1. And here will go 24 hr to 24 days till marketplaceewill be up, gg. Atleast could had said something about aprox time, better than keeping it secret.

  2. CoS "bonus" boss is working for some time and drops mount with 100% chance.
    Yea that drops 100% of the time. But the other ones like Utgarde proto drake, the Zul'Gurub tiger and raptor, the Zul'Aman bear mount, Karazhan fiery warhorse, Headless horseman mount, the love is the air rocket, Raven Lord, Ahes of A'lar, and Deathcharger's Reins from the old Stratholm 5 man have very low drop rates if a person can get all the above mentioned mounts by farming dungeons kudos to him/her some of us don't have that time, energy or will.

    By the way anyone know if the "A Tribute to Immortality" works on Warmane in ToGC 25 HC and if it rewards Black/White Argent warhorse?

  3. Year 2025 marketplace is still closed for an update

  4. I don't really care about date of release, but some feedback from admins would be really nice.

  5. It will take a while to get these items. Approximately 1.5 to 2 years to fully gear up via points if you maintain your activity rank (TBA)

    RLY? 1.5 to 2 years for fully gear!!!


  6. Who cares marketplace, most people need marketplace for mounts. Like i do, so i collect points and when they release mounts i can get all in once (= or they realized people get too much point before release and they will reset points again xD but sad to see again brewfest is still bugged.. Rip title

  7. Ragnaros is without marketplace why? They said only Lordareon will not have market...

  8. It will take a while to get these items. Approximately 1.5 to 2 years to fully gear up via points if you maintain your activity rank (TBA)

    RLY? 1.5 to 2 years for fully gear!!!

    Via points* o.o are you srsly planning to get full 270s ilvl gear with just points o.O what's the point of playing anyways

  9. This is horrible news for the twink community. Part of the fun of being a twink was the ability to build a fun side character with the relative ease of the vote system. We would help the community grow by contributing to the popularity and gain by developing a different smaller side of the community. Part of what makes private servers fresh and interesting is that it contains these small sub groups so if you ever wanted to take a break from a character you have already developed or a character you are tired of pvp'ing with you have an option for an alternative community.

    I'm sure every person who has twinks, especially those from Old School are equally upset by this news. Hope you will reconsider or possibly take input on how we would like the point system to work for us.

  10. Via points* o.o are you srsly planning to get full 270s ilvl gear with just points o.O what's the point of playing anyways
    I think most of them do. I'll never understand this either, especially if you're not in HC raiding guild, which means you wont see heroic raid for a while. Also guys remember, your skill doesn't go up with gear points!
    (Well I guess their point is to get 6k through VPs and finally be useful in 25n pugs, or so.. )

  11. The fact that the gms or mods or whatever aren't even replying really makes me feel like they're not even working.

  12. Any ETA on the marketplace. My toons really need some armours now. Its already been 2 weeks since this thread was posted. Any reply about the new marketplace would be nice

  13. ITS NOT THE 25TH YET SO STOP ASKING WHEN IS THE SHOP COMING! if its not here on the 26th then u can ask

  14. Maybe all of them on the beach right now having vacation. I find it weird that few days ago they make event ingame asking ppl to make new character to participate, why making useless event ? isn't it ironic? many thing still bug, market still at work but they make event, its like they say 'Hey forget about bugs/marketplace lets have some funs' and then all of them go on vacation.

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