1. Well hi all, Server down?

    This is my first time playing WoW. Enjoying myself here on warmane.

    Can anyone tell me where I can find information about servers etc? I've been searching here at the warmane website and can't find anything about why a huge number of players can't logg on right now. This problem has persisted for about 8 hours, which sucks... bad...

  2. Can't log in to server!

    I m trying to log in to Deathwing,Wrath of the Lich King server.Though the server seems to be running smoothly (i currently see 2700 people online on warmane.com 's database server information) ,i can't log in. When i enter my password a message pops up "Unable to connect.Please try again later. If the problem persists contact technical support at : [random blizzard link] ". I had no problems logging in yesterday or any other day. Any ideas ?

  3. Confirmed, the "Unable to connect." message appearing for hours now.

  4. "Unable to connect." = Doomsday is here guyz

  5. Changing your realmlist to logon.warmane.com is a temporary fix.

  6. Tnx i resolve my problem. change realmlist from logon.warmane.ru to logon.warmane.com

  7. doesn't work for me... i changed realm list to logon.warmane.com... help

  8. Can't log in. Need advice

    When I try to log in (Deathwing realm) I get the message that I'm unable to log in, or that the login server is down. It says on the Warmane connection guide that the login server is always up, and that if you get those messages that something is either wrong with the connection or that firewall (or something similar) is blocking the game. I've checked, and firewall is not blocking the game, it has all rights for using the internet. And my connection is ok.

    So does anyone know what the problem may be ? I've tried opening the properties of the game's .exe file and looking for something that might look suspicious in the Security tab, I've also tried opening the game as administrator, etc... I'm relatively new to this server (played only 4 days), and I don't know where to look for answers on the forum. Thanks in advance.

  9. Changing the realmlist to logon.warmane.com worked for me, thank you very much. And thanks for redirecting my post from the general part of the forum to here. Now I know where to look for these kind of things in the future. Thanks again.

  10. and if we already have realm logon.warmane.com and still doesn`t connect what should we do?

  11. Two days now.... Two whole days... Need to get your **** together...

  12. i cant connect to wrath server

    I been playing last night like 8 hour ago, i go to sleep when i woke up i couldn not play anymore it say enable to connect.
    anyone can help me out

  13. Change the realmist in data/enus and in the folder wtf/config.wtf and all will work!

  14. To you maybe, but not for the rest of us.......

  15. can smb pls post here the content of config.wtf from WTF folder ofc smb who can log in

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