1. This guide is so bad I can't even imagine how much time it would take to correct it... but I'll try, for the sake of all those who want to be actually good at Arms Warriors.

    When you Charge into battle, 95% of the time you will not have a low amount of Rage.
    Unless you're fighting a Paladin, Frost Mage, Priest, anything with high resilience... So basically you'll end up being low on rage after a Charge 95% of the time. That's why you put Improved Charge. A common tactic of rendering a Warrior useless in arenas is just keeping him slowed, kiting him & not damaging him at all, so he doesn't generate any rage at all.
    Arms Warriors are built around the use of Overpower.
    No, they're built around the SMART USE of Overpower in conjunction with Mortal Strike, Hamstring & Bladestorm in order to kill pretty much anything in around 5 seconds.

    Glyph of Overpower is only really useful against Hunters and maaaayybeeeee Combat Rogues. All other classes' parry chance is set at 5%.

    If a Rogue is attacking you, and he/she suddenly uses Vanish you'll want that Rend bleed effect because if a Rogue takes ANY damage in Stealth they'll lose the Stealth which means you wont get a mean old Cheapshot. It also does a lot of damage in general.
    Most Rogues play with Priests who can just shield them before a Vanish so that they don't get out of Stealth. A lot of Rogues use Corroded Skeleton Key for the same purpose. Most Rogues have next to no trouble with Vanishing and instantly reopening with 1, 2 or even 3 DoTs on them.

    And why use Battle Shout some MAY ask. Well who doesn't love extra attack power?
    All the non-physical arena partners that you will have some MAY answer.

    Agility is meant more for Rogues/Hunters/Feral Druid mainly because it doesn't give more ATTACK POWER then Strength. Some people think that Agility is the way to go because of the crit, ATTACK POWER, and armor increase.
    Are you implying that Agility gives Warriors Attack Power?


    The only difference was that one was Armor Penetration and the other was Strength stacked.
    The difference is that the one who stacked Strength would handle low-armored enemies easier & the one who stacked ArP would handle high-armored enemies easier. Since we're talking about PvP, arena compositions & resilience, ArPen is the way to go, period. Even Priests & Rogues have 30% physical damage reduction from armor. Armor is a Warrior's N1 enemy.

    if they try to cast another spell, use your Pummel RIGHT AWAY to silence them.
    Pummel doesn't Silence, it Interrupts spellcasting. The difference is immense.

    use your Hamstring again, and Bladestorm.
    By that time your Mortal Strike would have 2 seconds left before its effect fades, aiming for Unrelenting Assault, Hamstring & MS being on the target before you use Bladestorm and what you said is what makes the difference between a good Warrior & a keyboardsmasher.

    No matter what you should ALWAYS be jumping
    What does jumping have to do with anything PvP-related, except people jumping on their mounts to exploit the way Charge works and gain an edge over the Warrior himself?

    Charge, hamstring, rend, mortal strike, bladestorm (also do NOT FORGET TO USE YOUR OVERPOWER WHEN IT APPEARS. WHENEVERRRR it appears, USE IT)
    Unrelenting Assault
    Healing and magical damage done reduced by 50%.
    6 seconds remaining

    Applied on the target when successfully landing an Overpower on them while they're casting.

    there is a macro that lets you switch your 2h Weapon to 1h weapon and a shield to reflect spells WHILE IN COMBAT (I will not post the Macro until a GM or a staff member says it is okay to use).
    /equip #your_one_hander#
    /equip #your_shield#
    /cast Spell Reflection

    Macros are essential for every player who intends to go above 1.5k rating (...on retail and 2.2k rating on Molten). Switching weapons during combat is totally normal ever since this game exists.

    Arms Warrior versus Rogue - The rogues plan is to stun you as much as possible.

    How about PvP trinket, Second Wind, Diminishing Returns?

    use your Berserker Rage, to make yourself immune to sap, fear, and stuns

    Berserker Rage has never had anything to do with stuns.

    Arms Warrior versus Paladin - Paladins are not that bad also. Sure they have their infinite amount of bubbles but who cares right ? Because Warriors have Shattering Throw...If you do NOT know what that power is, please a take a minute to read it =)...If you have ENOUGH Armor Penetration you can break their weak bubbles.
    Who cares they can use Avenging Wrath at start, then use Repentance (that sap-like move, remember?) & heal up unless you use Berserker Rage, then stun you and heal up again unless you use your PvP trinket, then bubble & heal up yet again unless you use Shattering Throw, which requires 25 Rage and has a 1.5sec casting time... who cares, right? And ArPen has nothing to do with Hand of Protection or Divine Protection, both of which can be dispelled by a single Shield Slam... or a Priest... or a Shaman... or spellstolen by a Mage.

    If they bubble, use your Shattering Throw. But make sure its that Full Immune bubble.

    If you have a good counter for a professional Elemental Shaman, I would like to hear it, and I will post it up here, and I will give credit to you.
    A pro Ele Shaman will always beat an Arms Warrior, no matter the skill of the Warrior. As you continue your "testing", you will sooner or later come to this conclusion, I assure you.

    Take 1v1 fights in WoW like dancing: one always leads and acts and the other follows and reacts. With the exception where the Shaman will insta-Ghost Wolf out of your Bladestorm or just heal through it, the part where the Warrior leads ends with...


    Normally the Warlocks are Destruction, so they are not to difficult to kill.
    Normally, a pro Destruction Warlock can turn a Warrior to ashes with little effort, but I have yet to meet one such on Molten.

    When you fight a shadow priest, try your best not to let them get Vampiric Embrace on you [...] then unleash your damage.
    Since patch 3.0.x Vampiric Embrace is a self-aura, rather than a castable debuff. When was the last time you actually played with or against a Shadow Priest? More than 2 years ago I presume. A Shadow Priest will always save his/her Dispersion ability for Bladestorm. If (s)he doesn't, then (s)he's either very stupid or very undergeared not being able to withstand the damage you're dealing without Bladestorm.

    Arms Warrior versus Boomkin Druid - A feral druid is similar to a rogue, pretty much the same counter. The only difference is that you have to DPS them hard and quick. If a feral druid gets a critical hit, they got a free heal. They can use any heal they want instantly on themselves. So dps them hard.
    Uhm, so Boomkins or Ferals? The heal ferals get through critting is negligible. What you mean however is Predatory Strikes, which has nothing to do with critting, but executing finishing moves instead.

    when you see the hunter use parry move, run back
    Or just use Piercing Howl and wait for an Overpower proc from Taste for Blood, since it cannot be dodged, blocked or parried... You mentioned using Glyph of Overpower at the start, why running back instead of just spamming Overpower then? It's the only effective application of this glyph anyway.

    I apologize for not having Mage, Death Knight, and Boomkin counters.
    Apology accepted. A good Mage, UH/Frost DK or Boomkin will always beat an Arms Warrior. I trust your "testing" will lead you to these conclusions as well.

    Also if you see a mistake, please post it so I can fix it.
    It took me one hour and a half, by the way.

    Please, lock and/or delete this thread! Thank you!

  2. ^
    i think this rouge

    *puts glasses on*

    corrected the warriors guide



    The glyph of overpower is very good against DKS sometimes as well... seen them parry a lot... And get the 3rd minor glyph Glyph of Charge.. its very good

    And another important thing... If you got SUDDEN DEATH tallant i suggest you take those 3 tallants out right away... execute is crap.... should get improven hamerstring instead

  3. ^

    I think this guy's English

    *puts glasses on*

    is horrible.


    I've been playing WoW since patch 1.9 and Warrior & Rogue have always been my favorite classes.


    DKs have increased Parry because of Forceful Deflection, which increases your Parry rating by 25% of their total Strength. Nevertheless, there are far more valuable glyphs than Glyph of Overpower. I don't even know why am I arguing against such a ridiculous claim.

    About Imp Hamstring - I like this talent too, but it's a chance and thus it is unreliable. Because of this the talent got buffed in Cata, causing Hamstring to immobilize a target which is already affected by it. The effect has an ICD, of course. A bit of insight: Glyph of Hamstring stacks with Imp Hamstring, totalling in 25% chance of immobilizing your opponent when using Hamstring.


  4. Am I the only one who just noticed the tags of this thead and dreaded in horror?

  5. ^

    I think this guy's English

    *puts glasses on*

    is horrible.


    I've been playing WoW since patch 1.9 and Warrior & Rogue have always been my favorite classes.


    DKs have increased Parry because of Forceful Deflection, which increases your Parry rating by 25% of their total Strength. Nevertheless, there are far more valuable glyphs than Glyph of Overpower. I don't even know why am I arguing against such a ridiculous claim.

    About Imp Hamstring - I like this talent too, but it's a chance and thus it is unreliable. Because of this the talent got buffed in Cata, causing Hamstring to immobilize a target which is already affected by it. The effect has an ICD, of course. A bit of insight: Glyph of Hamstring stacks with Imp Hamstring, totalling in 25% chance of immobilizing your opponent when using Hamstring.

    Um the enrage glyph you have is mostly just for dueling and bgs... could you mention some glyphs you find ''valuable glyphs'' i just have OP rend and MS... feels awesome to have those rlly.... Still i would rather have a chance to immoblize the targer rather have a tallant that makes you enable to use a ****ty spell that does BAD damage.... Oh and did i mention execute SUCKS?

  6. Glyph of Enrage? LOL, GJ SON - you just invented a new glyph!

    How about Glyph of Bladestorm, which allows you to Bladestorm before your enemy's disarm is off cooldown again? Or Glyph of Sweeping Strikes, which actually allows you to use the skill (I doubt you're finding yourself in situations with 30 excess rage to be using it for SS). This is one of my favorite glyphs for both PvP and PvE and it allows me to have SS up almost all the time and not needing to have 50-60 rage in order to execute a SS + BS combo.

    Start thinking out of the box, dude...

    And read again - I said that I like Imp Ham & GoHamstring too, but I'm not using it, just because it's a chance & thus it's unreliable. Just because you're a donator or swedish or whatever doesn't mean you're better than me or anyone else here, as your tone hints, so chill the fk out...


  7. Um the enrage glyph you have is mostly just for dueling and bgs... could you mention some glyphs you find ''valuable glyphs'' i just have OP rend and MS... feels awesome to have those rlly.... Still i would rather have a chance to immoblize the targer rather have a tallant that makes you enable to use a ****ty spell that does BAD damage.... Oh and did i mention execute SUCKS?
    Execute's damage is actually fixed now and it does do decent damage. Many warriors run with 3/3 Sudden Death and Glyph of Hamstring, although some don't run the glyph either. IMO it depends on the comp you play.

    Regardless, I find it funny that this rogue knows more about this class then most warriors on this server.

    Also, why is horrible, misinforming guide a sticky? Reading it made me wonder if the OP even has a warrior. Or even plays WoW.

  8. How about Glyph of Bladestorm, which allows you to Bladestorm before your enemy's disarm is off cooldown again?
    Is the cd for a rogues disarm over 1 min? Cause i know a warriors is 1 min and the glyph reduces cd to 1 min 15 secs. Which means disarm will always finish before BS. Cause the only plus point for this glyph, might be against cc classes. I still feel glyph of SS is more superior since it allows you to BS without looking at your rage bar.

    So my choice glyphs is MS, rend, SS.

    As to whether BS or CS, i always start off with BS for pressure. If the healer gets in a bad spot, intervene+CS. Yes i use CS as a sort of a def cd.

  9. Is the cd for a rogues disarm over 1 min? Cause i know a warriors is 1 min and the glyph reduces cd to 1 min 15 secs. Which means disarm will always finish before BS. Cause the only plus point for this glyph, might be against cc classes. I still feel glyph of SS is more superior since it allows you to BS without looking at your rage bar.

    So my choice glyphs is MS, rend, SS.

    As to whether BS or CS, i always start off with BS for pressure. If the healer gets in a bad spot, intervene+CS. Yes i use CS as a sort of a def cd.
    Lol. Enjoy your ban.

  10. If you are beginning in PvP, I strongly suggest you use a few talents to go into the mace specialization. ArP is always helpful in PvP and a little bit goes a long way!

  11. Lol. Enjoy your ban.
    Why the hell would that be a ban?. Retail glyph and a retail strat.

    The only thing bannable would be /selftarget and SS+BS.

  12. Execute's damage is actually fixed now and it does do decent damage. Many warriors run with 3/3 Sudden Death and Glyph of Hamstring, although some don't run the glyph either. IMO it depends on the comp you play.

    Regardless, I find it funny that this rogue knows more about this class then most warriors on this server.

    Also, why is horrible, misinforming guide a sticky? Reading it made me wonder if the OP even has a warrior. Or even plays WoW.
    +1 ^
    Execute does OK damage now.

    As I mentioned, Rogues AND WARRIORS are my 2 favorite classes, I've had hundreds if not even thousands of RvWarr, WarrvWarr, WarrvR fights over my 5 years of WoW experience and I consider my skill on those 2 classes "above average".

    I was asking myself those 2 questions too. He's posting strategies that a non-warrior player can observe in just several days and information, which is utterly outdated. This guide has to go away from the stickies and away from the Warrior forum... or at least get renamed to "How NOT to play Warrior as a non-scripted mob"
    Is the cd for a rogues disarm over 1 min? Cause i know a warriors is 1 min and the glyph reduces cd to 1 min 15 secs. Which means disarm will always finish before BS. Cause the only plus point for this glyph, might be against cc classes. I still feel glyph of SS is more superior since it allows you to BS without looking at your rage bar.

    So my choice glyphs is MS, rend, SS.

    As to whether BS or CS, i always start off with BS for pressure. If the healer gets in a bad spot, intervene+CS. Yes i use CS as a sort of a def cd.
    ^ A-R-E-N-A-!

    As for glyphs, my choice is Mortal Strike, Bladestorm & Sweeping Strikes as major and Charge, Commanding Shout & Bloodrage as minor. I've been running it like that for a year so far and I'm pretty much contented. Sure, GoHamstring is nice when it procs... but again - it's unreliable. As for why Comm 'stead of Battle - Battle is only useful if you're having physical DD partners & everyone enjoys the extra health.


  13. ^ A-R-E-N-A-!
    Lol i assumed the topic was going to arenas, since all a warrior needs to rape in a bg is 1200 res and a pocket healer.

  14. Glyph of Enrage? LOL, GJ SON - you just invented a new glyph!

    How about Glyph of Bladestorm, which allows you to Bladestorm before your enemy's disarm is off cooldown again? Or Glyph of Sweeping Strikes, which actually allows you to use the skill (I doubt you're finding yourself in situations with 30 excess rage to be using it for SS). This is one of my favorite glyphs for both PvP and PvE and it allows me to have SS up almost all the time and not needing to have 50-60 rage in order to execute a SS + BS combo.

    Start thinking out of the box, dude...

    And read again - I said that I like Imp Ham & GoHamstring too, but I'm not using it, just because it's a chance & thus it's unreliable. Just because you're a donator or swedish or whatever doesn't mean you're better than me or anyone else here, as your tone hints, so chill the fk out...

    I ment glyph of enrage regen douche... was just lazy to write it.... and im acutally useing the sweep glyph and its kewl.... And i never said i was better then you... just trying to say what i think about it... geez.... and u srsly need to point out BLA BLA DONOR OR SWEDISH HUEHUHEUE... fun...lulz... just trying to help... :/... And last time i checked... even with the glyph of bladestorm that makes it 1.45 cd.... the disarm is like 1 min cd so yeah...
    Execute's damage is actually fixed now and it does do decent damage. Many warriors run with 3/3 Sudden Death and Glyph of Hamstring, although some don't run the glyph either. IMO it depends on the comp you play.

    Regardless, I find it funny that this rogue knows more about this class then most warriors on this server.

    Also, why is horrible, misinforming guide a sticky? Reading it made me wonder if the OP even has a warrior. Or even plays WoW.
    Execute damage is actually fixed (Y right...)

    That just makes me LOL... its still doing too low damage for my taste.... but i can understand people that want it.... I wonder how this guide got sticky anyway... its kind of funny it did! :D

  15. Glyphed its 1.15s or 75s, not 1.45s.

    Execute is working, its not bugged, the only reason for it doing lesser dmg than other skills is just it doesnt scale so well with gear as others do, but that doesnt change the fact u are missinforming ppl about skills working/nt working.
    Oh okay

    But still... execute kinda sucks so... w/e

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