1. what is this main team you spoke of friend?
    My Hpala/Thug? Are you gonna give me your IGN or are you gonna hide liek a ***** still? If you're gonna keep hiding then I'm just gonna ignore you, I have no time for trolls /shrug

  2. that was non existant at the time?
    ah, just now i noticed your edit, ok nice excuse then :/
    Edited: August 20, 2016

  3. You can face the same team/comp many times in a row. The population/pvp player base = low atm @ Warmane.

  4. alright lemme post the evidence of your wintrade http://armory.warmane.com/team/i+ran...harion/summary you fed this team on your horde chars, pallzdani/mindsear/idongtgiveafk on purpose so they gain mmr and its obvious this team qued only against you vs none else, after they got fed you logged your mains and gained mmr from them as you can see the disc has 0 healing couple of games and the warr did 10k dmg, also Peter is Indivision's char on his alternative account, 2nd time wintrading http://armory.warmane.com/team/need+...harion/summary feeding this team on your horde chars again, its obvious you fed em its random 3 dps with full pve gear ret then you logged main and farmed them and they ONLY qued when you qued which is pretty obvious, also they are from the same pve guild you are in on your horde ret I would like a GM response here in the topic to track your IP log on Peter and Indivision and to see the wintrade you did in 2 nights. I am done pce.
    Btw I am not Psiho, doesn't matter who I am tho just pointing out your wintrade.
    This is some Paranoia work right here bud. Our lord master and saviour would be proud.

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