1. July 2, 2015  
    If you implement AV please for all that is sacred, implement BG blacklist.

  2. July 2, 2015  
    If you implement AV please for all that is sacred, implement BG blacklist.
    BG Blacklist is a must if they open this horrible bg.

  3. July 2, 2015  
    AV is the most fun BG ever! Camping horde GY every day in small BGs gets boring, we need some large scale bg.

  4. July 2, 2015  
    AV is the most fun BG ever! Camping horde GY every day in small BGs gets boring, we need some large scale bg.
    Because camping horde GY in a big BG is more fun xDDDDD

  5. July 2, 2015  
    Because camping horde GY in a big BG is more fun xDDDDD
    Of course, cause lag and drop of frame-rate will be huge... LOLOLOLOL

    Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind George and Silvershard Mines pls!!!

  6. July 2, 2015  
    Of course, cause lag and drop of frame-rate will be huge... LOLOLOLOL

    Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind George and Silvershard Mines pls!!!
    I just can say... +1

  7. July 2, 2015  
    Yes +1. Shouldn't be any lag though when perfected. Played on other private server no lag.

  8. July 2, 2015  
    Well I guess no love for Mop. They are focusing on new expansions like WOTLK...

  9. July 2, 2015  
    Of course, cause lag and drop of frame-rate will be huge... LOLOLOLOL

    Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind George and Silvershard Mines pls!!!
    Yes, please. +1 to this.

  10. July 2, 2015  
    All of you who want AV probably don't know how much it lags during Org raids, both for the people who are not in the raid, and especially for those who are. And now imagine more than one AV active. Plus players still don't know how to play the simplest bgs so better release the smaller scale ones.

  11. July 2, 2015  
    All of you who want AV probably don't know how much it lags during Org raids, both for the people who are not in the raid, and especially for those who are. And now imagine more than one AV active. Plus players still don't know how to play the simplest bgs so better release the smaller scale ones.
    Raided Org many times.

    I want AV.

    Also, I expected more knowledgable responses from members of a guild such as Pokemonz, that has supposedly existed since WotLK.

    Battlegrounds are seperate, instanced locations. They are seperate from other continents at large. They have specific controls for handling pvp, and tend to localize the lag in the BG, rather than spread it across all the world.

    Furthermore, comparing an Org Raid which can have up to 100 people involved on the Horde side, to an 80 man BG is rather illogical as well. You will NEVER get a 40v40 fight in AV. It just doesn't happen. People drop like flies and get teleported to the GY. Even if you did, if you're having a 40v40 in AV, you all deserve to lag for being stupid.

    Lastly, I don't understand why you think AV would cause lag in MoP, when it doesn't in Cata or WotLK. Do you know something about the differences in the MoP Core or are you just speculating so that you can avoid a BG you don't enjoy?

    We want a blizz-like server. We aim to be blizz-like and should make it so, whether the population wants it to be or not. Even if every single player here hates retail's MoP version, we should still get it because we promised a blizz-like server to the people playing here.

    Do I enjoy other BGs more? Yes I do.

    Would I ask for AV to not be released until those other ones are fixed? Absolutely not. This is highly unfair to those players that enjoy AV. Content should be released as its scripted. If AV can be scripted more easily than other BGs, it should be launched first. Period.

  12. July 2, 2015  
    I answer for myself, no matter what guild I am in.
    I expected more knowledge from somebody who says he raided Org, how long did you last there? And yes, you will get in 40 vs 40 battle, at the moment of clash. I don't know what core other expansions have but I do know Mop one is not very stable from my experience of world PvP, you can ask the rest of my guild if you think I don't know what I'm talking about. And this still doesn't change the fact that people don't know how to play bgs, very few are willing to learn and I'm not sure if AV can be carried, but I'd like to see it happen, provided there is no lag.

  13. July 2, 2015  
    Raided Org many times.

    Would I ask for AV to not be released until those other ones are fixed? Absolutely not. This is highly unfair to those players that enjoy AV. Content should be released as its scripted. If AV can be scripted more easily than other BGs, it should be launched first. Period.
    Well, your post has so many illogical statements. Your last sentence for example; No AV is not easier to script than the others. In fact, it's biggest one and probably hardest one cause it includes bosses, and lots of NPCs. It's sort of like scripting dungeon. Well, not the same, but close to it.

    Than, statement that it doesn't lag on WOTLK and Cata is false. I've plated on WOTLK for years, and yes, AV often lags. Not to mention HUGE, REALLY HUGE drop of frame-rate in big fights. So tell that to someone who never played there. And u know very well that MoP lags even as it is. Developers still haven't fix it, so it's logical to assume that in AV would lag even more.

    Lastly, calling ppl stupid just because they don't agree with you for obvious and logical reasons is really nice and mature. I'm guessing you roll either Hunter, Lock or Mage since u're eager so mych to get it. Probably hunter, so u can stay in the back with no range limit and land kill after kill while others do everything for you. Yeah, I can see those ppl enjoy AV.

    Bottom line here: WE NEED MORE BGs. In fact, we shoud have all of them. I don't like AV, but unlike u, I don't have such a narrow vision so I wouldn't mind heaving it, and I would welcome it whenever we get it. But if I could chose, than again: Give us Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind George and Silvershard Mine first!

  14. July 2, 2015  
    I have played AV MOP on some other "private" places and yeah... It worked perfectly, 0 lag. So? Just fix that and we could play it. But yeah... we need smaller scale bgs too. We need all -.-

  15. July 2, 2015  
    Give us Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind George and Silvershard Mine first!
    Just this.

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