1. Prideful Gear

    I'm really targeting this at someone on staff here, but the community is free to answer if they actually have information. I have been browsing through the threads and posts for a long time looking to see if there is any time the staff is giving on when the new gear sets will be released. This is not a QQing thread at all; I actually don't want it released for a while because I just came to this server and am gearing up currently. The reason I am asking about if there is a release ETA is because I want to donate for some grievous weaps, but if prideful would come out soon (like in a month or less) it would feel like a waste of my money. Does anyone have any staff have info on this and is willing to respond?

  2. On one of the threads page 5-7 there was a one post of game master that they don't release new gear (if you would be searching for it using keyword prideful, you would never find it). I have only heard that Proterean wrote somewhere that new gear should be released on the next season, in 3 months.
    Anyway it will not be sooner than 3 months for sure. New gear can be released only when new season starts so 3 months is minimum. If not 3 months we will have to wait 6, 9, 12 and so on.

  3. Thank you so much. Appreciate it man

  4. Thank you so much. Appreciate it man

    u should know whenever old molten actual warmane announce for some things like this..i dont want to give examples for other subjects etc that they always delay with it more then they should...

  5. I dont think prideful gear will come before SoO because that would make current pve gear just worthless.

  6. There should be no hurry to release prideful. I'd be fine with 2 years from now. It takes 10,000 years of boredom to get full set grievous anyhow because of the weekly conquest limit of 1800/2200, so have to give the casual players time to get geared. But really, the biggest thing that should happen before they release prideful is for them to release a bunch more battlegrounds. By the time people get full grievous they are soooooooooooo sick of the tiny number of battlegrounds that they will not want to have to grind for another 10,000 years to get prideful..... ;-)

  7. Really? What's with the others that already have 6-7-8 characters with full grivious gear? All PvE players should cry and wait for SoO, because casual players need 200 years to get grivious gear? lol

  8. There should be no hurry to release prideful. I'd be fine with 2 years from now. It takes 10,000 years of boredom to get full set grievous anyhow because of the weekly conquest limit of 1800/2200, so have to give the casual players time to get geared. But really, the biggest thing that should happen before they release prideful is for them to release a bunch more battlegrounds. By the time people get full grievous they are soooooooooooo sick of the tiny number of battlegrounds that they will not want to have to grind for another 10,000 years to get prideful..... ;-)
    If you need 10,000 years to get full griev then you shouldn't play PvP >.>

  9. They have said before, prideful gear won't be coming until Siege of orgrimmar is released.

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