1. dungeon finder is a must for me, without it how am i gonna do low level instances which keep me entertained if i get bored of questing
    Dungeon finder is a must for lazy people and later those who want to farm emblems for better gear.

    Having RDF disabled until the content on lord reaches 3.3 would be blizzlike experience. I have played on the PTR for about 3 months now and ive done several instances without the need of RDF. Wouldnt it be entertaining to actually find a group of 5 and race there like in the old days? Me and my friends used to race from stormwind to deadmines in westfall, no mounts no flightpoints.

    If u want to be entertained when lvling, get a few friends together and lvl up with them and have them all on skype/ TS /raidcall and have fun for hours on end.

    If u easily get bored with games that takes long to finish, Lordaeron wont be the place for you.

  2. Apologies if this has already been mentioned somewhere, but does anyone know when approximately Lordaeron will be released? (not PTR).
    Im waiting to make my character but don't want it deleted after ptr is over=(

  3. Apologies if this has already been mentioned somewhere, but does anyone know when approximately Lordaeron will be released? (not PTR).
    Im waiting to make my character but don't want it deleted after ptr is over=(
    No date yet, but it will be released soon...

    I can highly suggest you try out classes and quests on the PTR so you know what to do when server goes live. It differs very much from the x5 realms and the quests in the zones dont rly cut it to get to the next zone. some grinding may be required.

    So far ive found about 55 bugs in early lvling-zones on both horde and alliance. All of them on bugtracker. Making the realm perfect before the release is my main objective atm :)

  4. I have a question, if Lordaeron overpopulated (like there is login que 3k or 4k+), is it possible to copy-paste and make another realm like lord?

  5. Thank you, i have experience with wetly on retail so I'm aware of the difference in levelling compared to x5. I still can't be bothered to make a char just to report bugs though, think I'm going to leave it to everyone else and just hope it gets done soon xD.. feeling lazy (but not lazy to level x1;))

  6. Thank you, i have experience with wetly on retail so I'm aware of the difference in levelling compared to x5. I still can't be bothered to make a char just to report bugs though, think I'm going to leave it to everyone else and just hope it gets done soon xD.. feeling lazy (but not lazy to level x1;))
    We are all different.

    I cant stand going onto any of the other servers and meet these fully equipped ppl with zero skill, zero knowledge and aggressive demeanor...

  7. hey, can i get lvl 55 on "Pyrelina"?

  8. hey, can i get lvl 55 on "Pyrelina"?
    ofc, just lvl up like the rest of us

  9. and I got what I asked for, get rekt Minxer #Kappa

  10. UPDATED: July 23, 2015

    Below are the designed, expected and suggested and future Lordaeron features and are not final. This topic will serve as the primary information page for Lordaeron until a dedicated realm page is added to the information page.

    Realm name: Lordaeron (Public Test Realm)
    Expansion: Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a
    Release date: TBA
    Rates: 1
    Dungeon Finder disabled
    Armory PvP and PvE ladder
    No point store
    Limited coin store:
    - No character level boosts
    - No profession boosts
    - No realm transfer
    - No character rename
    - No heirlooms
    - No legendary items
    - Limitations to companion and mount availability
    - Item availability based on realm's progression
    - Item availability based on in-game obtainability
    - Must have a lower tier equipped before higher item can be obtained using coins
    - Item level requirement (i.e. must have Edge of Agony equipped before Fleshrender can be obtained using coins
    - Increased item coin costs

    Features that may or may not make it into the release.

    - Character naming policy (names such as ifakursis, lickmylala or ieaturazz being strictly forbidden)

    - Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor release at launch
    - Outland release 1 month after launch
    - Northrend release 2 months after launch
    - Death Knight release 2 months after launch

    - No race change
    - No faction change

    Features that compliment realm's design of long-term activity, population and world PvP in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

    - Portal from Ironforge and Orgrimmar to Shattrah City and Dalaran to keep big capital cities populated
    - Chest spawn in Eastern Kingdoms containing a token that can be redeemed for coins on the website

    - Gold drain mechanics to maintain competitive Auction House prices and a healthy realm economy in the long-term
    - Simple, minimal but effective ways to maintain long-term activity, population and world PvP in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor[/LIST]
    This are my own personal opinions :
    -Character naming policies looks unnecesary, this is not an RP realm
    -No faction or race change is unnecesary (i suggest that faction change cost coins)
    -Progresive release with only months of differece makes no sense, you should release all at once
    -Portals betwen big citys is a great idea, it would help the world look less empty when we reach max level (i dont understand why Ironforge though)
    -Said portals should only be usable by level 80 characters
    -Gold drain mechanic sounds both complicated and unnecesary

    Those are my thoughts, sorry for my english
    Edited: August 12, 2015 Reason: the items are actually necessary for finnancing the server, so i retire first one

  11. and I got what I asked for, get rekt Minxer #Kappa
    GZ, u will be back to your original lvl in 24 hours.

  12. Oh and you should make a Trailer Contest before release and post the winner in youtube

  13. Oh and you should make a Trailer Contest before release and post the winner in youtube
    As far as representation and advertising goes, that is a very good idea. Great suggestion! :D

  14. Hello, can I get a level 80 on Miran?

    I like doing quests a lot and I hope I can fill up the quest catagory of bug tracker faster.

  15. -Character naming policies are prolly 2 avoid ninjas from swiching names all the time and also the use of those dumb insulting childish names
    -faction change should only be enabled in the case of inbalance imo, race change sure can be for coins not game braking
    -progresive release imo should last ALOT longer, i wish every single raid lasts atleast as 1 arena season 2 give ppl time for each of them, no need 2 rush for ICC
    -i dont realy care about portals....doesnt effect me that much and i dont se problem even if there is none
    -gold drain for sure but ama let staff think about that since i dont care much for gold in game :)
    this is just my opinion regarding stuff u pointed out .

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