1. vor top 10 *sweating*
    Slowly but steadily climbing my way up boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    where have you been? since you're gone our dps is so good, we pushed phase 2 by killing 3 waves and killed LK in 2 FM chambers.
    we finished like 20 sec off of the current record which is done when valks were buggedI think. ( you could ignore every wave )

    Marknor you are so bad that I want you to be the mother of my childs

  2. Contain that Cleave, u posting that pic too much.
    Ghoul DMG???

    Its strange how u never want to warr when im in the raid with mine...
    I wonder why???

    Come at me brah!

  3. Get back pls, udba is hopeless to kill LOD without Etofagxxx.

  4. bois, stahp beeing pay to win guild
    just macro it

  5. bois, stahp beeing pay to win guild
    just macro it
    such donut guild

  6. lod done, whole raid done in 1 hour 40 minutes
    praise svanie for his ss

  7. lod done, whole raid done in 1 hour 40 minutes
    praise svanie for his ss
    Thanks to the flasks

  8. Hunter allmost beating ret , u should start tanking petre?

  9. just reroll to β healer class

  10. 1st lod done, whole raid done in around two hours


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