1. JakobTheVilla's Avatar

    - Class and Race = Human/Rogue
    - Armor = Leather
    - Colour = BlackestEverBlack
    - Spikes? = No/maybe few
    - Npc model = No, but I will give you some words like: Dark / Stealth / Ninja type.
    - Weapon = Some dark not too big daggers.
    - 1H or 2H = 1H weapons.

  2. Hi, you're doing pretty good man!
    been loking for a good transmog myself, could you help me out?

    - Class and Race = Dwarf/Hunter
    - Armor = Mail
    - Colour = Red or Black
    - Spikes? = Not so much
    - Npc model = None, but i like the Dwarven Sniper of DoTa
    - Weapon = Gun/Stave of polearm
    - 1H or 2H = Gun & 2H weapons

  3. Izrafel's Avatar
    Hi, can you create one for me as well? :)

    - Class and Race =Male Orc/ Shaman
    -Armor - mail
    - Colour = Up to you but not too bright (preffer rather to have a character who looks like a BEAST from the deepest darkest caverns of Hell or from your worst nightmare )
    - Spikes? = Maybe
    - Npc model = did not find any :(
    - Weapon = a weapon that can be seen on the back of the player if possible :)
    - 1H or 2H - 1H axe cause it will be enh shaman:) but also a shield and 1h mace (I must change weapons in PvP for survi very often for better healing :) )

    And I am from Cata if it is important :)

  4. original poster been inactive for 4 weeks :( sadly.

  5. Senseo1990's Avatar
    Sorry ive got a very general question:

    I thought you were only able to transmog the same type of equipment parts, like dagger -> dagger, leather armor -> leather armor but I saw a guy running around with daggers which looked like hammers.

    What exactly are the restrictions?

    Can i transmog the look of a cloth item to a leather item?

  6. they were mog bugging. Though a bug, it isn't subject to bans or regulations.

  7. Senseo1990's Avatar
    So if its not forbidden can somebody explain to me how it works? :)

    And how much gold does it cost to mog 1 item on this server?

  8. Izrafel's Avatar
    Let's say you want to transmog your sword into the axe. Now what you must do is to have 1 more axe which you will put in your hand. Now you go to Transmogrifier and when you are about to transmog weapon you must quickly replace weapon in your hand and here it is! Sword which looks like an axe.

  9. gokogoko's Avatar


    tyvm for tips :)

  10. Best Priest Transmog

    Hello, this is the best priest transmog imo. It took me lots of vote points and time to get this done. But it was worth it.



    20mb image hosting

    Worst part about transmog is anyone can find out what you used by inspecting you. Then you are not unique anymore. I have seen priests trying to copy mine...grrrr

  11. ^ Thats fabulous. I really like it a lot and i think it fits priest perfectly!!! GJ!

    What do you think about my rogue? Tryed to make it as ninja/ stealth as possible.

    20mb image hosting

  12. - Class and Race = Warrior Worgen/human
    - Armor = Plate
    - Colour = Green/blue
    - Spikes? = No
    - Npc model = /
    - Weapon = polearms
    - 1H or 2H = 2x 2H

  13. ProwlyErazor's Avatar
    Your boredom is beyond belief or do you really enjoy doing this..

  14. Yo yo!!
    So much time have passed since ive started this thread, but now warsong is here again, so Sneaky is here again!
    Ive recieved a lot of PM asking where am i and why i didnt continued doing my tmog sets, so thats the good news, im back. As i said in my first post, i only need the same info so, give me that info and ill do my best to give you a tmog set perfect for you.

    As always, take care and im here ready to rumble! :P

  15. Yo yo!!
    So much time have passed since ive started this thread, but now warsong is here again, so Sneaky is here again!
    Ive recieved a lot of PM asking where am i and why i didnt continued doing my tmog sets, so thats the good news, im back. As i said in my first post, i only need the same info so, give me that info and ill do my best to give you a tmog set perfect for you.

    As always, take care and im here ready to rumble! :P
    Class and Race = Warrior Orc Female
    - Armor = Plate
    - Colour = Brown or Dark grey-ish but please not red, red is my least favorite color
    - Weapon = Any will do
    - 1H or 2H = 2x 2H

    Make it look like a REAL warrior
    Edited: April 4, 2015

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