1. Seems like Mercy does not like me that much. :/
    Sad that I had to sacrifice my main forum account forever to get that kind of answer.

    Thank you for that answer, Kaer!
    This is what the community of Frostwolf wanted to hear.

    I hope for the best for the upcoming year.
    Good luck!


  2. Seems like Mercy does not like me that much. :/
    Sad that I had to sacrifice my main forum account forever to get that kind of answer.

    Thank you for that answer, Kaer!
    This is what the community of Frostwolf wanted to hear.

    I hope for the best for the upcoming year.
    Good luck!

    I hope it stays as a lesson that this kind of approach is absolutely unecessary. When you acuse our Staff to have a leak in order to call attention you are actually making things worse, as we will be wary of what can be informed or not. The reason we avoid giving ETAs is because if something go wrong and we postpone, we get a rain of tomatoes over us. So we decided upon waiting until there are no risks of postponing things.

    I swear that if for whatever reason this update need to wait 1-2 extra days and someone complain in a new topic, I'll close it outright and link to my post here.

  3. I hope it stays as a lesson that this kind of approach is absolutely unecessary. When you acuse our Staff to have a leak in order to call attention you are actually making things worse, as we will be wary of what can be informed or not. The reason we avoid giving ETAs is because if something go wrong and we postpone, we get a rain of tomatoes over us. So we decided upon waiting until there are no risks of postponing things.

    I swear that if for whatever reason this update need to wait 1-2 extra days and someone complain in a new topic, I'll close it outright and link to my post here.
    We would rather hear that than hear nothing for 3 weeks except for "Soon". The reason the community is pissed off is because we get no info, i'd rather here the update has been delayed x weeks/days than hear "soon".

  4. I know your feel. The problem is, it is stressful to give ETAs and read insults if the date isn't respected. You say "we" but you are speaking for yourself. In another situation, another user said "better not give any dates if you're going to delay" or worse yet "going to lie";

  5. I know your feel. The problem is, it is stressful to give ETAs and read insults if the date isn't respected. You say "we" but you are speaking for yourself. In another situation, another user said "better not give any dates if you're going to delay" or worse yet "going to lie";
    True, but its just really frustrating here "soon" all the time. And nothing ever comes :(

  6. Not sure why you (minimiri) were banned, but I'll quote you from a deleted message.

    I've been pointed to this topic so I will reply. As with all updates, 5.4.8 MoP update may introduce new issues, while resolving others and it is also an inevitable logical upgrade to the latest patch of Mists of Pandaria - the more we would've worked on 5.4.0 the more work we would've had to re-do for 5.4.8 update. Mists of Pandaria has already started having developers switch to it from Lordaeron as its Wrath of the Lich King content is about to be launched.

    Untrue. The only reason why Deathwing and Ragnaros have not been updated to Lordaeron's core is because the core hasn't been "run through" (tested) extensively enough for performance, stability and end-game content (that great majority of players are farming on Deathwing and Ragnaros) yet. Lordaeron's Wrath of the Lich King release is upon us, and with it we will start revising its end-game content (while it will remain closed on Lordaeron itself with respect to progression) in preparation to update Deathwing and Ragnaros in Q1 2016 (we're aiming for February 2016, but don't quote this as an official estimation).

    As it was stated, our priorities had been mainly on Wrath of the Lich King, specifically on developing Lordaeron and its core eventually improving Deathwing and Ragnaros to new a new, long-due, superior experience. Warmane had to make a choice to focus on an expansion and to deliver quality, rather than being jack of all trades, ace of none. That said, and as mentioned above, we've started to switch more manpower to Mists of Pandaria in preparation for its 5.4.8 update. Frostwolf's Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8 update will be launched after Lordaeron's Wrath of the Lich King update. This is due to some more development being required on it in terms of avoiding deteriorated end-game (Throne of Thunder as you mentioned) experience, what you said about 'Throne of Thunder has to be rewrritten from scratch' is untrue and far fetched, as of this moment I asked QA for an update on this and the up-to-date information is that Jin'rokh the Breaker, Horridon and the Council of Elders have some bugs issues while in general all bosses have a certain issue that require an internal core update.

    Hopefully this information cleared some misunderstanding and rumors.
    Kaer we all know you guys are focusing about lordareon,but u guys need to give us more information,u promised patch update like 2-3 weeks ago.Ppl wouldn't be mad and quiting server if u(not you,i mean developers) fix like 1-2 bugs that are anoying.For example if u guys fixed same faction rated battleground,3-4 guilds would go back to warmane.As u prob know,only pvp players quited warmane,and most of population plays pvp.Not even one pveer quit warmane coz they dont except much in pve coz it's pvp realm.

  7. Kaer we all know you guys are focusing about lordareon,but u guys need to give us more information,u promised patch update like 2-3 weeks ago.Ppl wouldn't be mad and quiting server if u(not you,i mean developers) fix like 1-2 bugs that are anoying.For example if u guys fixed same faction rated battleground,3-4 guilds would go back to warmane.As u prob know,only pvp players quited warmane,and most of population plays pvp.Not even one pveer quit warmane coz they dont except much in pve coz it's pvp realm.
    Please don't talk about the pve community when you don't know, i wouldn't say 90% of pve guilds that left "one pveer"

  8. Not sure why you (minimiri) were banned, but I'll quote you from a deleted message.

    I've been pointed to this topic so I will reply. As with all updates, 5.4.8 MoP update may introduce new issues, while resolving others and it is also an inevitable logical upgrade to the latest patch of Mists of Pandaria - the more we would've worked on 5.4.0 the more work we would've had to re-do for 5.4.8 update. Mists of Pandaria has already started having developers switch to it from Lordaeron as its Wrath of the Lich King content is about to be launched.

    Untrue. The only reason why Deathwing and Ragnaros have not been updated to Lordaeron's core is because the core hasn't been "run through" (tested) extensively enough for performance, stability and end-game content (that great majority of players are farming on Deathwing and Ragnaros) yet. Lordaeron's Wrath of the Lich King release is upon us, and with it we will start revising its end-game content (while it will remain closed on Lordaeron itself with respect to progression) in preparation to update Deathwing and Ragnaros in Q1 2016 (we're aiming for February 2016, but don't quote this as an official estimation).

    As it was stated, our priorities had been mainly on Wrath of the Lich King, specifically on developing Lordaeron and its core eventually improving Deathwing and Ragnaros to new a new, long-due, superior experience. Warmane had to make a choice to focus on an expansion and to deliver quality, rather than being jack of all trades, ace of none. That said, and as mentioned above, we've started to switch more manpower to Mists of Pandaria in preparation for its 5.4.8 update. Frostwolf's Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8 update will be launched after Lordaeron's Wrath of the Lich King update. This is due to some more development being required on it in terms of avoiding deteriorated end-game (Throne of Thunder as you mentioned) experience, what you said about 'Throne of Thunder has to be rewrritten from scratch' is untrue and far fetched, as of this moment I asked QA for an update on this and the up-to-date information is that Jin'rokh the Breaker, Horridon and the Council of Elders have some bugs issues while in general all bosses have a certain issue that require an internal core update.

    Hopefully this information cleared some misunderstanding and rumors.
    by the time 5.4.8 releases the server will be even more dead than before, your "staff" is focusing way too much on lord as usual and if u slowed down the process of Lord and worked on other things, you wouldn't have everyone on these forums roasting staff members. It is clear NO ONE is happy with this server, I'd garentee if you made a pole on "are you satisfied with the current state of frostwolf" AT LEAST 95% would say no, because? obvious reasons i dont have to get into that. If you think giving us information on these forum posts after a player begged for answers is what we want, you are insane and to think this makes up for anything is ridiculous. Although u can't make everyone happy, but by not communicating at all you are making no one happy XD you need to really think hard on what is fair for mop instead of pages and pages of updates for Lord while we get left with a broken server and nothing to do. Last thing i will say is people wont last here, WoD retail is actually gaining more hype now because they realize Legion is coming this summer including a movie which gets players back into playing it, you need to be careful or you could lose a hell of a lot of people.
    Edited: December 4, 2015

  9. I hope it stays as a lesson that this kind of approach is absolutely unecessary. When you acuse our Staff to have a leak in order to call attention you are actually making things worse, as we will be wary of what can be informed or not. The reason we avoid giving ETAs is because if something go wrong and we postpone, we get a rain of tomatoes over us. So we decided upon waiting until there are no risks of postponing things.

    I swear that if for whatever reason this update need to wait 1-2 extra days and someone complain in a new topic, I'll close it outright and link to my post here.
    "November 1, 2015
    As anticipated earlier, we will most likely finish our final preparations for the 5.4.8 update next week. " We don't talk about 2-3 days but for one month with no fixes or updates. Even last change log was 1 month before. And that's not the only problem, take a look on bgs which are filled up with afks and hackers, take a look at arenas where the best abuser wins. You report them on ticket, you get a copy paste answer and nothing happens. That's why people are mad.

  10. Meanwhile on PTR 10 people doing ToT HC...

  11. Meanwhile on PTR 10 people doing ToT HC...
    And it work! There aren't problem. They think only of Lordaeron and put in telling us that is a Christmas gift...

  12. And it work! There aren't problem. They think only of Lordaeron and put in telling us that is a Christmas gift...
    You mean like, how they tested each and every boss in ToT normal. Look how that turned out.

  13. To make it short, we need communication. If you can't give ETA & we respect that, stay in contact with people playing frostwolf.
    Like Kaer said, there are problems & can be more while wortking on 5.4.8 & giving an example was a lot better answer than no answer at all for weeks.
    Just like a devlog, doesn't necessairly contain ETAs, just the progression, regardless good or bad was it.
    --> communication, infos so that we don't feel that bad.

  14. The real problem its not the 5.4.8 or any other expantion but the simple fact that since the realising of the realm its been a long time and we still have like 1% of
    all content PVE (old and new) cosidering that almost all its closed (its just a personal opinion so feel free to agree or no)

  15. The real problem its not the 5.4.8 or any other expantion but the simple fact that since the realising of the realm its been a long time and we still have like 1% of
    all content PVE (old and new) cosidering that almost all its closed (its just a personal opinion so feel free to agree or no)
    That has a lot to do with the actual emulation project. You need to realize that MoP as an emulation project is very new, very fresh and a lot of things that are placed in the core are 'hacky' and barely work. This makes development a bit harder than what the average person thinks it is.

    The patch that's coming soon brings more support to what we want to do with the realm. It enables us to script some things. The current patch that Frostwolf is on doesn't have server-side support for some things we're looking to implement and it's absolutely necessary.

    Also the ETAs that were provided were from a developer's standpoint and issues can always pop up. For instance, you put a turkey in the oven and you think it'll be done in an hour and then the oven blows up and you have to re-bake it. In our desire to keep you informed, ETAs will remain what they are and that is ESTIMATED time of arrival and therefore not exactly correct and possible fluctuations will exist.

    Now about the additions that the patch will provide, it will give us more support to implement older raids, and do it without writing things from scratch.

    We're also present on the global channel from time to time and speak with the community in hope of keeping everyone informed, do keep in mind that there's a section of community managers, if you want a Community Manager to shed some spotlight PM any of the members of the group and ask questions.

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