1. this is a normal encounter with a pvper for me on a daily basis


    so much leet world pvpness and not wantingness to **** on others or treat others bad. now i know not every pvper is like that, but the ones that are like normal people in the head dont have this sort of thought pattern

    i would instantly join a pve server if it was like lordaeron, heck i would even do a 1 time payment to have my account recieve a PvE flag personally i would prefer the second option.

    those self proclaimed "pvpers" here that cry are only scared that they would only face others that enjoy pvp and get an assbeating constantly bcus all they know is lowbie killing and ganking while you have 2 or 3 mobs on your *** already.
    Edited: October 30, 2015

  2. this is a normal encounter with a pvper for me on a daily basis


    so much leet world pvpness and not wantingness to **** on others or treat others bad. now i know not every pvper is like that, but the ones that are like normal people in the head dont have this sort of thought pattern

    i would instantly join a pve server if it was like lordaeron, heck i would even do a 1 time payment to have my account recieve a PvE flag.
    Reading that conversation gave me AIDS.

  3. In my time playing on this server, I've leveled many, many characters. I've been ganked in every area of the world. Never in a fair fight, every time, it was either multiple people, much higher level, or they attacked me when I was fighting a bunch of mobs. These children play the game only to harass others and always die easily to anybody their own level. So yes, being able to avoid them would be a great thing. Of course they would all cry like crazy if it was possible to disable pvp. Heck even now, the pvpers cry like crazy and constantly harass anybody who likes to pve instead.

  4. In my time playing on this server, I've leveled many, many characters. I've been ganked in every area of the world. Never in a fair fight, every time, it was either multiple people, much higher level, or they attacked me when I was fighting a bunch of mobs. These children play the game only to harass others and always die easily to anybody their own level. So yes, being able to avoid them would be a great thing. Of course they would all cry like crazy if it was possible to disable pvp. Heck even now, the pvpers cry like crazy and constantly harass anybody who likes to pve instead.
    I Agree completely.

  5. If gameplay is undesirable then go outside and take a break or find something else to play. I've leveled 2 alts so far, working on a 3rd, no deaths from players. It was the same before the wipe too, except I had over 15 alts. I find it fascinating just how quickly you guys can blow things out of proportion.

  6. If gameplay is undesirable then go outside and take a break or find something else to play. I've leveled 2 alts so far, working on a 3rd, no deaths from players. It was the same before the wipe too, except I had over 15 alts. I find it fascinating just how quickly you guys can blow things out of proportion.
    Anyone who opposes the idea of a purchasable PvP toggle is missing the point. If the masses prefer the option of purchasing a PvP toggle flag to choose their own world-PvP game experience how DARE you think that you should get a vote on an opinion on it? If you have the game experience you like, then don't purchase the PvP-toggle flag. That would be your option under the proposed idea. Everyone would have the same option. Equal choice for all. Everyone gets to choose the experience they want. And those who prefer PvP-Flag-toggle are willing to pay for it.

    Did you pay for your choice of having surprise world PvP? No one loses by EVERYONE getting to have the choice. Who knows, if you roll another new alt and get bothered a ton, you may just want to buy the flag too. All people are asking for is to have the option (at a fair price per account). That's it.

    This issue is rare in that no-one that is against it should have any voice in the matter. "Blah blah blah, I want to choose my own game experience but I do not want anyone else to be able to choose theirs....". Trolls be off with you.
    Edited: October 30, 2015

  7. this is a normal encounter with a pvper for me on a daily basis


    so much leet world pvpness and not wantingness to **** on others or treat others bad. now i know not every pvper is like that, but the ones that are like normal people in the head dont have this sort of thought pattern

    i would instantly join a pve server if it was like lordaeron, heck i would even do a 1 time payment to have my account recieve a PvE flag personally i would prefer the second option.

    those self proclaimed "pvpers" here that cry are only scared that they would only face others that enjoy pvp and get an assbeating constantly bcus all they know is lowbie killing and ganking while you have 2 or 3 mobs on your *** already.
    You started insulting him. Typical PvE player behaviour.

  8. You started insulting him. Typical PvE player behaviour.
    go troll somewhere else if you have nothing to add to the topic.

    If gameplay is undesirable then go outside and take a break or find something else to play. I've leveled 2 alts so far, working on a 3rd, no deaths from players. It was the same before the wipe too, except I had over 15 alts. I find it fascinating just how quickly you guys can blow things out of proportion.
    dude there are entire lvl 60 players groups (at some points i know even raids were formed) just to hunt and gank low level players. today again i dont know how many times some lvl 60 guys were in ratchet at the flightmaster killing low levels constantly that try to use the flightmaster. dont assume something only because of your biased perception of things.
    Edited: October 31, 2015

  9. Even if you level up in the most uncommon zones you will always have a chance to meet a ganker. Don't troll about it. Also because you may have no more than three zones to choose between when you are at a certain level, unless you are one of those who have always played only in high rates realms or if you just farm rdf while sitting in a capital city 24/7.
    If you ever leveled multiple characters you should know where to avoid. Sadly only 1 place you can't really avoid, and that is Hellfire, but once you leave that zone you're pretty much free from ganking.

  10. If the masses prefer the option of purchasing a PvP toggle flag to choose their own world-PvP game experience how DARE you think that you should get a vote on an opinion on it?
    Probably because it would obviously be a vote by the community, and me being here would make me part of said community, so I'm really missing how I shouldn't dare to participate. Better yet, how dare you participate?

    As for the rest, how dare you choose to play on a PvP server and then ***** about it later.

  11. As for the rest, how dare you choose to play on a PvP server and then ***** about it later.
    That's what gets me. "Oh but there's no other realms on Molten or Warmane that are "pve"" - But you had to come to Molten or Warmane at some point, at which point you agreed to use the server as-is, as per the ToS, no?

  12. That's what gets me. "Oh but there's no other realms on Molten or Warmane that are "pve"" - But you had to come to Molten or Warmane at some point, at which point you agreed to use the server as-is, as per the ToS, no?
    I believe people came here because they do not want to support Blizzard. I for one came here because of that (plus, I'd rather play the older versions of the game). But I do believe there should be something for everyone i.e. the purchasable PvP Flag for those who do not wish to be surprised while questing.

    Personally, I haven't experienced getting ganked (yet) but you can not do anything about players killing the NPCs for fun. They are already PvP. It is annoying yes but that is normal that players kill the NPCs just to mess around, no matter if it's retail WoW or here.

    Of course should everyone say their opinion and everyone should taking in consideration but without being rude. :)

  13. If you ever leveled multiple characters you should know where to avoid. Sadly only 1 place you can't really avoid, and that is Hellfire, but once you leave that zone you're pretty much free from ganking.
    thats a giant pile of steaming hot bull****, you get ganked even in ****ing desolace, when you ask people ingame 60% cant even say on which damn continent it is and you still get attacked by lvl 60s there. oh and btw hellfire is not the only one where you have no choice on a 1x realm with the old xp formulas, the only choice during tbc content will be netherstorm or shadowmoon valley and even then only if like 80%+ quests are working in those zones.

    That's what gets me. "Oh but there's no other realms on Molten or Warmane that are "pve"" - But you had to come to Molten or Warmane at some point, at which point you agreed to use the server as-is, as per the ToS, no?
    point me out a server project with same quality in wotlk that has pve servers, or is it simply that you are saying as a pve player we dont have the right to enjoy this quality of wotlk free servers and therefore should shut up ?

    every single pve player accepts that you like pvp, we dont have anything against it if you bash your head in together with someone else that likes pvp but why you as a pvper are so upset that we simply want the option to not have to pvp.

    like i said until some pvper delivers me a good explanation i am left with nothing else but to assume that those ppl against such a purchasable switch in the account management screen are just afraid that they will loose easy prey for virtual dickstroking and only get assbeatings.

    also anyone noticed ever any of the more known good pvpers cry about a purchasable option to turn off pvp for an account? nope its always some random joe that even in such threads proclaims "now bcus of this and that i will camp and hunt lowbies" as even demonstrated in this thread so far only reason delivered here was "wah wah wah i dont get to beat lowbies anymore"
    Edited: October 31, 2015

  14. well to put more fire on the bbq, can people explain to me how much fun it gives to go to Tarren Mill and kill every single person that is there in town.

    and to be honoust we are talking about people that have atleast lvl 63 so they can kill the lvl 65 elite deathgards, what kind of joy is that to player who loves ganking while a lvl 30 player try's to struggle with the quest that he or she gets from there to get higher so they can move on to other places, where ganking is more less than in the rest of the lordearon realm, in fact i made a alliance character and went on to the same area as the horde players go to and the disturbing thing i noticed that the alliance players are the biggest douchbags on the sever compared to the horde players.

    they even make a groupshout on the chat to form a group to "lets screw some hordies so they can't level".

    so if there if there are people who want's a pve server instead of a pvp server, yeah than i know why they want it, because there are special places for a pvp battle on pve servers but people in contested area's are protected against ganking and if you wanna fight in those area's than there has to be permision from both sides.

  15. point me out a server project with same quality in wotlk that has pve servers, or is it simply that you are saying as a pve player we dont have the right to enjoy this quality of wotlk free servers and therefore should shut up ?

    every single pve player accepts that you like pvp, we dont have anything against it if you bash your head in together with someone else that likes pvp but why you as a pvper are so upset that we simply want the option to not have to pvp.

    like i said until some pvper delivers me a good explanation i am left with nothing else but to assume that those ppl against such a purchasable switch in the account management screen are just afraid that they will loose easy prey for virtual dickstroking and only get assbeatings.

    also anyone noticed ever any of the more known good pvpers cry about a purchasable option to turn off pvp for an account? nope its always some random joe that even in such threads proclaims "now bcus of this and that i will camp and hunt lowbies" as even demonstrated in this thread so far only reason delivered here was "wah wah wah i dont get to beat lowbies anymore"
    Lol. You're really funny. Care to elaborate why you would classify me as a "pvper" since you know me oh so well?
    Would you also care to elaborate what pvp "dickstroking" has to do with me? Or with hunting low level players?
    Or, even better yet, would you care to elaborate what any of this has anything to do with what I said?

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