1. I'm a very very sucky dancer.

    Spoiler: Show
    I have no idea what you mean by that. Sefus is a dancing god.

  2. Gabrantus's Avatar
    There are competitors. They play MMOs and Multiplayers like pros. Usually seen around LoL, Dota, different shooters multiplayers, WOW, and some others. They usually don't care for the story, art, soundtrack or whatever. They blast their own music while pwning nubs and all they care are scores, numbers, statistics, ranking, having the best character, the best geared, the best guild / clan.
    I tend to pwn noobs while listening to music too, but I just do it out of fun, not to enlarge my e-peen. Yesterday on Quake live I was smurfing my way to the lead in every pre-matchmaking FFA, while also dying almost as much as I killed.

    In Tribes I tend to be little less mindless and try to get tryhard kills, like lots of Blueplate specials. Too bad my fun is ruined the very moment those filthy sandrakers come in with their disgusting automatic guns. Buzzards do it too, admittably.

    Cursed automatics should just go away from my Tribes.

    By the way, was that one post of mine with lots of important insight removed because it mentioned "high impact sexual violence"?

    Mods pls.

    Easy day at work today. The waitress' has no more shifts. She's probably busy with her music studies. Hasn't accepted my friend request on Facebook yet. I doubt she'd go from dere to tsuntsun with no reason.

    Now I feel like a huge ****** for being worried about someone accepting a Facebook friend request.

  3. Evertos's Avatar
    worried about someone accepting a Facebook friend request.

  4. ByOdinsBeard's Avatar
    And there are Blue's...

  5. Gabrantus's Avatar
    I tried to beat Angelo Credo on Dante Must Die difficulty for roughly 90 minutes.

    I just don't understand how one can beat something to two bars and then get their **** kicked in, dying when the boss is down at the last 3% of health.

    I think I retried about 20 times.

    How did I do this on PS3!?

    Still, I love fighting him, every dodge I manage perfectly pumps me up. I wish action games had an option to set camera to always be behind the player character, it'd mess things up far less.

  6. Antalar's Avatar
    i think for monday ill get some new games...PC Games

  7. Antalar's Avatar
    I have a real desire to drink some alcohol. Not booze, but rather some beer. Some damn cold beer. Beer so cold that it would push liquid nitrogen to shame.

    Is this normal?
    it happens sometimes even if you are a normal drinker (social drinker)......

    BTW Happy 8000 post...

  8. ByOdinsBeard's Avatar
    I had the 8000th post? That's so cool. As for the drink, I actually carved for something cold but I often associate beer with cold drinks... I still want a cold beer but what can I do in the middle of the night?
    Just drink tap water, jesus.

    Downloading jumped from average of 2 mb, ping on WoW is now around 120.

    Is dis some miracles?

  9. Just drink tap water, jesus.

    Downloading jumped from average of 2 mb, ping on WoW is now around 120.

    Is dis some miracles?
    black magiks

  10. Soroboru's Avatar
    Get the PS4 still.
    Microsoft tried to pull that crap, and that's what matters.
    They only stopped it because it'd lose them money, not because they care about their gamers.
    Once they sell the consoles who's to say more won't happen?
    They just realized they have to wait till the next generation when people are even more stupid.

  11. Speaking of Games now that Microsoft removed all the weird stuff about the Xbox 1 do u think it is superrior to the PS4? Not sure what to buy :( I didnt own a gen 3 console so I skipped PS3 and XBOX 260, but I used to have a PS2
    100$ difference just to have a camera watch you at all times
    Or, watch TV, because hell yes, that's what a game console is for.
    PS4 has superior hardware
    etc etc

  12. Any news on backwards compatibility part of me want to play some PS3 games i missed
    No native
    but future support through http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaikai

  13. will there be any homebrew support?
    Homebrew is the **** "hackers" make and consists of emulators and back up loaders, with two legitimate "clones" of games. Homebrew is garbage, and 99% of the time used to pirate ****.

    Indie is the stuff smaller game companies make, which yes there will be more support on the playstation than the xbone

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