1. Warmane Staff is possible to open the classic raids and dungeon? I Would love to do them just for fun. Please open them i swear will be something good for the server.

  2. Warmane Staff is possible to open the classic raids and dungeon? I Would love to do them just for fun. Please open them i swear will be something good for the server.
    Just read the Devlog. They will open instances any day now.

  3. Just read the Devlog. They will open instances any day now.
    in the absense of any extra news from staff I wouldn't say "any day now" but saying we'll probably get them before new years' would be safe I suppose

  4. Hello ! Another critical bug abuse : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmxJmlPB7EM . Priest use mind control unfriendly target .
    Bugtracker link : https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/1689

    sry for my eng .
    Edited: November 27, 2015

  5. Hello ! Another critical bug abuse : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmxJmlPB7EM . Priest use mind control unfriendly target .
    Bugtracker link : https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/1689
    hardly critical... mostly an inconvenience/abuse, the issue in pve with it is that the mob you mindcontrol will ignore agro tables and head straight for MC caster after it's released

  6. Every once in a while Lord Ryholith seems to get bugged,

    coming here again new bugs, done only 10HC:
    1. Volcanoes on the left side of the platform are invisible(no model), you can stomp over them and they are spewing fire.
    2. After wipe Lord Ryholith is deep under the ground (respawn point error).

    Thanks for fixing this, good to see the boss working again

    Ragnaros Heroic:
    World in Flames does't deal any damage, also doesn;t switch places (dissapears after first activation(
    Edited: November 27, 2015

  7. Hello ! Another critical bug abuse : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmxJmlPB7EM . Priest use mind control unfriendly target .
    Bugtracker link : https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/1689

    sry for my eng .
    Things with higher priority need fixing.

  8. Thanks for fixing this, good to see the boss working again

    Ragnaros Heroic:
    World in Flames does't deal any damage, also doesn;t switch places (dissapears after first activation(
    I think with World in flames, all 3 happen at once in the same spot. The no damage thing is new though.

  9. new as in +3months like that new lol

  10. Just read the Devlog. They will open instances any day now.
    pls check the devlog cataclysm of june 12th and tell me that again

  11. new as in +3months like that new lol
    I took damage from it 2 weeks ago o.O I would of died too if it wasn't for sacred shield

  12. pls check the devlog cataclysm of june 12th and tell me that again
    Checked and aside from Nefarian missing, everything works okay. They promised Nefarian but along came MoP and Lorderon which then threw the wrench in the whole thing. :D

  13. pls check the devlog cataclysm of june 12th and tell me that again
    uhhhm "...lots of progress on the transport system in preparation for the Nefarian Heroic boss fight. It is being internally tested..." would assume the 'it' refers to transport system, not the Nefarian HC fight due to their use of "in preparation for" meaning that had to be implemented to even begin scripting it... but naturally Lordaeron came along and things slowed down or got frozen temporarily

  14. Vote this up (since I see you haven´t):


    Also Sinestra is still dropping the same loot every single time (atleast switch the bracers or finger to shard of woe)

    Also Throne of the Four Winds, Slipstream doesn´t take you to next platfrom (not sure if alakir still disconnects you during second phase due to anti-cheat)
    Edited: November 30, 2015

  15. I took damage from it 2 weeks ago o.O I would of died too if it wasn't for sacred shield
    It does no damage since this transport update, you're probably so use to dodging it that you didn't notice before.

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