1. July 9, 2011  
    LoonieBoonie's Avatar
    Bump! =D ....

  2. ok now you should kill sindragosa :D

  3. Still active? Or scattered to the four winds?

  4. Oh they're still there. :p
    I see that you aren't. I also see that Evanthia is offline for ~2+ weeks. And many of the core members I recall from the... "previous server" don't seem to be around. :(

  5. Evanthia's Avatar
    Still active? Or scattered to the four winds?
    You kiding?:D

    We are active and rocking !!!!!!

    By the way, we're inaugurating our new guild forum graphic :P

  6. You kiding?:D

    We are active and rocking !!!!!!

    By the way, we're inaugurating our new guild forum graphic :P
    I post mentioning you, then...

    *A wild Evanthia appears.*

    Good to see that you are.

  7. Evanthia's Avatar
    Wild :D
    By the way, this is our new website. There are just a couple of things to finish (when I'll have time) but yeah.

  8. vyrans's Avatar
    Can I join?
    Im a filipino and I started playing WOW since May this year. Im a level 80 hunter with 4.6GS.
    Im 27 years of age. I hope I will be a part of your guild.
    Thank you

  9. Soapp's Avatar
    I gladly applied on your fourums.
    If you need anymore information about me, Private message me.

    - Soapp

  10. Evanthia's Avatar
    If you want to join our guild, visit our site, read our rules and apply ;)

  11. Anfauglith's Avatar
    Master Necromancer Anfauglith uses the spell Reanimate Corpse Minions on the thread.

    rolling d41

    calculating stats

    The thread has been succesfuly brought to unlife (again) xD

  12. After countless of tries ,we finally got her down on 10.
    Now we are going for 25 , tnx to all guildies that helped us train her for weeks :)
    And omg fiftys for missing the screenshot.

  13. LatrommiXoX's Avatar
    After countless of tries ,we finally got her down on 10.
    Now we are going for 25 , tnx to all guildies that helped us train her for weeks :)
    And omg fiftys for missing the screenshot.

    Grats guys :D

  14. Anfauglith's Avatar
    will ya freaking mark her as dead in the main post? xD i hate the time we took to do this so i wan't it to be known xD

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