1. As I said if someone is going to brag about "rating" they may as well either have a gladiator or challenger title
    Unless you are a glad, challenger or can actually be successful at RBGs you just aren't that good.
    So let me see, lets imagine that someone was in 10th place when the season ended, and he got Challenger, so he's pretty good. But this other one, that was in 15th place didnt get any title, but there was only like 10 rating of difference between them. What makes that Challenger player way better than this other one?
    Rating is what makes you classify a good arena player.

    Now, about this one: "Unless you are a glad, challenger or can actually be successful at RBGs you just aren't that good."
    Basically you're saying that, one player that backpeddal, that doesn't know anything about DRs, that doesn't know how to use LoS properly and that has no talent at all, can be good if he joins a group and get caried?!
    Btw, what makes someone be successful at RBGs? Wins? Can someone be good at RBGs if won 5 Bgs and lost 6 for example?
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  2. but if you lower your gear you cant ****ing rekt the enemy as hard
    but 1: twoeasy, from what appears to be so, isn't looking to do that.. just wants as many hk's as possible.
    2: twoeasy, is a healer if i'm not mistaken.
    3: u can't kill anyone, if they're not leaving the gy ;)

  3. its much easier to get hks graveyard camping, except for twin peaks. when they can fight back they can kill you, which is counterproductive. you have to absolutely destroy them.

  4. how do you figure? you spend a lot less time not killing when ur waiting for a respawn timer, then if ur forcing ppl to sit in gy or stay as ghosts.. though i admit that some bg's [namely wsg] have a lot of nabs not smart enough to run out of the gy as ghosts

  5. ok imma respond twoeasy just cuz it might actually help you out, and this reply from you is actually legit :) as you mentioned earlier you're after the hk title, i understand a bit more now. but.. i've seen many games where your team just sits outside gy doing not much of anything, not even doing objectives. so if you're dragging a game on, where 9/10 of the ppl are either afraid, or just see it as pointless, to leave the gy, you're not getting as many hk's as you could have.

    so with this said, aren't you just waiting in queue lines, to score opening bg kills, and then killing only whatever unfortunate person is dumb enough to jump [or fall lol] out of the gy?
    You're talking with the biggest nerd when it comes to bg's keep that in mind will you, I've done this many bg's as of now http://piclair.com/data/agtoz.jpg (4299)
    and I can assure you that camping the GY will give you the most amount of kills unless TP (unless there's 1 bot on the alliance side jumping down all the time). I've tested running around healing random 115k hp people that are far away from the graveyard but Abbi will forever get more HK's. Why? Because Abbi will go to wherever the kills are.

    Changing gear to ruthless will absolutely make it harder but will also slow down the HK farming. It's not something that I will do.
    I've done enough bg's at this point to know what works and what doesn't. I know how to farm them kills.

  6. You're talking with the biggest nerd when it comes to bg's keep that in mind will you, I've done this many bg's as of now http://piclair.com/data/agtoz.jpg (4299)
    and I can assure you that camping the GY will give you the most amount of kills unless TP (unless there's 1 bot on the alliance side jumping down all the time). I've tested running around healing random 115k hp people that are far away from the graveyard but Abbi will forever get more HK's. Why? Because Abbi will go to wherever the kills are.

    Changing gear to ruthless will absolutely make it harder but will also slow down the HK farming. It's not something that I will do.
    I've done enough bg's at this point to know what works and what doesn't. I know how to farm them kills.
    As I said, just a theory :P But as previous poster mentioned.. I still think in twin peaks, u'd get more hk's not gy camping :P and more alliance would q if u let a few of them pass so they could do objectives.. but then, alliance would also get gear faster.. so who knows in the long run.

    then why are you so obsessed with me lol
    cuz u got lady bits. gearl>skill

  7. lel its a shame i didnt reply earlier but now i will kek, ive never actually bragged about my 2.2k achiv, you only assumed i do, no im saying you dont have the achiv, and because you dont you go around saying that it doesnt mean **** yet you still cannot get it even if you beat a ret paladin that has played ret for a week with a plebian uh dk who couldnt give a fook about 'serious arena skillz man' not to mention the other two times you actually lost to said pleb 'tryhards' team as bis hunter and a feral druid with full cata. me nor ginger have to actually prove anything to someone with less than 5 keybinds and is garbage in general.

    also not to mention that duel i raped you in. (WAH WAH UH DK COUNTERS HOONTER) to quote you mr dot 'ilvl dosent mean sh*t you are just bad'

  8. Well it's quite obvious the best way to classify a "good" player would be to queue 3s however 3s is almost dead either has win traders or queues can take 1+ hours. As I said if someone is going to brag about "rating" they may as well either have a gladiator or challenger title, rival dosent mean much as anyone who wants it and takes the time to queue 3s can get it. 2s is a joke and is imbalanced, duels are imbalanced, 5s is mainly for Subwars no one takes 5s seriously and random bgs is boring and dosent take much to win with a roflstomped pre. Rated bgs actually takes skill as it requires more than just CC this target and LoS while I put on dots it takes much more than that, as a healer in rated bgs you cannot hide behind a pillar, your true skill shows on how you perform on the field protecting not only yourself but your entire team while your team has to take down the enemy team with either AoE, dotting. Target switching w/e the case may be. It also requires more communication and cooperation than 2s and 3s

    Unless you are a glad, challenger or can actually be successful at RBGs you just aren't that good.
    you wouldn't last well in 3s with your arena rating and your keybinds/macros.


    would love to see a Gladiator title on any FATALITY guild member. jk.

    all bg heroes here including twoeasy and his guilds are jokes in arenas, which is why they brag about capping to get 2200 in some mediocre win-loss and by queueing at downtime.

    edit: Starburstz doesn't even do arenas, so leave him alone and let him do his business.

  9. all bg heroes here including twoeasy and his guilds are jokes in arenas, which is why they brag about capping to get 2200 in some mediocre win-loss and by queueing at downtime.
    No one is bragging about 2200, I was simply telling everyone how stupid easy it is to get so there is no point about talking about these worthless achievements. How about you read first?

    edit: Starburstz doesn't even do arenas, so leave him alone and let him do his business.
    Doesn't this go for me aswell? Or are you being a white knight?

  10. No one is bragging about 2200, I was simply telling everyone how stupid easy it is to get so there is no point about talking about these worthless achievements. How about you read first?

    Doesn't this go for me aswell? Or are you being a white knight?
    No, it's just funny how people set the meta for 'decent' players to be 1750 in arenas. Arenas here are a joke, if you play decently, your MMR will climb up as you play with other players in your MMR and within 20 games you can reach 2500+ rating.

    i cba about starburstz, saw his armory, no recent arena history, no bragging rights there meit.

    Like what you said, if it is worthless, why is it that 99.5% of these bg heroes aren't even close to 2200 or within the mmr of it?

    meits, if someone as mindless as tdot can play vanguards as horribly as his team, anything is possible.

  11. No, it's just funny how people set the meta for 'decent' players to be 1750 in arenas. Arenas here are a joke,
    Who did that? Me? No. And yeah, we already know that arenas are a joke.

    Like what you said, if it is worthless, why is it that 99.5% of these bg heroes aren't even close to 2200 or within the mmr of it?
    Why is it that a Criminals Club group of 10, filled with elitists and gladiator's, god knows what their titles were, failed to kill a bunch of worthless 'bg heroes' that are "not even close" to 2200 in RBG? So much for their arena skills in there huh, bg's too hard :'(

    Where are you going? Why did you mention my guild at all? I don't think anyone in there is below 2200 if that makes you feel better.

  12. Who did that? Me? No. And yeah, we already know that arenas are a joke.

    Why is it that a Criminals Club group of 10, filled with elitists and gladiator's, god knows what their titles were, failed to kill a bunch of worthless 'bg heroes' that are "not even close" to 2200 in RBG? So much for their arena skills in there huh, bg's too hard :'(

    Where are you going? Why did you mention my guild at all? I don't think anyone in there is below 2200 if that makes you feel better.
    how cute. failed to kill a bunch of worthless bg heroes, are you really going to pull this card so we can endlessly bicker because you feel as if you have a sense of entitlement because you think you're better and you're right?

    you guys beat us, a bunch of glads and elitist, yet, I can say the same for you when you queue arenas, but yet, you wouldn't or even couldn't match up to our mmr.

    you see how it goes in circles, Twoeasy?

    Come on, let's have a logical discussion that won't end up running around in circles, for the sake of the argument.

  13. hahahahaha. oh man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTg6MvTS1Og

    who loses agaisnt destro locks.
    Who loses as vanguards?


  14. how cute. failed to kill a bunch of worthless bg heroes, are you really going to pull this card so we can endlessly bicker because you feel as if you have a sense of entitlement because you think you're better and you're right?
    you guys beat us, a bunch of glads and elitist, yet, I can say the same for you when you queue arenas, but yet, you wouldn't or even couldn't match up to our mmr.
    Yeah, I'm going to pull that card on you.

    Why did you lose if we're just a bunch of worthless 'not even close to 2200' bg heroes? You'd think that 10 gladiators would easily beat us :/
    Ofcourse you're going to bring up the arenas, and no, I wouldnt, you're right. I simply just don't do enough arenas, do I? So why bring it up? Just being a white knight towards Star or what ;)?

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