1. gues who is annoying you again! its me mario!
    w/E i wanted to ask in your guide you say slow weps, ok but ppl tell me all the time im a noob shaman (*****s) and suggest me to get more haste (to proc ms and get more heals) so my hits are nice, and i recently got the totem that gives 235 haste (from flame shock ticks) and i saw that 2.20 speed is the fastes we want to have. atm with flurry and totem haste + the 235 haste my wep speed is 1.43 so is that ok or am i a jerk? D:
    if u got haste from pve offsets and trinket, them u are good. it isnt a good idea to get haste with gems.

    i havent tried stacking haste for pvp. im sure ur dps will be weaker, but ur survivability will increase. against warr, rogue and hunters, thats a bad idea cuz they reduce healz.

    i suggest u get haste from off sets and Herkuml War Token

    and no, trying different things doesnt mean u are a jerk.

  2. hey expertise cap? or any expertise? because i don't wanna ss get dodged by clothies, or parryed D: btw any tactics againts classes?pr0 hunters are problem D:
    there. go check guide, i added vs bm and improved vs mm. also gave some tips when facing a healer + MM hunter. hope that helps.

  3. lucasb1992's Avatar
    good guide but i got a macro problem:

    Feral Spirits
    #showtooltip Feral Spirits
    /cast gift of the naaru
    /cast Feral Spirits

    when i use this macro my wolves dont spawn, thne i use normal spell adn they spwana, press this one they dont start attack, i do something rong or??
    other macros work fine tnx for thim.

    the guid helped me a lot for pvping, 1e random bg i had 74 honor kills only by being a melee/caster.
    locks/mages/priest 1o1 were easly down, dk/war/pala it took some time but wasnt kind a hard if i could jump in and out.
    this guide helped me a lot, if you can give advice for the spirits it would be nice

  4. sorry about that, guide fixed. thanks for telling me :)

    #showtooltip Feral Spirit
    /cast Gift of the Naaru(Racial)
    /cast Feral Spirit

  5. lucasb1992's Avatar
    tnx go test it

  6. Professor Putricide yells: Good news, everyone! I've fixed the poison slime pipes!
    Professor Putricide yells: Great news, everyone! The slime is flowing again!
    updated it XD
    if theres a wrong link or smthg plz tell me asap.

  7. Hi can you make me a macro that switch my off hand weapon to shield and back?

    Nvm, i got it. Its /equipslot 17 "Name of the Item".

  8. TrueStory's Avatar
    When i get sad , i stop being sad and read this Thread instead.

    -True Story

  9. What is better wrath one-hand mace or wrath one-hand axe and why ?

  10. What is better wrath one-hand mace or wrath one-hand axe and why ?
    Wrath 1h axe cuz it looks sexier and it's icon is like shadowmourne's icon. You feel like god so no one will intimidate you. Also, axe's name is way better than mace's name. 1h mace is too tiny, furious mace is biger and it has spikes, unlike wrathful. Finally, 1h mace looks like a dying plant.

    Those are good reasons to go axe instead of mace.

    (I hate to post via iPhone, too many caps)

  11. Very nice guide! I want to thank you, now I will try enh with my shamy,I played elemental,its fun to see high crits on low gear players with Lava Burst,but I think this is even more fun and you can show your skills even more, wish me luck! :)
    Sorry for the bad english and Happy New Year Bro =)

  12. Awesome job!

    Thanks for fully explanation,it helped me to improve my enha in PvP!!!

  13. Very nice guide! I want to thank you, now I will try enh with my shamy,I played elemental,its fun to see high crits on low gear players with Lava Burst,but I think this is even more fun and you can show your skills even more, wish me luck! :)
    Sorry for the bad english and Happy New Year Bro =)
    Thanks for fully explanation,it helped me to improve my enha in PvP!!!
    thanks a lot guyz. i feel better now :D
    was having a rly bad day

  14. What is better wrath one-hand mace or wrath one-hand axe and why ?
    Well if you're not orc, it doesn't matter, if you're orc you should go with axes or first weapons because of their racial. As any other race it doesn't really matter, choose the better one, if the stats are 100% the same, it's the looks that should decide.

  15. vina's Avatar
    Hey man, an extremely helpfull guide u made up here. Im really thankfull for finding it
    I was reading and re-reading it and I didnt find anything related to Expertise.
    Is it needed for PvP?
    if yes. How much do I need?
    if no. Sry for the stupid question. Im kinda new to melee pvpng
    Thank you again for this guid mate

    ...and sorry for any mistakes on gramatics and all, im from Brazil. :D

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