Good day!

I would like to seek help here as it was advised by the in-game GM in Icecrown.

Yesterday, at around 6PM Server time, I was looking for a Tailor to help me in making Lightweave Leggings and Sandals of Consecration. This player named Duler whispered me offering to make the things I need.

We met and traded, then after receiving the items, he left. He did not go offline, but just went to ICC to raid. It was reported to his guild and he was kicked as they saw my screenshots.

Now, I opened a ticket reporting this incident. After a few hours of waiting, the in-game GM replied saying that the evidence I have is not enough. I understand that the items will not be replaced or reimbursed, I only hope for one thing, for this player to at least be suspended to avoid similar instances in the future.

Here are the links for screenshots.

Trade window -
Conversation -

All the best,
