1. Thats just2bad4you... i know a few who like the idea and will come :)

    Serious or not, its still progressive pvp and thats what we want on lordareon ::D
    Progressive pvp? Do u know what mean? It mean that they must keep the same ilvl pvp and pve or u will see full t9.5 players vs full deadly. Legit. But nothing...I'm done. I have write xx times asking for a balanced season pve pvp with a length of 3 4 months at least. But nothing staff is blind or just ignore this fact. Idk...hf with your rush pve after 2 months u will have icc25h and rs opened and lorderon will be like dw and rag....gg wp

    Fat kids is referred to the players that want the new raid immediately after the first kill.

  2. Its all about keeping balance Ayame
    If we do for example one pvp season per month then that means that the pve content tier sets have to be released monthly. If pve gear is released faster you will have people using pve gear in arenas and battlegrounds, sometimes tiers above the available pvp gear. Vice versa also applies for using pvp gear in raids.

    However, releasing tiers of items on a monthly basis also means that the other two realms have to wait longer before this content is available to them (half a year if its one set/tier per month. There are 4 sets and 4 tiers + the 2 month initial delay before the release of Northrend).
    We could update DW and Rag to the Lordaeron core right after the release of Northrend, it all depends if the raid scripts are better or worse than the existing ones there

    PS. You wrote your reply as i was writing mine
    Edited: August 22, 2015

  3. Progressive pvp? Do u know what mean? It mean that they must keep the same ilvl pvp and pve or u will see full t9.5 players vs full deadly. Legit. But nothing...I'm done. I have write xx times asking for a balanced season pve pvp with a length of 3 4 months at least. But nothing staff is blind or just ignore this fact. Idk...hf with your rush pve after 2 months u will have icc25h and rs opened and lorderon will be like dw and rag....gg wp

    Fat kids is referred to the players that want the new raid immediately after the first kill.
    Aha, well releasing a new raid right after a kill would be superlame... only one raidgroup would be able to progress into the next raid while others straggle behind... Im sure that the staff will tell on the front-page "random-guild has slain last boss of random raid on Lordaeron, next progression awaits at set date"

    but im not sure xD

  4. It is actually really sad that transmogification will not be added to the game. I got a bit excited about farming old dungeon and raid gear to xmog while not raiding or doing PvP. You clear out a raid and when you are done you just sit in Orgrimmar and Stormwind :(

    This is just my personal opinion and I would most definately like for transmogification to be added to Lordaeron. Anyway, long live Warmane! :)

  5. It is actually really sad that transmogification will not be added to the game. I got a bit excited about farming old dungeon and raid gear to xmog while not raiding or doing PvP. You clear out a raid and when you are done you just sit in Orgrimmar and Stormwind :(

    This is just my personal opinion and I would most definately like for transmogification to be added to Lordaeron. Anyway, long live Warmane! :)
    Well, u can still clear out raid, take great-looking gear, wear them and sit in Orgrimmar/Stormwind or, better, Dalaran.
    Its just up to you.
    Having a trasmog set only influence ur aspect during the content (Raid, Dungeon, Bg, arena).
    If u just want to show ur awesome gear in the capitals, just wear it.

  6. Its all about keeping balance Ayame
    If we do for example one pvp season per month then that means that the pve content tier sets have to be released monthly. If pve gear is released faster you will have people using pve gear in arenas and battlegrounds, sometimes tiers above the available pvp gear. Vice versa also applies for using pvp gear in raids.

    However, releasing tiers of items on a monthly basis also means that the other two realms have to wait longer before this content is available to them (half a year if its one set/tier per month. There are 4 sets and 4 tiers + the 2 month initial delay before the release of Northrend).
    We could update DW and Rag to the Lordaeron core right after the release of Northrend, it all depends if the raid scripts are better or worse than the existing ones there

    PS. You wrote your reply as i was writing mine
    This is the point. You can't proclaim lorderon as hardcore server with 1 month vanilla tbc and after make only 1 month of progress after 4 months icc25h and wrathful will be released and gg

  7. This is the point. You can't proclaim lorderon as hardcore server with 1 month vanilla tbc and after make only 1 month of progress after 4 months icc25h and wrathful will be released and gg
    Hardcore realm means that rates will be 1x blizzlike.

    This progressive thing is just a bonus. This is a 3.3.5 realm. If you want full vanilla or tbc experience, go play in 1.12.1 or 2.4.3 realm.

  8. Well, u can still clear out raid, take great-looking gear, wear them and sit in Orgrimmar/Stormwind or, better, Dalaran.
    Its just up to you.
    Having a trasmog set only influence ur aspect during the content (Raid, Dungeon, Bg, arena).
    If u just want to show ur awesome gear in the capitals, just wear it.
    Exactly how everyone did on vanilla, 1 "set" for walking around in town, 1 set for raiding and 1 set for pvp.

    Not rly any need for any transmog.

    And for those saying that disabling RDF, adding a wpvp-chest and blocking progression are custom content, its not.

    1: RDF was not a part of the game until ICC opened, and probably will be the same here.

    2: WPvP-chest would be considered a pvp-event, and welcomed by most players. 300 vs 300 sounds nice right? xD

    3: Blocking progression gives the feeling of retail. With the new core and 100% working quests and dungeons we will HAVE that feeling :D

  9. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Season_5_Arena_rewards

    These were the real blizzlike length not random bull****.
    That might be so, but that is 5 months of 1 season... Im sure as hell not willing to wait for new raid content for that long. Not any other raider either :P

    And "blizzlike" does not mean we follow blizzards time-tables, only that the content of the game is as close to retail as possible. Following their time-tables would have it take 5 years until ICC opened xD

  10. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Season_5_Arena_rewards

    These were the real blizzlike length not random bull****.
    Reply was on the other thread, will just quote it here

    I gave you the ups and downs of each option... if long arena seasons are chosen then DW and Rag must be ported to the Lord Core before the Lord playerbase can even see the raids. To explain, long arena seasons will mean that you will have to wait over half a year to even see ICC, and i don't think the other two realms fancy waiting

    So that you don't misunderstand again, we can give you the long arena season periods, release the raids at the same pace and update DW and Rag to the Lord Scripts right as Northrend is released. The risk in that is that we are updating those two realms with scripts that no player has seen before, there may be crash issues or performance issues

  11. Did someone think that disabling the RDF will only penalize the 'solo' players?
    Player who have a guild and are organized will still do the dungeon with a great benefit over the solo one.
    So maybe just think to unlock DF for non-heroic dungeon.

  12. you should allow the Dungeon Finder

  13. you should allow the Dungeon Finder
    No, you shouldn't. There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn't do that one of which is progression. It's also one of many things that ruined WoW for me and many other people.

  14. What about city guards? They must be nerfed or else city raids will be impossible when Lordaeron is still in its Vanilla\BC state.

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