1. 'Twas a gud rayed-day todae, 22/25 peeepol alayv on de platfurm por de LoD wif 2 maynuten 30 secundos untyl bersurrk.

    Sadly, Reknilador won his maount. :(:(:(:(:(:(

    I lyke how he logs uff quickly aftur so he dunut lose it. Molten can u plis crash realm and maek Rek luuze his maount keke?

  2. http://i.imgur.com/lDhwSus.jpg?1 Aaaaand so my crusade finally ends rek wins invicibru yaay


  3. GoLdYz's Avatar
    Hahaha finally xD!!!!

  4. Ironbound and Invincibru ? Meng whut, Rekni spoiled serbian feggot. Plis infraction for racism and drama starting :(

  5. oh fak, world is coming to an end....rek got his mount and I still dont have mine qq

  6. I knew that this raid he will get it. Noo :(:(:(:(:(

  7. wtf why you didnt delete invis instead of gief rek wtf diffraction wai u do this to us

  8. Hrimfaxi2's Avatar
    Excuse me guys but do I still need to make an application to join you guys in Neltharion?

  9. wtf why you didnt delete invis instead of gief rek wtf diffraction wai u do this to us
    http://rgifs.gifbin.com/082010/12810...al-with-it.gif :DDDDDD

  10. Hope now this thread clears with trolls and annoying people and starts to use its purpose.

  11. Hope now this thread clears with trolls and annoying people and starts to use its purpose.
    well i won invicible it il stop i guess :D

  12. Excuse me guys but do I still need to make an application to join you guys in Neltharion?
    Nope, You dont have to submit an apply. Just catch up some GM at neltharion and they'll give u all required instructions

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