1. May 24, 2018  
    Why bring up lootboxes?
    Because you want to compare the speed of PvE and PvP. PvErs for the vast most part rely on random chance of the item they need dropping and of them winning a roll against others that want the same thing.

    compered to a pveer because hes got faster progress
    Again trying to compare two separate different activities, really?

    because of the way warmane made the server
    All we did was a change that keeps ditchers from ruining the way battlegrounds are actually meant to be. Yet again you're trying to defend side-effects of something that's borderline exploiting the way the system works.

    why is this fair?
    Because fairness has nothing to do with it. Apples are less orange than oranges, and that's just a fact, not a competition of which is "oranger" for fairness to have anything to do with it.

  2. May 24, 2018  
    Because you want to compare the speed of PvE and PvP. PvErs for the vast most part rely on random chance of the item they need dropping and of them winning a roll against others that want the same thing.

    Again trying to compare two separate different activities, really?

    All we did was a change that keeps ditchers from ruining the way battlegrounds are actually meant to be. Yet again you're trying to defend side-effects of something that's borderline exploiting the way the system works.

    Because fairness has nothing to do with it. Apples are less orange than oranges, and that's just a fact, not a competition of which is "oranger" for fairness to have anything to do with it.
    but you are still saying that i have to spend more time grinding because i only pvp, is my time worth less then a pveers??? And if you like it or not this change will scare many new pvpers away.

    Quote: Because fairness has nothing to do with it. Apples are less orange than oranges, and that's just a fact, not a competition of which is "oranger" for fairness to have anything to do with it. Answer: Can i have some of that grass? :)

  3. May 24, 2018  
    but you are still saying that i have to spend more time grinding because i only pvp, is my time worth less then a pveers??? And if you like it or not this change will scare many new pvpers away.
    You can't really compare the time it takes to get good PvP gear to good PvE gear, they're two different categories all the same. You can play half an hour each week and get 4/5 vengeful in time just by doing 10 games. Some players can play their asses off week in and week out and still struggle getting 2k rating in arena and missing out on that one last item, no matter how much they play.

    I wouldn't say PvE content is quick to get through per se. In order to get into Kara you should have to farm rep to do heroics, and that is quite the burden already. And getting a group for Kara could take hours, and as soon as you finally enter there's no certainty that you will get anything at all. And Karazhan is just the tip of the iceberg.

  4. May 24, 2018  
    I think it is obvious that while this change is good, something must be done about these insane queues. While it is true that uneven BG numbers are annoying, the fact remains it is still PvP, it still yields honor/marks and it at least makes the player do something. I enjoy the change but not if it shall mean waiting 10-20 minutes in Shattrah regardless of side.

  5. May 24, 2018  
    but you are still saying that i have to spend more time grinding because i only pvp, is my time worth less then a pveers??? And if you like it or not this change will scare many new pvpers away.
    I'm saying you have to play PvP as PvP is to be played. You choose an activity that involves more grinding, you are going to grind more. It's as simple as that. You do understand that concept of "choices and consequences," don't you? As in "you choose to do something that requires more grinding than PvE, so consequently you'll grind more"? Whining that PvE requires less grinding isn't going to change any game mechanic.

    Answer: Can i have some of that grass? :)
    The lawn isn't mine, feel free to eat as much of it as you like. Maybe after a few pounds you'll get the idea of "comparing apples to oranges" and how that applies to your whining about the differences in grinding for PvE and PvP.

  6. May 24, 2018  
    You can't really compare the time it takes to get good PvP gear to good PvE gear, they're two different categories all the same. You can play half an hour each week and get 4/5 vengeful in time just by doing 10 games. Some players can play their asses off week in and week out and still struggle getting 2k rating in arena and missing out on that one last item, no matter how much they play.

    I wouldn't say PvE content is quick to get through per se. In order to get into Kara you should have to farm rep to do heroics, and that is quite the burden already. And getting a group for Kara could take hours, and as soon as you finally enter there's no certainty that you will get anything at all. And Karazhan is just the tip of the iceberg.
    first of all its not how fast you you get gear, its why someone should get help from server and others not. If you grind vengefull gear like that it takes 30 weeks+ and still no weapon or offparts. And im one of those who will never get the highest lvl items in arena i dont mind that, thats a part of the game i like, something to dream about :)
    Edited: May 24, 2018

  7. May 24, 2018  
    I'm saying you have to play PvP as PvP is to be played. You choose an activity that involves more grinding, you are going to grind more. It's as simple as that. You do understand that concept of "choices and consequences," don't you? As in "you choose to do something that requires more grinding than PvE, so consequently you'll grind more"? Whining that PvE requires less grinding isn't going to change any game mechanic.

    The lawn isn't mine, feel free to eat as much of it as you like. Maybe after a few pounds you'll get the idea of "comparing apples to oranges" and how that applies to your whining about the differences in grinding for PvE and PvP.
    Gj with the mud trowing Moderater :) I choice pvp i know that, but you also chose to change the roles for pve to make it easier for them why do they need help they have just as much time as i do. Apples are green/red because they absorb the green/red color etc. from the sun, but i still think its weird to bring this to the conversation when we are talking about a game :) not really helpfull

  8. May 24, 2018  
    so, you mean my suggestion to reduce que from 3 to 2 is a bad idea - ok

    then i will give the next suggestion to you
    At first, there is a big difference between queing as a single person, or as a group!

    So my suggestion:

    Single player should be allowed to hop in "one" other bg for 15 sec but he should que for 2 bgs.
    Why? The single player MUST have the option, to avoid a Premade, or a multiboxer!
    And multibox. wasnt allowed on blizz! The singleplayer also has to decide, wich marks he need, so let him que 2 bgs, and make it to his own decision if the enemy faction is too strong for him or not!

    Groups (especially premades) should que 2 bgs, and after join one the que for the other bg gets canceld automatically
    So they will join the first whos popping up, and the other will get filled with people, who are in que.

    A big problem is, if one premade on alliance is queing for eots, and on horde one premade is queing for ab. This two premades will never fight against. The singleplayer will fight this game! And this is unequal and unbalanced. you can start building your grave on your own gy.

    And please... think about it, we are playing on warmane.
    You cannot compare everything with blizzard!
    expecially the shop and the multiboxxers make the big difference cause its pvp - player vs player!

  9. May 24, 2018  
    Gj with the mud trowing Moderater :) I choice pvp i know that, but you also chose to change the roles for pve to make it easier for them why do they need help they have just as much time as i do. Apples are green/red because they absorb the green/red color etc. from the sun, but i still think its weird to bring this to the conversation when we are talking about a game :) not really helpfull
    For when you're done with your grass meal: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com...es+and+oranges

    And multibox. wasnt allowed on blizz!
    Give your source for that claim.

  10. May 24, 2018  
    my time as a pvp player is the same as a pve player but you think they need help its ok. Nothing constructive. have to go my bg que popped

  11. May 24, 2018  
    my time as a pvp player is the same as a pve player but you think they need help its ok. Nothing constructive.
    You keep throwing this thing about "helping PvE" but you have yet to say what is this help. What "change the roles for pve to make it easier for them"? Did we make it so DDs can heal and tanks do massive damage and I missed it?

  12. May 24, 2018  
    You keep throwing this thing about "helping PvE" but you have yet to say what is this help. What "change the roles for pve to make it easier for them"? Did we make it so DDs can heal and tanks do massive damage and I missed it?
    Faster gold=pve gear, you cant buy pvp gear. lowering hc Rep requirement removing attunements. cant remember if blizzard did this :(
    Edited: May 24, 2018

  13. May 24, 2018  
    last reply :) my big concern with this is i think less new players want to join the pvp part of the game, and then it will be an even smaller part af the game, and thats the only part i really like.

  14. May 24, 2018  
    Faster gold=pve gear, you cant buy pvp gear. lowering hc Rep requirement removing attunements.
    Gold is usable by everyone and gold won't help you roll higher against others or increase the chances of an item to drop. If you personally have no use for gold is a non-issue.
    The removal and tweaking of requirements are something meant to happen, as the focus of the expansion changed to newer content as new stuff was released on retail. If anything, according to some players, we delayed some of those more than we should in comparison to retail.

    You're really grasping at straws by now.

  15. May 24, 2018  
    Gold is usable by everyone and gold won't help you roll higher against others or increase the chances of an item to drop. If you personally have no use for gold is a non-issue.
    The removal and tweaking of requirements are something meant to happen, as the focus of the expansion changed to newer content as new stuff was released on retail. If anything, according to some players, we delayed some of those more than we should in comparison to retail.

    You're really grasping at straws by now.
    im posting my concerns and you are mud trowing really gj moderator bravo

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