1. That is so exploitable ,reputation wise.Make a alt,promote him to GM.Play with people kick em as you want,fake alt GM gets reputation.In worse case scenario disband guild,repeat.So easy.....
    Yea ofc all systems can be exploited. There is a reason i always put guildleader on friendslist with a note, so that i know who to call in case of guild emergency...

  2. can we have some info of what this exacly means ? "WEBS Test Restoration has successfully verified and processed 17,042 characters eligible for restoration."
    does it have something to do with this realm at all ?
    Also i got a question about new model version of WotLk, will we need 2 download it again before server opens since not all models/haircuts and looks are working atm ? so once they are fixed is there gona be just update for it or we gota download full new version with all fixes ?

  3. can we have some info of what this exacly means ? "WEBS Test Restoration has successfully verified and processed 17,042 characters eligible for restoration."
    does it have something to do with this realm at all ?
    Also i got a question about new model version of WotLk, will we need 2 download it again before server opens since not all models/haircuts and looks are working atm ? so once they are fixed is there gona be just update for it or we gota download full new version with all fixes ?
    1st question: no it's apart of the backup system
    2nd question: I think it's gonna be two seperate clients but they are the same with the exception of having the new WOD models

  4. Also i got a question about new model version of WotLk, will we need 2 download it again before server opens since not all models/haircuts and looks are working atm ? so once they are fixed is there gona be just update for it or we gota download full new version with all fixes ?
    Well probably we will. But i dont really know if they will fix that. Ill just download the old version.

  5. And in very little time word will spread about what you do, you will get the reputation you deserve, and people won't go join your Guild anymore.
    @ Obnoxious, i see your point but i think youre wrong, generally about this penalty thing. I will tell you my view and i think its worth the read, even if our opinions differ.
    Put aside all the possible exploits that players will use to **** up each other, why would you try to enforce something that even blizzard has not done?
    There are certain aspects of the game (i.eg. best gear obtained via 25m raids) which guarantee you need to socialize in order to play the game successfully, and in longer terms people who jump around guilds might just decrease their own chances to find a proper raiding atmosphere to achieve that. Thats the only part of the game which induces players to behave and socialize in certain ways, and no other means were ever needed.
    I find the whole idea utterly wrong to put a non-blizzlike penalty as such on a realm you claim to make as blizzlike experience as possible. This whole thing alone could ruin your wonderful project, as there will be a hundred new guilds forming which offer zero reliable information to new players (as they are brand new). People are normally joining these guilds with trust and if it turns out to be bad, they can just move on. Society forms itself that way. With a penalty as such introduced, all you will get is a bunch of people that will only join guilds which are already famous so they dont have to risk (or it will be a lesser risk), which will result more guildless players and smaller, newer guilds dying out.
    Secondly, no one will actually care for the penalty when it comes to the choice, because its worth to wait 7days, even 1month to join a better guild than to stay in a crap/hated one. Its kind of like a relationship, better have none than to be in an unhealthy and bad one. If someone wants to leave a guild, they will take the 7 days penalty anyway. You cant force people to be loyal, it is something that must come from inside so your loyalty propaganda wont succeed this way.
    However, if you truly want to stimulate peoples attitude, you could try from the opposite approach.
    Instead of punishing people who leave guilds, why not reward those that stay in a guild for a long time? Positive treatment would have a much stronger effect to stimulate anyones attitude in my opinion and it would not cause a loud rebel feedback for sure.
    You could implement a system that grants benefits (minor ones, few % extra exp honor or gold gain, something like that) based on how long time one has spent in a guild so loyalty will be rewarded, therefore making it a favored choice to many that might just leave a guild out of boredom.
    Think about it please!

  6. However, if you truly want to stimulate peoples attitude, you could try from the opposite approach.
    Instead of punishing people who leave guilds, why not reward those that stay in a guild for a long time? Positive treatment would have a much stronger effect to stimulate anyones attitude in my opinion and it would not cause a loud rebel feedback for sure.
    You could implement a system that grants benefits (minor ones, few % extra exp honor or gold gain, something like that) based on how long time one has spent in a guild so loyalty will be rewarded, therefore making it a favored choice to many that might just leave a guild out of boredom.
    Think about it please!
    I like this idea way better. If you're already eager to do something in favor of increasing players loyalty to the guilds, then rewarding is the way to go. Maybe implement some guild perks like in cata, or something like that... Imo, it should stay as it is right now, without more custom features.

  7. Perhaps this has been answered already - if so - I'm sorry.

    What about the proto drake rewards from Glory of the Raider & Heroic. They were available at the launch of wrath during retail but removed in patch 3.1 I believe. The achievements were still here, but not the drakes.

    I guess these drakes won't be obtainable since we're running 3.3.5. But if you only rewards players completing the achievement within the first two months or so after northrend release, could that be something? If you decide to have the players a chance to obtain them, I think it's very important to have a limited time doing so. Else it's probably better to not have them at all, IMO.


  8. Put aside all the possible exploits that players will use to **** up each other, why would you try to enforce something that even blizzard has not done?
    There are certain aspects of the game (i.eg. best gear obtained via 25m raids) which guarantee you need to socialize in order to play the game successfully, and in longer terms people who jump around guilds might just decrease their own chances to find a proper raiding atmosphere to achieve that. Thats the only part of the game which induces players to behave and socialize in certain ways, and no other means were ever needed.
    I find the whole idea utterly wrong to put a non-blizzlike penalty as such on a realm you claim to make as blizzlike experience as possible. This whole thing alone could ruin your wonderful project, as there will be a hundred new guilds forming which offer zero reliable information to new players (as they are brand new). People are normally joining these guilds with trust and if it turns out to be bad, they can just move on. Society forms itself that way. With a penalty as such introduced, all you will get is a bunch of people that will only join guilds which are already famous so they dont have to risk (or it will be a lesser risk), which will result more guildless players and smaller, newer guilds dying out.
    Secondly, no one will actually care for the penalty when it comes to the choice, because its worth to wait 7days, even 1month to join a better guild than to stay in a crap/hated one. Its kind of like a relationship, better have none than to be in an unhealthy and bad one. If someone wants to leave a guild, they will take the 7 days penalty anyway. You cant force people to be loyal, it is something that must come from inside so your loyalty propaganda wont succeed this way.
    However, if you truly want to stimulate peoples attitude, you could try from the opposite approach.
    Instead of punishing people who leave guilds, why not reward those that stay in a guild for a long time? Positive treatment would have a much stronger effect to stimulate anyones attitude in my opinion and it would not cause a loud rebel feedback for sure.
    You could implement a system that grants benefits (minor ones, few % extra exp honor or gold gain, something like that) based on how long time one has spent in a guild so loyalty will be rewarded, therefore making it a favored choice to many that might just leave a guild out of boredom.
    Think about it please!
    a) It was a suggestion someone made, it's not even in the list on the original post;

    b) People will abuse anything. Ganking is nothing more than abusing your overwhelming advantage over people, yet it's legal. Kicking someone out of a group because a better option showed up is certainly abuse from the point of view of the kicked;

    c) I'm not going to bother with the "Blizzard didn't do it." If you can't understand the concept that decisions about what goes in and what doesn't are up to the Administration, be it like retail or not, and the fact most is like retail isn't a soul pact that it will all be like that, just like the fact an exception might be opened doesn't implies the community will get all sorts of custom stuff they ask, there's nothing I can add;

    d) Nothing about the idea is for "forcing" people to stay in guilds they don't want to belong to. All it aims and would achieve is that this choice would matter, just like the character name (and possibly even race and faction). That's one basic thing Kaer wanted from the start, for choices made on Lordaeron to matter;

    e) Giving rewards to players who stay within the guild would be completely up to the guild itself. If the Guild Master wants to implement such system, they are welcome to do so, but don't expect a "reward" coming from us like that. Being in a good guild is its own reward from my point of view;

    f) If you aware actually worried that people will abuse it, you could be suggesting ways to punish guilds that do such abuse.

  9. a) It was a suggestion someone made, it's not even in the list on the original post;

    b) People will abuse anything. Ganking is nothing more than abusing your overwhelming advantage over people, yet it's legal. Kicking someone out of a group because a better option showed up is certainly abuse from the point of view of the kicked;

    c) I'm not going to bother with the "Blizzard didn't do it." If you can't understand the concept that decisions about what goes in and what doesn't are up to the Administration, be it like retail or not, and the fact most is like retail isn't a soul pact that it will all be like that, just like the fact an exception might be opened doesn't implies the community will get all sorts of custom stuff they ask, there's nothing I can add;

    d) Nothing about the idea is for "forcing" people to stay in guilds they don't want to belong to. All it aims and would achieve is that this choice would matter, just like the character name (and possibly even race and faction). That's one basic thing Kaer wanted from the start, for choices made on Lordaeron to matter;

    e) Giving rewards to players who stay within the guild would be completely up to the guild itself. If the Guild Master wants to implement such system, they are welcome to do so, but don't expect a "reward" coming from us like that. Being in a good guild is its own reward from my point of view;

    f) If you aware actually worried that people will abuse it, you could be suggesting ways to punish guilds that do such abuse.
    Firstly, my post is no more than a suggestion either i think thats obvious. We are all just expressing opinions here. Perhaps I made a mistake to aim it at you, i think its a worthy read to everyone who votes for implementing this system, even more so for those that will have an actual say in making it live.

    Second, i began with stating "put aside the possible abuses", it had nothing to do with my point. I dont care who will abuse what, really.

    Third, im well aware of the concepts and I have read a couple times on this thread that extremely custom ideas will be unlikely to make it to the actual realm, whilst some may get through. I am merely hoping this one wont make it, and confirmed it is a HIGHLY custom feature, which i dont think anyone should question. I dont know why youre jumping to my throat over this "blizzard didnt do it", its a totally valid argument that should be considered when implementing a custom feature.

    Fourth, choices ALWAYS matter. You can leave a small guild and see it rise later to become heavenly and regret it, things like that escalate themselves, as I said. Getting any kind of penalty in extra would be merely annoying as hell, as it expresses nothing but that the "server disagrees with your choice". Else why would it punish you?
    I simply disagree with Warmane gaining a right to punish us over a choice that is our own and nobody elses business. Thats just my opinion. And it was also stated in some post that the main idea is the "encourage" players to switch guilds less frequently. Even though "force" may be a bit of exaggeration, the concept is still to make objects stay in places where they dont want to, which comes down to "force" even in a simple basic physics class.

    Lastly, as someone posted above on Cata and later expansions guild reputation and guild perks actually serve that purpose so its not that impossible. It was just a constructive idea so that I offer an alternative instead of the idea I downvote.

  10. Firstly, my post is no more than a suggestion either i think thats obvious. We are all just expressing opinions here. Perhaps I made a mistake to aim it at you, i think its a worthy read to everyone who votes for implementing this system, even more so for those that will have an actual say in making it live.

    Second, i began with stating "put aside the possible abuses", it had nothing to do with my point. I dont care who will abuse what, really.

    Third, im well aware of the concepts and I have read a couple times on this thread that extremely custom ideas will be unlikely to make it to the actual realm, whilst some may get through. I am merely hoping this one wont make it, and confirmed it is a HIGHLY custom feature, which i dont think anyone should question. I dont know why youre jumping to my throat over this "blizzard didnt do it", its a totally valid argument that should be considered when implementing a custom feature.

    Fourth, choices ALWAYS matter. You can leave a small guild and see it rise later to become heavenly and regret it, things like that escalate themselves, as I said. Getting any kind of penalty in extra would be merely annoying as hell, as it expresses nothing but that the "server disagrees with your choice". Else why would it punish you?
    I simply disagree with Warmane gaining a right to punish us over a choice that is our own and nobody elses business. Thats just my opinion. And it was also stated in some post that the main idea is the "encourage" players to switch guilds less frequently. Even though "force" may be a bit of exaggeration, the concept is still to make objects stay in places where they dont want to, which comes down to "force" even in a simple basic physics class.

    Lastly, as someone posted above on Cata and later expansions guild reputation and guild perks actually serve that purpose so its not that impossible. It was just a constructive idea so that I offer an alternative instead of the idea I downvote.
    Having the 7 day block would make players be more careful about the guilds they choose to join and in case they would get kicked or leave they would have to wait until they could join another thus making the choice of a new guild even more important.

    Not having it would mean that ragequitters / trolls / ninjas / ******s would be happy to just join another guild before word came out about that persons behavior. Without namechange the realm and its players will be forced to act accordingly to the rules or just have to stop playing since he will be ignored by the most trusted guilds and players within hours of his name appearing on the forum.

    I would love to see this block implemented.

  11. Firstly, my post is no more than a suggestion either i think thats obvious. We are all just expressing opinions here. Perhaps I made a mistake to aim it at you, i think its a worthy read to everyone who votes for implementing this system, even more so for those that will have an actual say in making it live.

    Second, i began with stating "put aside the possible abuses", it had nothing to do with my point. I dont care who will abuse what, really.

    Third, im well aware of the concepts and I have read a couple times on this thread that extremely custom ideas will be unlikely to make it to the actual realm, whilst some may get through. I am merely hoping this one wont make it, and confirmed it is a HIGHLY custom feature, which i dont think anyone should question. I dont know why youre jumping to my throat over this "blizzard didnt do it", its a totally valid argument that should be considered when implementing a custom feature.

    Fourth, choices ALWAYS matter. You can leave a small guild and see it rise later to become heavenly and regret it, things like that escalate themselves, as I said. Getting any kind of penalty in extra would be merely annoying as hell, as it expresses nothing but that the "server disagrees with your choice". Else why would it punish you?
    I simply disagree with Warmane gaining a right to punish us over a choice that is our own and nobody elses business. Thats just my opinion. And it was also stated in some post that the main idea is the "encourage" players to switch guilds less frequently. Even though "force" may be a bit of exaggeration, the concept is still to make objects stay in places where they dont want to, which comes down to "force" even in a simple basic physics class.

    Lastly, as someone posted above on Cata and later expansions guild reputation and guild perks actually serve that purpose so its not that impossible. It was just a constructive idea so that I offer an alternative instead of the idea I downvote.
    a) Your whole post is on an "OMG why are you doing this, don't do this" tone. Nothing is being done yet;

    b) You started with those words, yes, but if you ignore possible abuses, your whole point falls apart. Take that foundation and your whole post is about some fear that people won't join guild out of worry of not liking the guild. What?;

    c) You're the one talking about how "Blizzard didn't do that, why would you." Keeping people from changing their character names also isn't "how Blizzard did it," it's just as "custom," and yet is on the list of features for Lordaeron;

    d) Don't be fickle and you'll have no problems. How many people guild-hop more than once a week? How many out of a legitimate reason instead of simply that they wanted help with this or that and once that's done the guild is disposable for them? The only thing that suggestion would do is make people actually think of a guild as something important, not something to change like underwear. No one would be "forced" to stay in a guild they didn't want to be part of - they would just need to wait before joining a new one;

    e) This isn't Cataclysm or later.

  12. a) Your whole post is on an "OMG why are you doing this, don't do this" tone. Nothing is being done yet;

    b) You started with those words, yes, but if you ignore possible abuses, your whole point falls apart. Take that foundation and your whole post is about some fear that people won't join guild out of worry of not liking the guild. What?;

    c) You're the one talking about how "Blizzard didn't do that, why would you." Keeping people from changing their character names also isn't "how Blizzard did it," it's just as "custom," and yet is on the list of features for Lordaeron;

    d) Don't be fickle and you'll have no problems. How many people guild-hop more than once a week? How many out of a legitimate reason instead of simply that they wanted help with this or that and once that's done the guild is disposable for them? The only thing that suggestion would do is make people actually think of a guild as something important, not something to change like underwear. No one would be "forced" to stay in a guild they didn't want to be part of - they would just need to wait before joining a new one;

    e) This isn't Cataclysm or later.
    I think you have a false image of my "tone" in your mind, but i suppose that isnt something I can change.
    Yes, my point was exactly that the biggest problem with the idea is the idea itself, not the possible exploits related. The idea for the server to hit its nose into something it shouldnt. Why not make a penalty for removing people from your friend list as well? Isnt friendship also about loyalty? (please feel the sarcasm)

    About people "hopping", on low levels/low gear, there is a HUGE player migration between newly formed guilds specially, this feature would prevent the healthy flow of migration while people are still looking for their place.
    Mostly, people who leave a guild do so in order to join another. So putting a 7day cd to prevent them from doing so is honestly - gay. I cannot find a better word. It would make more sense even to put a 7day CD on being able to leave a guild. (i.eg. gquit option wouldnt work for 7days after joining).
    This isnt Cataclysm? Indeed. But if you can think of implementing a fully custom feature that never existed on Blizzard, its equally possible to implement something that never existed on WOTLK, only later expansions. Dont think so?

  13. Name change blocking is more then enough to stop gankers,ninjas and etc.Beacuse word spreads quickly about such people,and trust me after changing a guild twice or thrice you aint gonna get away easily.Whereas guild joining serves no real purpose,there are no perks involved.Nothing,and beside Gm can kick you anytime he wants.So you will blame it on player if Gm kicks you for dislike etc/ .And there is no way telling when Lord opens how will Gms behave especially when it comes to guild bank etc.And people will test out as said in previous post to see what guilds are serious and what are not.Imagine this as joining the new job ?Would you enforce the rule to stay on particular job 30 days min?That would be hilarious.

    Name change prohitbitation serves that purpose.

  14. I think you have a false image of my "tone" in your mind, but i suppose that isnt something I can change.
    Yes, my point was exactly that the biggest problem with the idea is the idea itself, not the possible exploits related. The idea for the server to hit its nose into something it shouldnt. Why not make a penalty for removing people from your friend list as well? Isnt friendship also about loyalty? (please feel the sarcasm)

    About people "hopping", on low levels/low gear, there is a HUGE player migration between newly formed guilds specially, this feature would prevent the healthy flow of migration while people are still looking for their place.
    Mostly, people who leave a guild do so in order to join another. So putting a 7day cd to prevent them from doing so is honestly - gay. I cannot find a better word. It would make more sense even to put a 7day CD on being able to leave a guild. (i.eg. gquit option wouldnt work for 7days after joining).
    This isnt Cataclysm? Indeed. But if you can think of implementing a fully custom feature that never existed on Blizzard, its equally possible to implement something that never existed on WOTLK, only later expansions. Dont think so?
    I really don't think your behavior is appropriate. I'd appreciate it if you toned it down a bit.
    It was just a suggestion, you know. Like any other that has been posted in the thread. You are free to disagree, but getting hateful and rude because someone disagrees with your disagreement is not how these sorts of discussions should be handled.

    That being said, it was only a suggestion. Nothing more. Nothing less. Take it as such, not as a staff-wide point of approach to the realm.

  15. I would like to ask the mods about the capacity of the server, since i'm pretty sure it's going to be played by a lot of people and no one wants 1k queues on the start.

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