1. Since this is on page 5 I am sure this has been addressed but I like giving my 2 cents.

    I work for 8 hours a day like a lot of people and when I get home sure I want to login and play and not wait in a Que to get in. But when I see there is a 20-30 min que to get in I don't mind at all because there is always other stuff I can do around the house and on my phone I just watch a show or two. There is absolutely no reason to increase the max pop beyond 10k that is just silly. And for the record I don't mind multi boxers they enjoy doing it so it does not bug me one bit.

  2. Yeah multiboxers are ok imo also. Better a multiboxer then a nerd rager lvling 10alts ;-)

  3. Spliting the realm is a bad idea, creating a second lord might be better might be worse its hard to predict what will happen with population, but i think there is still room for 2000 more to the cap if server can handle it ofcourse

  4. Those are in fact good reasons as to why someone might choose to play on Deathwing/Ragnaros.

    I can create a character on Rag that exactly matches any character I could possibly have on Lord within seconds... I have absolutely 0 incentive to remove a leveled toon from the 1x community if I want to play with the instant 80 community.

    I'm just trying to poke holes in the original plan/idea that opening up such transfers would be an effective means to redistribute Lord's population alone.
    The idea isn't to reduce below 10000. But since 10000 will be most likely the final cap, one could (adding to the list of reasons) decide to stay in Lordaeron and stand queues, or transfer. I don't see Lordaeron holding 12000+.

  5. You jinxed the realm uptime with this message on the main page -.- 4 crashes for 2 hours =[

  6. Server today has passed through several disconnects

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