool that gives you easy loot and free XP, so please try again or find a different realm to play on. I'm sure Ragnaros will have RDF enabled there, so you can at least play there if you want easy grouping and fast leveling, just admit that Lordaeron isn't for you and we both can move on and enjoy the rest of our time here.


    You can have your "Broken I Win" button back. This ain't no Blizzard server, lol.

  2. Really some players have Vanilla fetish and they messed up Wotlk
    RDF was best way and it will forever be the best to do dungeons below 80 ^_^
    No it wasn't, it made WoW less like an MMORPG and more like a Diablo'ish type game, but at least here @ Warmane everyone can have their cake and eat it to. For the newer more casual players, play on Ragnaros, but if you want the more hordcore Vanilla type, Lordaeron is the place to be. Why on earth would someone wanna change Lordaeron to be like Ragnaros when there already is a Ragnaros? It just doesn't make since.

  3. +1 Verry nice m8 keep it going (y)

  4. Good ****! This is really what Lordaeron needs, not a system that automatically finds you a group and then teleports you to a dungeon. But just a "simple" finder that gets rid of the global spam. Well done!

  5. i wish they would have kept dungeonfinder enabled below level 80. Would make leveling much more enjoyable

    Right now, they whole global chat is just tons of people spamming LFG all day. No community is created, they port to the dungeon right now, "mage water pls "gogogogog" and thats it.
    Might as well just kept it enabled.

    I hope this addon gets released soon, it will help alot of people.

  6. i wish they would have kept dungeonfinder enabled below level 80. Would make leveling much more enjoyable

    Right now, they whole global chat is just tons of people spamming LFG all day. No community is created, they port to the dungeon right now, "mage water pls "gogogogog" and thats it.
    Might as well just kept it enabled.

    I hope this addon gets released soon, it will help alot of people.
    The problem isn't dungeon finder, or lack there of, it's /global chat that's the problem. Players just need a better way to get in touch with like minded individuals that wanna run dungeons with them, something closer to Oqueue that we had in MoP or Group Finder Tool from WoD (the only good thing i can really say about WoD), but this auto-grouping and insta-porting, F'no and piss off. it ruins the open world and more players will just sit in capital and wait for their queue to pop and then complain that there's not enough tanks and healers because the queue takes forever EVEN THOUGH THEY FREAKING PLAY A CLASS THAT CAN TANK OR HEAL!!!

    Sorry little carried away there, lol. and i'm sorry i'm very opionated about all this, but i've been there. I was playing Retail WoW 3.3 when RDF was introduced and i was talking to guild mates and friends and random people about how it had hurt the game and i know it helped some, but it ruined it for others so it's kind of a 50/50 type thing to have in your game, but one has to realize and consider what's best for the game? People constantly running dungeons and sitting in capitals all day with an open world that appears and looks dead that gives a very bad false impression of the state of the game, or a healthy open world with people traveling to and from places, interacting with each other and actually being part of The "World" of Warcraft?

    The answers simple really, the game as a whole should matter, no just endgame, or zerging dungeons left and right, but every aspect of the game should matter and players should be forced to be social with one another and learn to work as a team.

  7. Definitely on board with this. Hope to try it out soon.
    While I understand why the rdf is disabled I still dont fully agree with how it's done. Something like this is really needed for the lower levels especially for tanks and healers.

  8. Good ****! This is really what Lordaeron needs, not a system that automatically finds you a group and then teleports you to a dungeon. But just a "simple" finder that gets rid of the global spam. Well done!
    I tottaly agree with you.
    Can't wait for it. Well done m8!

  9. Great initiative! would love this addon to work since warmane staff are being rude by disabling RDF tools.

  10. Great initiative! would love this addon to work since warmane staff are being rude by disabling RDF tools.
    Please tell me your reasoning of why you think Warmane staff is being 'rude' by not enabling RDF please.

  11. Great initiative! would love this addon to work since warmane staff are being rude by disabling RDF tools.

    they're giving you a free server to play on and they're the rude one's? Maybe they should just charge you a fee for connecting to their server?

    and actually you don't see a lot of vocal people against it here on the forums, but there are always people supporting Warmane's decision in global all the time.
    Edited: January 28, 2016

  12. This addon is good news , but when will it release ?

  13. This addon is good news , but when will it release ?
    2 weeks after corecraft release

  14. Did anybody get a reply yet? I really want to help as a tester but I understand if there's only a limited number of "tester"-slots. Just curious if this is going anywhere because I miss RDF and this would be at least something near it.

    No it wasn't, it made WoW less like an MMORPG and more like a Diablo'ish type game
    Clearly a matter of perspectiv. For me - as I can't stand global for more than a minute or so - the lack of RDF makes WoW more like a solo-player-game. Why party up with anybody while leveling? It's faster when you do it alone. Dungeons provide gear you dont need while leveling and give less xp than questing if you look at xp/time. I simply grind my way solo from 1-80 because there's no reason to do dungeons. This would change with RDF. Dungeons would make sense again (they do now as fun-part of the game. But they're techincally useless).
    At level 80 things change. Dungeons are important to gain reputation and gear. Players need to form a party. There's no need for RDF, the game works fine without.

    Oh: And it forces me to play a DPS-Specc rather than a heal-specc, because questing, which is the fastest way to lvl 80, is awefull as a healer.

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