1. My old shaman without any special gear ^^

  2. I looted that autographed picture of those 2 people, on my rogue's very first corpse loot in the very first AV. I guess that's kinda epic luck :D

  3. I went into a BG and found 4 hunters.... not just any hunter... but SURVIVAL hunters, all of them.

  4. That looks like an extremely well balanced battleground where only one poor individual put forth any real effort up against you.

  5. That looks like an extremely well balanced battleground where only one poor individual put forth any real effort up against you.
    BGs are so bored atm, we never get a good challenge. :(

  6. ^How old is that SS? I don't remember it.
    Spoiler: Show

    Ret heals :3 Loved the part where the entire horde team decided to chase me and let the flag whizz by unscratched.

  7. ^How old is that SS? I don't remember it.
    2 Days... You can see I'm shadow which didnt happen till 2 days ago.

  8. People complain about me playing a "no-brain"-class and that "I am "nothing without a 10-man fully donor premade" and/or "I can not do anything without hiding behind a zerg." Well, quite the contrary: I prefer playing on my own, even in BGs (especially in BGs). Now if you would kindly look at my HKs in this game compared to the rest of my team and then refrain from complaining about me henceforth; thank you.
    Spoiler: Show
    Inb4 "no, **** you ****ing stupid gnome ****ing arcane mage ****er"

  9. People complain about me playing a "no-brain"-class and that "I am "nothing without a 10-man fully donor premade" and/or "I can not do anything without hiding behind a zerg." Well, quite the contrary: I prefer playing on my own, even in BGs (especially in BGs). Now if you would kindly look at my HKs in this game compared to the rest of my team and then refrain from complaining about me henceforth; thank you.
    Spoiler: Show
    Inb4 "no, **** you ****ing stupid gnome ****ing arcane mage ****er"

    no, **** you ****ing stupid gnome ****ing arcane mage ****er

  10. People complain about me playing a "no-brain"-class
    D'aww, Aio, you handle arcane in a much more fun way than most of the folks I see with that spec.

    Its pleasant to solo queue and get a team that communicates well and listens.

  11. As usual the, highly respectable Guild Master of CannabisCountryClub, displays her signature emote; the [Orcish] L O L M A G G O T

    Spoiler: Show

    This however,

    Spoiler: Show

    Is simply,

    Spoiler: Show

    For satisfation.

    Also, I'm wondering if macros like these - however they do them - are bannable?

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  12. As usual the, highly respectable Guild Master of CannabisCountryClub, displays her signature emote; the [Orcish] L O L M A G G O T
    Honestly, emote-spamming in that manner is just childish, especially so when it come from folks ganging up on their opponents. There's nothing wrong with a little competitive 'smack talk', but I keep seeing people taking it to silly levels. Also, what UI is that? Looks very similiar to mine, but with a more coherent and visible target window.

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