1. Will we be able to download the Lordaeron WotLK client a few days before the launch?

  2. Unfortunately not, i do keep a personal changelog in all of the documents related to lord but i dont think we will be publishing it
    So, we are not going to get any updates for rest of the wotlk realms until Lordaeron is released? I think some of devs said we will get update for mop and wotlk, we got only for mop, so for wotlk is probably postponed.

  3. Will we be able to download the Lordaeron WotLK client a few days before the launch?
    Why you need Lordaeron client? Isnt client same as for rest of the realms???

  4. Will we be able to download the Lordaeron WotLK client a few days before the launch?
    It's the same client you use to play in the others Warmane Wotlk servers, even the realmlist is the same

  5. They were talking about that Lordaeron is on a new core, unlike the other WotLK servers.

    They were not referring to the client but the server Lordaeron is hosted on?

  6. Create vendors that sell Emblem of Heroism (ilvl 200) gear for GOLD instead of emblems, as a gold sink for people making alts, once Trial of the Crusader and/or Icecrown Citadel are available.
    i200 will do nothing for gold sink on a 1x realm.

    On a 1x realm a gold sink at 80 can only work by taking gold from:

    a) A large proportion of players over and over (but higher tax on AH will simply result in a "poor tax" while the rich will mostly sell high value items outside the AH)

    b) The super rich. (Difficult since it is hard to strike a balance between things that the super rich want and things everyone else is prepared to let them buy for gold.)

    Furthermore the issue of people speed hacking and botting gathering profs is far more of a problem for the economy in general. The lottery type gold sink for Battle tanks may work but not if points can be used for it as well as gold.


    Will this server actually have correct damage and all-round working pvp unlike the other wotlk servers or will this server just have working quests and pve and not care about pvp as usual?

    Will the working pvp (if it exists) roll out to the other wotlk servers?
    Edited: August 17, 2015

  7. No one cares,trust me,they will say - Its not Blizzlike,marketplace with Shadowmourne is tho.
    A custom chest in-game world spawn that gives you donor coins is not actually custom, but transmogging is. Amirite?

  8. Any news on the possibility of Wintergrasp?

  9. With current issues about rushing pve for gear and season taking 4 months and thus the pve to pvp gear imbalance it seems it is best just to wait a couple of years before playing this server (then we can also see if no shadowmourne stays true)

  10. A custom chest in-game world spawn that gives you donor coins is not actually custom, but transmogging is. Amirite?
    The chest was an idea thrown in there, as a way to give players an in-game way to get coins. It's not necessarily going to be there, might be in, might not.
    But even if it's in, it's our choice. Argue, whine, throw fits, compare, use made up statistics, riot... bottom line is if we open an exception (that proves the rule) of refusing custom content, it's exclusively up to the Administration.

  11. A custom chest in-game world spawn that gives you donor coins is not actually custom, but transmogging is. Amirite?
    Well, there is something similar in retail, that gives u a 30days of wow subscription.

  12. Transmogging would only increase population rather then decrease it that is.
    But regardless of Admin's choices fact remains if this is pulled right (and it seems it will,only time will tell obviously) Lordaeron will break population easily over 5k.
    And that is a fact.Better do cross realm otherwise you will have one hell of a decked realm.

    Old Lordaeron had 3500+1500 que before it was ehm sent to ruin and despair.
    New Lord?Eeasily will top that off,as everyone wants hardcore with no donations,progress and no whiny kids.

    On top of that no vote points etc.

    Congratulations to Devs $admins doin this finally "the proper way".
    Should have been done long time ago.Well better ever then never amirite?

  13. Are you planning to make it progressive like this ?
    Wrath of Lich King (Patch 3.0)>Secrets of Ulduar(Patch 3.1)>Call of the Crusade(Patch 3.2)>Fall of the Lich King(Patch 3.3)

    What about pvp seasons ? (length) and pve too.

  14. Please no any weapons and armor for coins. Just mounts and companions.

  15. Well, there is something similar in retail, that gives u a 30days of wow subscription.
    And there's actual transmog on retail, so I don't see what you're trying to do there.

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