1. Did a WSG in retail cata, I had my mate with me (Hpally) i was on my arms warrior (both humans). He carried the flag while i killed everyone that tried to stop him. Best move was when 2 rouges tried to stun lock us, both used EMFS he stunned 1 rouge while i hamstring the other, he runs rouge both sprint towards him. I used Heroic Leap but they were slightly ahead still then out of nowhere a dwarf Dk dropped down and destroyed both rouge in an instant, was freaky cool.

    You may say that an arms warr and a holy pally shoudl dominate 2 rouges, but the difference in gear was like Hogger to Deathwing lol :D

  2. TrueStory's Avatar
    Something epic i have done ?

    I killed hordes.

  3. why i love my blood dk? hmm
    Because you're an ashole, that's why. Only asholes like playing BDKs in arena. Being a BDK is the only reason you won vs that double Warr team. Not skill or your teammate or anything else. Bye.

  4. Multiblade's Avatar
    Because you're an ashole, that's why. Only asholes like playing BDKs in arena. Being a BDK is the only reason you won vs that double Warr team. Not skill or your teammate or anything else. Bye.
    I kinda find them easy since they cant do dmg nor help their teammate so i just kill his partner and peel him.

    On topic: Once in AV i soloed 10 horde as unholy dk (wotlk).

  5. I kinda find them easy since they cant do dmg nor help their teammate so i just kill his partner and peel him.
    This is what baffles me most of everything. Why do they even roll a BDK? I mean, they are useless - no damage, no support, no CC - nothing. They can 1v1 any physical class and carry the flag and... well, that's it. What's the use of playing BDK in arena?

    Usually, when I encounter a team w/ a BDK, we just kill the other one while the BDK trains my brother's healer and then I just kite the BDK, 'till my brother kills him with LBolt spam. It's just seriously ******ed...

  6. Gales's Avatar
    something epic of course invisible with my mage moving away from "Horde massacre zone" and boom take 4 flag of enemy at arathis basin,there were 3 or 4 people with me so it was like mission impossible, eventhough in the end as usuall we lost.

  7. Because you're an ashole, that's why. Only asholes like playing BDKs in arena. Being a BDK is the only reason you won vs that double Warr team. Not skill or your teammate or anything else. Bye.
    bloodDK are easy man.they won because they play on 1500 MMR normal player just faceroll people at this MMR.also there is not single blood DK high raiting.

  8. Tyriaq's Avatar
    people please why u come here and show off?
    Everything u do should be EPIC.

  9. Monad's Avatar
    Wow, so many ppl here 1v5 or even 1v10 and winning in BGs...

    I am truly amazed...

  10. Being a rogue is suffering.

    Just kidding, best class ever.

  11. Multiblade's Avatar
    Wow, so many ppl here 1v5 or even 1v10 and winning in BGs...

    I am truly amazed...
    Aaand what did you do,besides taking a sarcasm lessons?

  12. Monad's Avatar
    Aaand what did you do,besides taking a sarcasm lessons?
    Are you asking how my day was? How nice of you, a real gentleman. I appreciate it. x

  13. Because you're an ashole, that's why. Only asholes like playing BDKs in arena. Being a BDK is the only reason you won vs that double Warr team. Not skill or your teammate or anything else. Bye.
    Actually those warrs must suck 2 warrs kill a blood DK they just have to kite him when they can't stun or disarm so he doesn't heal up and even then 2 warrs should outdamage his heals

  14. Once defended a base againts zerg invasion, ONCE!

  15. THIS is teamwork...Kept 1-0 score for 22mins.

    P.S Scaredlol-gay donor that tryed to carry the horde team but in the end just **** his pants from raging too hard. :)

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