1. Some cool addon I found - Kong Automatic UI Hider

    Hello guys,

    Don't know if this is the place to post this. Here we go.

    Wanted to take a screen capture with my friend and I but also wanted to hide all the UI like in other games. Tried to find a key binding but with no luck.
    So I found this addon that does something else.
    It hides all the UI components automatically. When in combat it shows all the stuff it has hidden, which does not interrupt your gameplay. Also can be customized with delay and a fade in on mouseover which is pretty cool. It makes a nice animation showing stuff.
    I don't have much more addons that customize my UI but it detected most of my other addons and could hide also them. Pretty cool.

    The addon is called Kong Automatic UI Hider here is the link:

    Anyways, I thought this is cool so I just wanted to share it.
    Edited: December 16, 2021

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